The 3 questions you should ask before getting up

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? Use those minutes before starting your day to reflect and prepare for job challenges.
The first hours of the morning are ideal to clear your mind for the rest of the day.
As an entrepreneur, one of the best practices is to start the day with optimistic and daring questions that will allow you to visualize what comes next. This helps you be prepared for opportunities throughout the day, opening your eyes for when inevitable challenges appear. We recommend asking yourself these three questions before leaving bed:
Who can I help today?
There is a famous phrase from Plato that says “Be nice because each person you meet is fighting a hard battle.” It’s easy to wake up and your first thoughts are “I didn’t get enough sleep” or “I’m busy … how can I end it all?”
Although those thoughts are normal, they are not very inspiring. All people have something different to offer us. When you start your day by asking how you can help, it is equivalent to saying ” I have something to offer and something to give .”
That is a more empowering path: offering value. Spend a few minutes thinking of new ways you can help people and pay attention throughout the day when new opportunities may arise.
What can I improve?
This can be as specific as you like, but the point is that you conceptualize what positive actions you can take today to be a little better than the day before.
Were you lazy about going to the gym when you needed to go? How can you take a positive step to make sure it doesn’t happen again? Did you lose your patience with someone at work and would have preferred to handle it better? Think about how you can approach that person and, if necessary, apologize for your bad behavior.
It is not about being perfect or false but trying to make a greater effort every day than yesterday. Just as success doesn’t happen overnight for your business, you won’t quickly become a great leader or entrepreneur. Every day you will have more wisdom and a greater commitment to improving in your own life.
How can I create value today?
Although this sounds similar to asking “Who can I help?” This is about creating value in your work. It is important to think of ways in which your work helps others.
It can be through a quality service or some product you offer or even when sharing content, the form is not important, it is the value. The value that you are motivated to create will instinctively join your mission for better results.