Is the Christian Mikkelsen Audible Publishing Method a Worthwhile Investment

Audible Publishing Method

The outlook for the global economy is unpredictable, and your family’s financial success may be directly correlated to the efficiency of the methods utilized to earn extra income. Are you interested in getting rich quickly using a quick procedure that doesn’t require much effort?

If so, you may have heard of the Rasmus & Christian Mikkelsen Audible publishing system. With the help of their Audiobook Income Academy 2.0 program, they claim to assist in identifying Amazon’s opportunities, and they promote the usage of ghostwriters and narrators to publish audiobooks on Audible, Amazon’s audiobook platform. But are they legit?

Well, the program is real, lasts six weeks, and costs about $1500. However, the cost is higher if you want to pay in separate iterations. Compared to similar programs on the internet, the Audiobook Academy promoted by Mikkelsen Bros is a costly undertaking.

But the information presented may be helpful to a good number of people. The course reviews are primarily positive, and the information presented aims to identify the primary methods by which you can systematize the process of creating audiobooks.

The Mikkelsen brothers focus on quantity, not quality, and have an industrial approach to developing creative works.

The Rasmus and Christian Mikkelsen Audible program has one primary advantage: your money will be refunded if you do not make a significant profit within the first 180 days after completing the course. However, the history of the Mikkelsen brothers might make you doubt their claims.

And their promises, although they sound good on paper, might take a lot of work to be put into practice. The audiobook market, at least when it comes to authors on Audible, is crowded, and an approach that systematizes the processes required for publication, while it may be efficient, will still have to prioritize the quality of the finished product.

What’s the History of the Mikkelsen Brothers? 

Amazon is the most popular E-commerce platform in the world, and the profit that can be recorded due to its success has made the emergence of entrepreneurs like Rasmus and Christian Mikkelsen a natural occurrence.

Who are they? They are two brothers, originally from the United States, who, after being disillusioned with the prospects offered by the European job market, decided to return home and open various online businesses and side-gigs, the most profitable of which turned out to be book publishing via Amazon’s Audible platform.

However, the history of the Mikkelsen twins is shrouded in controversy, with Christian’s Amazon account being shut down in 2019 for using AI and poorly translated content in published books. They made a profit of $60,000 in their first business year.

But since then, the only published work under their name that appears in Amazon searches is “The Freedom Shortcut: How Anyone Can Generate True Passive Income Online!”. Which is precisely the book that promotes their Audiobook Income Academy program.

Their justification is that they learned their lesson after the 2019 controversy, and nowadays, they don’t need to publish books under their name, as the income provided by the Academy is sufficient for their needs.

This could be considered a red flag, and indeed the final price of the course may be hard to justify when looking at the professional track record of the people involved.

Nevertheless, the program does not promise to revolutionize the industry or to provide you with never-seen-before tips that lead to your guaranteed profit.

On the contrary, the Audiobook Income Academy acknowledges that any future profits you make will only be possible with the help of a significant investment in the processes that make audiobook recording possible.

Is the Rasmus & Christian Mikkelsen Audible Program Worthwhile? 

The answer to this question will depend on your expectations. The Audiobook Income Academy is expensive for what it offers and does not present never-seen-before information about the processes behind Audiobook creation.

The course lasts six weeks, and its modules have changed between version 1.0 and 2.0. But by and large, the program’s selling points are the same.

The first few weeks focus on identifying the categories where you could concentrate your efforts without facing stiff competition. And then, the Mikkelsen twins introduce the concept of Ghost Audio. A process by which you could hire ghostwriters, narrators, and editors to handle the Audiobook creation process for you.

However, this approach has a problem, and that’s the required investment. By hiring third parties, you outsource your needs to more competent individuals.

And while it’s true that this can increase the chances of your audiobooks recording a positive ROI, success is by no means guaranteed, and the individuals hired, even if they charge a favorable rate, will put a dent in your budget.

The Ramus & Christian Mikkelsen Audible course does not provide information currently unavailable for free on the internet. However, the resources may indeed be utilized by people interested in this field. Is it a scam? Not exactly. At worst, it’s a waste of time, while at its best, it could provide valuable info to interested parties.

However, these resources do not guarantee their success. Many such programs could offer similar benefits at a lower price. And if you want to find out about them, you should visit Careercrawlers.

Should You Invest in Audiobook Publishing? 

This will depend on the originality of your published work. The Amazon ACX program offers up to 40% royalties for exclusive audiobooks, which can be attractive to many people. However, the audiobook market is crammed, and new submissions, if they are not licensed audiobooks of renowned works, may need help finding an audience.

To be successful, you will need to invest in the professional services of ghostwriters and narrators, and you will need to advertise in niche categories, for which it may be more difficult to create original content.

For example, do you think you could create audiobooks for children? Then think again, as this category has millions of such works, which have oversaturated the market. Instead, a wise approach might be to publish works in specialized subject categories, where the information presented will be more practical in nature.

However, the more niche the field, the more challenging it will be to find writers. And when you find them, the higher the prices charged will be.

Results May Vary

Remember how we specified earlier that the Mikkelsen brothers hadn’t published a new audiobook since 2019? Their justification is that the course provides their primary income source.

But perhaps the truth is more nuanced, and it wouldn’t look good if the books published by the people wanting to sell you an online course about Audiobook publishing were floundering in mediocrity and not registering the promised sales.

The audiobook market has potential, but in the end, finding a magic approach to achieve immediate profitability does not exist.

The Audiobook Income Academy carries a price tag that is hard to justify for what it offers. But is it a scam? In short, no. The information presented is basic and does not present ground-shaking secrets.

But at the same time, the course is not trying to promote a pyramid scheme that guarantees short-term success by inviting other people in.

Instead, the Audiobook Income Academy tries in seven weeks to give you the basic information needed to become profitable on Audible with the help of ghostwriters and narrators.

If the story of this program ended here, then everything would be somewhat shady. But the course’s refund policy states you can get your money back at any time within the first six months if you are not satisfied with your progress.

From this point of view, the Rasmus & Christian Mikkelsen Audible program cannot be considered a scam. At worst, it’s a waste of your time, while at best, it could provide the information you require for long-term financial success.

This is a Contributor Post. Opinions expressed here are opinions of the Contributor. Grindsuccess does not endorse or review brands mentioned; does not and cannot investigate relationships with brands, products, images used and people mentioned, and is up to the Contributor to disclose.

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