619+ Cool Restaurant Instagram Names Ideas To Attract [2025]
Here we’ve put together these lists of 619+ Catchy, Cool, Good, Fancy, and Best restaurant names and name ideas, & also provided you with a step-by-step guide on how to name your instagram. So that you can easily develop your own restaurant instagram name.
Here’s the big list of instagram username ideas that covers most popular industries, Also you can check the directory of instagram captions, instagram bio, instagram hashtags and instagram quotes.
Restaurant Instagram Username Generator
If necessary, you can use a restaurant instagram username generator to generate thousands of restaurant name ideas for free from the keywords you enter. It’s quick, easy, and a ton of fun.
Restaurant Name Ideas List
- The Modern (@TheModern)
- Bajis Cafe (@BajisCafe)
- Cascal (@Cascal)
- Chilly and the Cheese Factory
- The Burning Brownie (@TheBurningBrownie)
- USA Bakery (@USABakery)
- Cucina Venti Restaurant (@CucinaVentiRestaurant)
- Le Pigeon (@LePigeon)
- Your Aesthetic (@YourAesthetic)
- Benno Restaurant (@BennoRestaurant)
- Lahaina Grill (@LahainaGrill)
- Club A Steakhouse (@ClubASteakhouse)
- Pizzeria Cafe (@PizzeriaCafe)
- Acquerello (@Acquerello)
- Gabriel Kreuther (@GabrielKreuther)
- Breakfast at any Time [BAAT]
- Zahav (@Zahav)
- Daniel (@Daniel)
- SAJJ Mediterranean (@SAJJMediterranean)
- Gochi Japanese Fusion Tapas
- Oh My Grill (@OhMyGrill)
- Employees Only (@EmployeesOnly)
- Signature Cuisine (@SignatureCuisine)
- Ding Tai Fung (@DingTaiFung)
- The Taste and Beyond (@TheTasteandBeyond)
- Pandora (@Pandora)
- Blind Faith (@BlindFaith)
- Boka (@Boka)
- Highlands Bar & Grill (@HighlandsBarampGrill)
- Blue Valley (@BlueValley)
- Meat You There (@MeatYouThere)
- Chef’s Choice (@ChefsChoice)
- Benu (@Benu)
- La Fontaine (@LaFontaine)
- ViVe Sol (@ViVeSol)
- Gotham (@Gotham)
- Monteverde Restaurant & Pastificio
- Eureka! (@Eureka)
- Why So Delicious (@WhySoDelicious)
- Next Restaurant (@NextRestaurant)
- Nusr-Et Steakhouse Dallas (@NusrEtSteakhouseDallas)
- Bohemian (@Bohemian)
- Manresa (@Manresa)
- Let’s Ambush (@LetsAmbush)
- The Eclectic Taste (@TheEclecticTaste)
- My Food Diary (@MyFoodDiary)
- Food Island (@FoodIsland)
- Le Coucou (@LeCoucou)
- Bliss mind (@Blissmind)
- El Mercado Restaurant (@ElMercadoRestaurant)
- Levy Restaurants (@LevyRestaurants)
- Coquine (@Coquine)
- Ninety Nine (@NinetyNine)
- The Rooftop Grill and Bar (@TheRooftopGrillandBar)
- Honest Schaumburg (@HonestSchaumburg)
- Alphabet Eatery (@AlphabetEatery)
- The Standard (@TheStandard)
- Napoletana Pizzeria (@NapoletanaPizzeria)
- Vernick Food & Drink (@VernickFoodampDrink)
- Le Petit Bistro (@LePetitBistro)
- Eleven Madison Park (@ElevenMadisonPark)
- Crepevine Restaurants (@CrepevineRestaurants)
- Blue Hill (@BlueHill)
- Canlis (@Canlis)
- The Ship (@TheShip)
- Epic Dining (@EpicDining)
- Smokey’s Texas Grill (@SmokeysTexasGrill)
- Saison (@Saison)
- Paul Martin’s America (@PaulMartinsAmerica)
- Kokkari Estiatorio (@KokkariEstiatorio)
- 80’s Belt Burger (@80sBeltBurger)
- Anna Bella (@AnnaBella)
- Blue Smoke (@BlueSmoke)
- Chez TJ (@ChezTJ)
- Scratch (@Scratch)
- The Independence (@TheIndependence)
- Charleston (@Charleston)
- The Bacon Movement (@TheBaconMovement)
- Pizza Italian Heart (@PizzaItalianHeart)
- Vetri Cucina (@VetriCucina)
- Le Bernardin (@LeBernardin)
- Momofuku Ko (@MomofukuKo)
- Emerald Grill (@EmeraldGrill)
- Chef First (@ChefFirst)
- Blue Plates (@BluePlates)
- Girl & The Goat (@GirlampTheGoat)
- Le Diplomate (@LeDiplomate)
- Marea (@Marea)
- The Rose Palace (@TheRosePalace)
- Gramercy Tavern (@GramercyTavern)
- Del Posto (@DelPosto)
- Talula’s Garden (@TalulasGarden)
- Papa John’s (@PapaJohns)
- Full Moon (@FullMoon)
- Jockey (@Jockey)
- The Golden Era (@TheGoldenEra)
- Big Moe’s Diner (@BigMoesDiner)
- Karachi Silver Spoon (@KarachiSilverSpoon)
- Alinea (@Alinea)
- Oriole (@Oriole)
- Cast Diners (@CastDiners)
- Texas Steakhouse (@TexasSteakhouse)
- Cheesy Love (@CheesyLove)
- Quince (@Quince)
- Taste Elements (@TasteElements)
- kitchen (@kitchen)
- Arrow Spoon (@ArrowSpoon)
- The Heaven’s Kitchen (@TheHeavensKitchen)
- Carmine’s Italian Restaurant
- 715 Restaurant (@715Restaurant)
- Oren’s Hummus (@OrensHummus)
- Tasty Delights (@TastyDelights)
- Dozens Restaurant (@DozensRestaurant)
Catchy restaurant name ideas
- Go Twist (@GoTwist)
- Dinner by Heston Blumenthal
- Sketch (@Sketch)
- Like No Udder (@LikeNoUdder)
- Full Moon (@FullMoon)
- Crazy Cut (@CrazyCut)
- Kinship (@Kinship)
- Momofuku Ko (@MomofukuKo)
- Dine Fine (@DineFine)
- Chicken and Spices (@ChickenandSpices)
- Happy evolve (@Happyevolve)
- Craft Beer (@CraftBeer)
- The Hebbet (@TheHebbet)
- Skydeck (@Skydeck)
- Fresh Ingredients (@FreshIngredients)
- Hollo Follo (@HolloFollo)
- Happyway (@Happyway)
- Golden Greek (@GoldenGreek)
- Scully St James’s (@ScullyStJamess)
- The Royal Lounge (@TheRoyalLounge)
- Pita Pan (@PitaPan)
- The Taste Element (@TheTasteElement)
- Filled of Dreams (@FilledofDreams)
- Golden Ledge (@GoldenLedge)
- Arcadian Café (@ArcadianCaf)
- The Spice (@TheSpice)
- Eleven Madison Park (@ElevenMadisonPark)
- Niles (@Niles)
- Tavern (@Tavern)
- The Catch of the Day (@TheCatchoftheDay)
- Cozy Cuisine (@CozyCuisine)
- Gramercy Tavern (@GramercyTavern)
- Caviar Bar (@CaviarBar)
- Indigo Grill (@IndigoGrill)
- Gotham (@Gotham)
- Fussio (@Fussio)
- The Barbary (@TheBarbary)
- Boulevard 53 (@Boulevard53)
- Fun Circle Retro (@FunCircleRetro)
- Quince (@Quince)
- The Marine Room (@TheMarineRoom)
- Opera (@Opera)
- Happy way (@Happyway)
- Fortune (@Fortune)
- Bright (@Bright)
- True Food Kitchen (@TrueFoodKitchen)
- Crab Hut (@CrabHut)
- Grebb (@Grebb)
- Gourmet Meal (@GourmetMeal)
- Chez Billy Sud (@ChezBillySud)
- California Pizza Kitchen (@CaliforniaPizzaKitchen)
- Upland (@Upland)
- The Patio (@ThePatio)
- King Lee’s Finest (@KingLeesFinest)
- Conch it Up Soul Food (@ConchitUpSoulFood)
- Perfect Place (@PerfectPlace)
- The Big 4 (@TheBig4)
- Alexander The Great (@AlexanderTheGreat)
- Glam Chilly (@GlamChilly)
- Chez Bruce (@ChezBruce)
- Fruddize (@Fruddize)
- Andya Greek Taverna (@AndyaGreekTaverna)
- Manhatta (@Manhatta)
- Habits By [Your City Name]
- The Bear & The Monarch
- The Burning Brownie (@TheBurningBrownie)
- Classic Corn in (@ClassicCornin)
- Le Bernardin (@LeBernardin)
- E Pellicci (@EPellicci)
- Glass Onion (@GlassOnion)
- Chef Parade (@ChefParade)
- Pointe Restaurant (@PointeRestaurant)
- Providence (@Providence)
- Sabor (@Sabor)
- Dobar (@Dobar)
- Sears Fine Food (@SearsFineFood)
- Marea (@Marea)
- The Burning Giraffe (@TheBurningGiraffe)
- Chipotle Meal (@ChipotleMeal)
- Per Se (@PerSe)
- Heart Beats food (@HeartBeatsfood)
- Gluttony! (@Gluttony)
- Mamma Mia (@MammaMia)
- Sushi Tetsu (@SushiTetsu)
- The Golden Duck (@TheGoldenDuck)
- Fun Flaviyo (@FunFlaviyo)
- Goodnest (@Goodnest)
- Daniel (@Daniel)
- The Pearl of the Sea (@ThePearloftheSea)
- Hill Crest (@HillCrest)
- The NoMad Restaurant (@TheNoMadRestaurant)
- Le Coucou (@LeCoucou)
- Crazy Grill (@CrazyGrill)
- Blue Collar (@BlueCollar)
- Bells and Peppers (@BellsandPeppers)
- Seven Spices (@SevenSpices)
- London Courtyard (@LondonCourtyard)
- Chili Flora (@ChiliFlora)
- The Lakhani (@TheLakhani)
- Harley Food Center (@HarleyFoodCenter)
- Hot Gear (@HotGear)
- Little Star Pizza (@LittleStarPizza)
- Upper Deck (@UpperDeck)
- Le Parfait (@LeParfait)
- Dorrance (@Dorrance)
- Epic Dining (@EpicDining)
- Beaver Choice (@BeaverChoice)
- Fruce (@Fruce)
- Daily Delight (@DailyDelight)
- Brewhouse (@Brewhouse)
- Fishing with Dynamite (@FishingwithDynamite)
- Angler (@Angler)
- The Opera Café (@TheOperaCaf)
- Award Wieners (@AwardWieners)
![619+ Cool Restaurant Instagram Names Ideas To Attract [2025] Catchy restaurant name ideas](https://grindsuccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Catchy-Restaurant-Name-Ideas-1-683x1024.webp)
Creative restaurant names & ideas
- Captiva Island (@CaptivaIsland)
- Basso (@Basso)
- Di Fara Pizza (@DiFaraPizza)
- Pick a Platter (@PickaPlatter)
- The Hungry Caterpillar (@TheHungryCaterpillar)
- Signature Dish (@SignatureDish)
- Five Restaurant (@FiveRestaurant)
- Poke Life (@PokeLife)
- Revelry Bistro (@RevelryBistro)
- Management Fee (@ManagementFee)
- Sensory Experience (@SensoryExperience)
- Red Tablecloth (@RedTablecloth)
- Amsterdam (@Amsterdam)
- Ready Restaurants (@ReadyRestaurants)
- Queenstown Public House (@QueenstownPublicHouse)
- Rules (@Rules)
- Tofino (@Tofino)
- Oasis Cafe (@OasisCafe)
- The Pantry Restaurant (@ThePantryRestaurant)
- Ancora! (@Ancora)
- Pots and Kettles (@PotsandKettles)
- The MARK (@TheMARK)
- Pita Pan (@PitaPan)
- The Federal (@TheFederal)
- Rock and Roll cafe (@RockandRollcafe)
- Shakes Skewers (@ShakesSkewers)
- Rocket Restaurants (@RocketRestaurants)
- Performance Dining (@PerformanceDining)
- Project Juice (@ProjectJuice)
- Royal (@Royal)
- Café Zouk (@CafZouk)
- Daily Deli (@DailyDeli)
- Pinch Kitchen (@PinchKitchen)
- Recipes Restaurant (@RecipesRestaurant)
- Thrive (@Thrive)
- Pied a Terre (@PiedaTerre)
- South (@South)
- All Set Restaurant & Bar
- Thai Tanic (@ThaiTanic)
- Perfect Dish (@PerfectDish)
- Nations Restaurant News (@NationsRestaurantNews)
- MGM Grand (@MGMGrand)
- Recommended Restaurant (@RecommendedRestaurant)
- Mediterranean Seafood (@MediterraneanSeafood)
- Rich Table (@RichTable)
- India’s Restaurant (@IndiasRestaurant)
- The Food Connoisseurs (@TheFoodConnoisseurs)
- Pig N’ Pancake (@PigNPancake)
- Kitchen Equipment (@KitchenEquipment)
- Rolls (@Rolls)
- Tom’s Sushi House (@TomsSushiHouse)
- The Original Mexican Restaurant
- Quickly (@Quickly)
- Darden Restaurants (@DardenRestaurants)
- Planet of the Grapes (@PlanetoftheGrapes)
- The American (@TheAmerican)
- Rice House (@RiceHouse)
- Yum! Restaurants International
- Chipotle (@Chipotle)
- Colorado (@Colorado)
- Story Restaurant (@StoryRestaurant)
- Perfect Place (@PerfectPlace)
- Valor Glencoe (@ValorGlencoe)
- PM Fish & Steak House (@PMFishampSteakHouse)
- Fish and Chips (@FishandChips)
- The Hard Rock Café (@TheHardRockCaf)
- Godot (@Godot)
- Plane Grill (@PlaneGrill)
- Sister (@Sister)
- Quince (@Quince)
- Portland (@Portland)
- Roadside Pickups (@RoadsidePickups)
- Rebar (@Rebar)
- Peter Luger Steak House (@PeterLugerSteakHouse)
- Eataly Boston (@EatalyBoston)
- Cinemark Hollywood Movies 20
- Point (@Point)
- The Lost Door (@TheLostDoor)
- Oyster (@Oyster)
- Punjabi (@Punjabi)
- Pasta Beach (@PastaBeach)
- Fusion (@Fusion)
- The Smoking Goat (@TheSmokingGoat)
- Salted Grill (@SaltedGrill)
- Fiddler’s Green (@FiddlersGreen)
- Ocean City (@OceanCity)
- Phuc Noodle (@PhucNoodle)
- Perfect Setting (@PerfectSetting)
- The Burger Lab (@TheBurgerLab)
- Steele (@Steele)
- Quick Eats (@QuickEats)
- Plumed Horse (@PlumedHorse)
- Steakhouse (@Steakhouse)
- Neighbors of Sylvan Park (@NeighborsofSylvanPark)
- Meat You There (@MeatYouThere)
- Finest Dining (@FinestDining)
- Cheesy Grill (@CheesyGrill)
- Hollywood (@Hollywood)
- Umami Burger (@UmamiBurger)
- French Gourmet (@FrenchGourmet)
- Oregon (@Oregon)
- Rusty Pelican (@RustyPelican)
- Meat the Cheese (@MeattheCheese)
- Saber (@Saber)
- Rainforest Cafe (@RainforestCafe)
- The Flying Wok (@TheFlyingWok)
- St Francis Winery & Vineyards
- Rocco’s Cafe (@RoccosCafe)
- Chops and Hops (@ChopsandHops)
- Red Dragon (@RedDragon)
- Honest Niles (@HonestNiles)
- Chili’s Grill & Bar (@ChilisGrillampBar)
- The Pink Door (@ThePinkDoor)
- Nobu Corporate Office (@NobuCorporateOffice)
Best fancy restaurant instagram names ideas
- The Hungrella (@TheHungrella)
- Vilas (@Vilas)
- Vessel Restaurant (@VesselRestaurant)
- Pick a Platter (@PickaPlatter)
- The Hungry Caterpillar (@TheHungryCaterpillar)
- Evening Eve (@EveningEve)
- Yellow Submarine (@YellowSubmarine)
- Mad Munch (@MadMunch)
- Circa 1886 Restaurant (@Circa1886Restaurant)
- Finger Floyd (@FingerFloyd)
- Chais & Thais (@ChaisampThais)
- Rudy & Paco Restaurant and Bar
- Eat Bite (@EatBite)
- Awakening Coffeehouse (@AwakeningCoffeehouse)
- Max & More (@MaxampMore)
- Masa (@Masa)
- Dagny’s Delight (@DagnysDelight)
- The Elephant and the Mouse
- Columbia Restaurant – Celebration
- Warm Delight (@WarmDelight)
- Pots and Kettles (@PotsandKettles)
- Mai’s Restaurant (@MaisRestaurant)
- Pita Pan (@PitaPan)
- City Grocery (@CityGrocery)
- Orchids at Palm Court (@OrchidsatPalmCourt)
- Shakes Skewers (@ShakesSkewers)
- The Mission (@TheMission)
- Lalista (@Lalista)
- MadWings (@MadWings)
- The Cheesecake Factory (@TheCheesecakeFactory)
- Café Zouk (@CafZouk)
- Daily Deli (@DailyDeli)
- Libby (@Libby)
- Yummy Delights (@YummyDelights)
- Your Cook (@YourCook)
- Lapse By [Your Name] (@LapseByYourName)
- Indian tulip (@Indiantulip)
- Walton’s Restaurant (@WaltonsRestaurant)
- Thai Tanic (@ThaiTanic)
- Joystick (@Joystick)
- The Mill Restaurant (@TheMillRestaurant)
- Heart Attack Grill (@HeartAttackGrill)
- Bryant Park Grill (@BryantParkGrill)
- The Lazy Lemur (@TheLazyLemur)
- Sushi Nakazawa (@SushiNakazawa)
- Very Homemade Food (@VeryHomemadeFood)
- The Food Connoisseurs (@TheFoodConnoisseurs)
- Pig N’ Pancake (@PigNPancake)
- Masala (@Masala)
- The Compound Restaurant (@TheCompoundRestaurant)
- The Proper Restaurant & Bar
- Columbia Restaurant Sand Key
- More Mood (@MoreMood)
- Brave New Restaurant (@BraveNewRestaurant)
- Planet of the Grapes (@PlanetoftheGrapes)
- Assemble Restaurant (@AssembleRestaurant)
- Gibsons Bar & Steakhouse
- Turn (@Turn)
- Wok This Way (@WokThisWay)
- Hurry Curry (@HurryCurry)
- Xin Chao Vietnamese Restaurant
- Jungle Drum (@JungleDrum)
- Vietnamese Street Food (@VietnameseStreetFood)
- Loving Monte (@LovingMonte)
- Naan Better (@NaanBetter)
- Jun Japanese Restaurant (@JunJapaneseRestaurant)
- The Hard Rock Café (@TheHardRockCaf)
- Explore the (@Explorethe)
- Loafers Hits (@LoafersHits)
- Water Grill (@WaterGrill)
- Beatles (@Beatles)
- Fred’s Tacos Corner (@FredsTacosCorner)
- Atelier Crenn (@AtelierCrenn)
- A&W Restaurant (@AampWRestaurant)
- Viet Food (@VietFood)
- World Famous (@WorldFamous)
- The Fort (@TheFort)
- Mad Desi (@MadDesi)
- The Lost Door (@TheLostDoor)
- Faith Dining (@FaithDining)
- Magic hands (@Magichands)
- Crossroad Hotel (@CrossroadHotel)
- Hungry Puppets (@HungryPuppets)
- The Smoking Goat (@TheSmokingGoat)
- Vegans Come Here (@VegansComeHere)
- Fiddler’s Green (@FiddlersGreen)
- It`s Vintage (@ItsVintage)
- Hunger Games (@HungerGames)
- Kurious (@Kurious)
- The Burger Lab (@TheBurgerLab)
- Curry Out (@CurryOut)
- Mexx Restro (@MexxRestro)
- Loved (@Loved)
- Elite Joy (@EliteJoy)
- Moto (@Moto)
- Meat You There (@MeatYouThere)
- Desi Eatery (@DesiEatery)
- Cheesy Grill (@CheesyGrill)
- Fatty Fingers (@FattyFingers)
- Elegance (@Elegance)
- Crew Cafe (@CrewCafe)
- Desi Addict (@DesiAddict)
- Fishing With Dynamite (@FishingWithDynamite)
- Meat the Cheese (@MeattheCheese)
- Crisp (@Crisp)
- Dragon (@Dragon)
- The Flying Wok (@TheFlyingWok)
- In Paris Restaurant (@InParisRestaurant)
- State Bird Provisions (@StateBirdProvisions)
- Chops and Hops (@ChopsandHops)
- Columbia Restaurant (@ColumbiaRestaurant)
- Fixe Southern House (@FixeSouthernHouse)
- Wise Sons (@WiseSons)
- The Pink Door (@ThePinkDoor)
Unique American restaurant names
- Pink Door (@PinkDoor)
- Up On Knox (@UpOnKnox)
- Instagram Cafe & Bar (@InstagramCafeampBar)
- The Food Boutique (@TheFoodBoutique)
- Sweet Affairs (@SweetAffairs)
- Marine Room (@MarineRoom)
- The Polo Bar (@ThePoloBar)
- Los Angeles (@LosAngeles)
- Service Supplied (@ServiceSupplied)
- Alabama (@Alabama)
- Homemade Bagels (@HomemadeBagels)
- Service First (@ServiceFirst)
- Chophouse (@Chophouse)
- Sears Fine Food (@SearsFineFood)
- American Chinese (@AmericanChinese)
- HG Sply Co. (@HGSplyCo)
- Ottawa (@Ottawa)
- Morgan (@Morgan)
- The River Seafood (@TheRiverSeafood)
- Thai Thai Restaurant (@ThaiThaiRestaurant)
- Spin (@Spin)
- Tin Roof (@TinRoof)
- Moda (@Moda)
- The Rowdy Ones (@TheRowdyOnes)
- Six Seven Restaurant (@SixSevenRestaurant)
- Kings and Queen (@KingsandQueen)
- Owen & Engine (@OwenampEngine)
- Sinstagram Plant (@SinstagramPlant)
- Foreign Word (@ForeignWord)
- Gloria’s Latin Cuisine (@GloriasLatinCuisine)
- Dessert Directory (@DessertDirectory)
- Single Shot (@SingleShot)
- Pot Au Feu (@PotAuFeu)
- The Red Door (@TheRedDoor)
- The Purple Pig (@ThePurplePig)
- Pittsburgh (@Pittsburgh)
- Miami (@Miami)
- Truluck’s (@Trulucks)
- Signature Café (@SignatureCaf)
- Montana (@Montana)
- Top of the Mark (@TopoftheMark)
- True Food Kitchen (@TrueFoodKitchen)
- Seaview Restaurant (@SeaviewRestaurant)
- San Francisco (@SanFrancisco)
- Shaker + Spear (@ShakerSpear)
- Taverna (@Taverna)
- Sunrise Bar and Café (@SunriseBarandCaf)
- Divine Bites (@DivineBites)
- Comfort Food (@ComfortFood)
- Sundown at Granada (@SundownatGranada)
- The Signature Room (@TheSignatureRoom)
- The Slanted Door (@TheSlantedDoor)
- Sea Breeze (@SeaBreeze)
- Udupi (@Udupi)
- Brass Tracks (@BrassTracks)
- The Saddle River Inn (@TheSaddleRiverInn)
- Seven Hills (@SevenHills)
- Toscana (@Toscana)
- Meso Maya Comida y Copas (@MesoMayaComidayCopas)
- Maryland (@Maryland)
- O. Ranch Steakhouse (@ORanchSteakhouse)
- Clifton (@Clifton)
- Harry Potter (@HarryPotter)
- Veganic Corner (@VeganicCorner)
- Townsend (@Townsend)
- Heirloom Café (@HeirloomCaf)
- Massachusetts (@Massachusetts)
- Garden Of Eden (@GardenOfEden)
- Kalachandji’s (@Kalachandjis)
- Sea Miracle (@SeaMiracle)
- Lockhart (@Lockhart)
- Shuckers Restaurant (@ShuckersRestaurant)
- Season 53 (@Season53)
- Al Biernat’s (@AlBiernats)
- The Capital Grille (@TheCapitalGrille)
- Top of the Market (@TopoftheMarket)
- Prevent Fraud (@PreventFraud)
- Café Aylanto (@CafAylanto)
- Agent Jack (@AgentJack)
- Indian Cuisine (@IndianCuisine)
- Nacho (@Nacho)
- Steelers (@Steelers)
- Sambo (@Sambo)
- Aw Shucks (@AwShucks)
- Loco’s (@Locos)
- Burger King (@BurgerKing)
- Strip Steak (@StripSteak)
- Rhode Island (@RhodeIsland)
- Barefoot Bar and Grill (@BarefootBarandGrill)
- Porridge Cafe (@PorridgeCafe)
- Salty Squid (@SaltySquid)
- Pho Shizzle (@PhoShizzle)
- Upland (@Upland)
- The Smoking Goat (@TheSmokingGoat)
- Eat More (@EatMore)
- Maldives (@Maldives)
- Ocean’s Star (@OceansStar)
- Melbourne (@Melbourne)
- Santa (@Santa)
- Blue Collar (@BlueCollar)
- New Orleans (@NewOrleans)
- Truck Yard (@TruckYard)
- The Duke’s Clubhouse (@TheDukesClubhouse)
- Toulouse Knox Street (@ToulouseKnoxStreet)
- Sea Spice (@SeaSpice)
- The Aviary (@TheAviary)
- The Spanish Kitchen (@TheSpanishKitchen)
- Silver River (@SilverRiver)
- Terraces (@Terraces)
- Serious Service (@SeriousService)
- The Rosebud (@TheRosebud)
- Pecan Lodge (@PecanLodge)
- Freddy’s (@Freddys)
- The View Lounge (@TheViewLounge)
Clever restaurant instagram names ideas
![619+ Cool Restaurant Instagram Names Ideas To Attract [2025] Clever restaurant instagram names ideas](https://grindsuccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clever-Restaurant-Instagram-Names-Ideas.webp)
![619+ Cool Restaurant Instagram Names Ideas To Attract [2025] Clever restaurant instagram names ideas](https://grindsuccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clever-Restaurant-Instagram-Names-Ideas.webp)
- Sweet Dreams (@SweetDreams)
- Upland (@Upland)
- The River Seafood (@TheRiverSeafood)
- Largosta (@Largosta)
- Café Italiano (@CafItaliano)
- Soul Food (@SoulFood)
- Crab Hut (@CrabHut)
- Flight Restaurant and Wine Bar
- Melisse Restaurant (@MelisseRestaurant)
- sketch (@sketch)
- Street Delights (@StreetDelights)
- The Grey (@TheGrey)
- Spicy (@Spicy)
- Providence (@Providence)
- August (@August)
- The Deck (@TheDeck)
- Staple & Fancy (@StapleampFancy)
- Steak House (@SteakHouse)
- Gaslamp Fish House (@GaslampFishHouse)
- Urban Remedy (@UrbanRemedy)
- Alloro (@Alloro)
- Queenstown Public House (@QueenstownPublicHouse)
- Café Di Milano (@CafDiMilano)
- King Lee’s (@KingLees)
- German Food (@GermanFood)
- La Rustica (@LaRustica)
- Core by Clare Smyth (@CorebyClareSmyth)
- Jungsik (@Jungsik)
- Charleston Grill (@CharlestonGrill)
- The Capital Grille (@TheCapitalGrille)
- Little Italy (@LittleItaly)
- Il Rigatone (@IlRigatone)
- Acadia (@Acadia)
- Fog Harbor (@FogHarbor)
- Famous Lunch (@FamousLunch)
- Animal Restaurant (@AnimalRestaurant)
- Taco Mayo (@TacoMayo)
- Wise Sons (@WiseSons)
- Tonda (@Tonda)
- Tanta (@Tanta)
- Rocco’s Cafe (@RoccosCafe)
- The Fishery (@TheFishery)
- Gary Danko (@GaryDanko)
- Street (@Street)
- Jean-Georges (@JeanGeorges)
- The Red Door (@TheRedDoor)
- Bella Buena (@BellaBuena)
- La Trota (@LaTrota)
- Sugar Blast (@SugarBlast)
- The Ledbury (@TheLedbury)
- Marina Kitchen (@MarinaKitchen)
- Munch Box (@MunchBox)
- Bestia (@Bestia)
- Stomach Clinic (@StomachClinic)
- Pearls of Italy (@PearlsofItaly)
- Like No Udder (@LikeNoUdder)
- Husk (@Husk)
- The Table at Season To Taste
- Bean Around (@BeanAround)
- Sweet Snow (@SweetSnow)
- Chewy Balls (@ChewyBalls)
- Bones Restaurant (@BonesRestaurant)
- Townsend (@Townsend)
- Sotto (@Sotto)
- Street Taco (@StreetTaco)
- The Local House (@TheLocalHouse)
- Aroma Di Italy (@AromaDiItaly)
- Sonic Drive-In (@SonicDriveIn)
- The French Laundry (@TheFrenchLaundry)
- Zero Restaurant (@ZeroRestaurant)
- Restaurant Gordon Ramsay (@RestaurantGordonRamsay)
- Skate And Stay (@SkateAndStay)
- The Sea Spice (@TheSeaSpice)
- Bateau (@Bateau)
- Tower 23 Hotel (@Tower23Hotel)
- Cafe Coyote (@CafeCoyote)
- True Food Kitchen (@TrueFoodKitchen)
- Craft (@Craft)
- Sicily Bites (@SicilyBites)
- Sloppy Eats (@SloppyEats)
- Double Knot (@DoubleKnot)
- Stateside (@Stateside)
- Sweet Escape (@SweetEscape)
- La Pino’s (@LaPinos)
- The Local Eatery (@TheLocalEatery)
- Buonissimo (@Buonissimo)
- Tall Oaks Café (@TallOaksCaf)
- Sunrise Café (@SunriseCaf)
- Amico Chef (@AmicoChef)
- Starbelly (@Starbelly)
- Estela (@Estela)
- Cafe Monarch (@CafeMonarch)
- Spaghetti House (@SpaghettiHouse)
- My Dung (@MyDung)
- Aroma Di Italia (@AromaDiItalia)
- Spicy Dragon (@SpicyDragon)
- Luigi’s Café (@LuigisCaf)
- Skillet Counter (@SkilletCounter)
- Spice Villa (@SpiceVilla)
- Station (@Station)
- Spruce (@Spruce)
- The Egg & Us (@TheEggampUs)
- Ti Amo (@TiAmo)
- The Incredible Cafe (@TheIncredibleCafe)
- Ya (@Ya)
- Al Forno (@AlForno)
- North Beach (@NorthBeach)
- Amrutha Lounge (@AmruthaLounge)
- La Padella (@LaPadella)
- Spoon and Stable (@SpoonandStable)
- Hereford Grill (@HerefordGrill)
- 750 Restaurant (@750Restaurant)
- Sforno (@Sforno)
- Opera Cafe (@OperaCafe)
Cool restaurant instagram names ideas list
- The Golden Stool (@TheGoldenStool)
- Los Padres Mexican Food (@LosPadresMexicanFood)
- Cliff House (@CliffHouse)
- Spice It Up (@SpiceItUp)
- Insomnia Kitchen (@InsomniaKitchen)
- Gather (@Gather)
- The Loop – Minneapolis (@TheLoopMinneapolis)
- The Old Spaghetti Factory (@TheOldSpaghettiFactory)
- Les Nomades (@LesNomades)
- Rose’s Luxury (@RosesLuxury)
- GW Fins (@GWFins)
- Olive Garden Italian Restaurant
- Din Tai Fung (@DinTaiFung)
- NoMI Kitchen (@NoMIKitchen)
- Joel Robuchon (@JoelRobuchon)
- Joe’s Kansas City Bar-B-Que
- Alta (@Alta)
- Cotogna (@Cotogna)
- La Cocina (@LaCocina)
- The Point Restaurant (@ThePointRestaurant)
- Gourmet Grill (@GourmetGrill)
- Casa Bonita (@CasaBonita)
- Butlers Café (@ButlersCaf)
- The Northern Lake (@TheNorthernLake)
- The Munch Box (@TheMunchBox)
- Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen
- The Local House (@TheLocalHouse)
- The Patio (@ThePatio)
- Tuscany Courtyard (@TuscanyCourtyard)
- Firefly Restaurant (@FireflyRestaurant)
- The Marine Room (@TheMarineRoom)
- Fin Japanese Cuisine (@FinJapaneseCuisine)
- Honest Restaurant Brampton
- The Lost Kitchen (@TheLostKitchen)
- The Incredible Cafe (@TheIncredibleCafe)
- Our Best (@OurBest)
- The Food Canteen (@TheFoodCanteen)
- The Kitchen (@TheKitchen)
- The Pump Bar (@ThePumpBar)
- The Dam (@TheDam)
- Addison Restaurant (@AddisonRestaurant)
- The Original (@TheOriginal)
- Merchants (@Merchants)
- Island Prime (@IslandPrime)
- The Fat Duck (@TheFatDuck)
- The Food Place (@TheFoodPlace)
- Buckhorn Exchange Restaurant
- The Chicken (@TheChicken)
- Benihana (@Benihana)
- TAO Downtown Restaurant (@TAODowntownRestaurant)
- Denny’s (@Dennys)
- Golden Greek (@GoldenGreek)
- Lawry’s Restaurants, Inc.
- The Catbird Seat (@TheCatbirdSeat)
- The Rim (@TheRim)
- Galaxy Restaurant (@GalaxyRestaurant)
- The House (@TheHouse)
- The Bottle (@TheBottle)
- The Kitchen Table (@TheKitchenTable)
- Lawry’s The Prime Rib (@LawrysThePrimeRib)
- The Monarch (@TheMonarch)
- The Fishery (@TheFishery)
- The Dallas World Aquarium (@TheDallasWorldAquarium)
- The Heritage Restaurant (@TheHeritageRestaurant)
- FIG (@FIG)
- The Melting Pot (@TheMeltingPot)
- Switch Brick-Oven Pizza & Wine Bar
- Super Fat Rice Mart (@SuperFatRiceMart)
- Geronimo (@Geronimo)
- L’Auberge Chez Francois (@LAubergeChezFrancois)
- Hugo’s (@Hugos)
- A&W (@AampW)
- Curbside Burgers (@CurbsideBurgers)
- The Nutty Bunch (@TheNuttyBunch)
- The Delicatessen (@TheDelicatessen)
- Arethusa al tavolo (@Arethusaaltavolo)
- The Pink Door (@ThePinkDoor)
- COI (@COI)
- The Good Life Eatery (@TheGoodLifeEatery)
- The English Tea House (@TheEnglishTeaHouse)
- Patina Restaurant (@PatinaRestaurant)
- Grab a Bite Restaurant and Café
- The Inn (@TheInn)
- The French Gourmet (@TheFrenchGourmet)
- The Local Eatery (@TheLocalEatery)
- Coco’s Den (@CocosDen)
- Via Carota (@ViaCarota)
- Casa Barilla (@CasaBarilla)
- The Mission (@TheMission)
- The Table (@TheTable)
- On Premise (@OnPremise)
- Peri Bites (@PeriBites)
- Restaurant Guy Savoy (@RestaurantGuySavoy)
- The Grove (@TheGrove)
- Frasca Food and Wine (@FrascaFoodandWine)
- The Old Fashioned (@TheOldFashioned)
- Mama’s Fish House (@MamasFishHouse)
- Parachute (@Parachute)
- Aliada (@Aliada)
- Waterfront (@Waterfront)
- Commander’s Palace (@CommandersPalace)
- The Restaurant at Meadowood
- Coffee and Tea (@CoffeeandTea)
- Hanna’s (@Hannas)
- Metro Café (@MetroCaf)
- 21 Club (@21Club)
- Around the Corner (@AroundtheCorner)
- The Point Bar & Grill (@ThePointBarampGrill)
- Rocco’s Bar (@RoccosBar)
- Westfield Century City (@WestfieldCenturyCity)
Fun restaurant instagram names ideas
- Staying Lodges (@StayingLodges)
- Garage Kitchen + Bar (@GarageKitchenBar)
- Xander’s Café (@XandersCaf)
- Copper Kettle (@CopperKettle)
- Oven Degree (@OvenDegree)
- Crest Cafe (@CrestCafe)
- Truejoy (@Truejoy)
- Starbelly (@Starbelly)
- Old World Charm (@OldWorldCharm)
- Sharp Knives (@SharpKnives)
- Tasty Dots (@TastyDots)
- Pebble (@Pebble)
- The Rosebud (@TheRosebud)
- Top of the Mark (@TopoftheMark)
- Brass Tacks (@BrassTacks)
- Remarkable (@Remarkable)
- Russo Redd (@RussoRedd)
- Foxsister (@Foxsister)
- Harvest Beat (@HarvestBeat)
- Slice of Spice (@SliceofSpice)
- Pane & Vino (@PaneampVino)
- Bread and Butter (@BreadandButter)
- Halls Chophouse (@HallsChophouse)
- Goosefoot (@Goosefoot)
- This Just Inn (@ThisJustInn)
- Gemini (@Gemini)
- West Coast Chef (@WestCoastChef)
- Tru’min (@Trumin)
- Catch 35 (@Catch35)
- Layers (@Layers)
- The Divine Tiffin (@TheDivineTiffin)
- Vintage Pieces (@VintagePieces)
- EPIC Steak (@EPICSteak)
- Double Decker (@DoubleDecker)
- Wave’s (@Waves)
- Sweet Munchies Here (@SweetMunchiesHere)
- Grubstake (@Grubstake)
- Urban Kitchen (@UrbanKitchen)
- Why Tortilicious (@WhyTortilicious)
- Americano (@Americano)
- Blue Hill At Stone Barns (@BlueHillAtStoneBarns)
- Tasty Trails (@TastyTrails)
- Rustic Ray (@RusticRay)
- Pier 23 (@Pier23)
- Catch of the Day (@CatchoftheDay)
- The Flour Works (@TheFlourWorks)
- Urban Spatula (@UrbanSpatula)
- Snack Bar Express (@SnackBarExpress)
- Everest (@Everest)
- King and Queen (@KingandQueen)
- Lattetude (@Lattetude)
- The Sugar Fix (@TheSugarFix)
- La Table Houston (@LaTableHouston)
- The Succulent Nectar (@TheSucculentNectar)
- Heirloom Cafe (@HeirloomCafe)
- Plumed Horse (@PlumedHorse)
- Buccan (@Buccan)
- A Salt & Battery (@ASaltampBattery)
- Suede Dinner (@SuedeDinner)
- Chart House (@ChartHouse)
- White Wish (@WhiteWish)
- Full Moon (@FullMoon)
- Urban Spoon (@UrbanSpoon)
- Sling Delight (@SlingDelight)
- Signature (@Signature)
- Latte Me Live (@LatteMeLive)
- Orange Dining (@OrangeDining)
- Vintage Burgers (@VintageBurgers)
- Hot & Crusty (@HotampCrusty)
- The Style (@TheStyle)
- Night Hills (@NightHills)
- Parallel 37 (@Parallel37)
- The Aviary (@TheAviary)
- Daily Grill (@DailyGrill)
- Brewed Awakening (@BrewedAwakening)
- Ruth’s Chris Steak House
- Urban Sense (@UrbanSense)
- Dessert Delights (@DessertDelights)
- Open Zest (@OpenZest)
- Tribal Fiesta (@TribalFiesta)
- Royal Crest (@RoyalCrest)
- Street Stuff (@StreetStuff)
- The Melting Pot (@TheMeltingPot)
- Burger & Beer Joint (@BurgerampBeerJoint)
- Food’o Clock (@FoodoClock)
- Yellow Veg (@YellowVeg)
- Stay Fit (@StayFit)
- White slurps (@Whiteslurps)
- Tasty Treats (@TastyTreats)
- Reunion Table (@ReunionTable)
- Tiny Tasty (@TinyTasty)
- Vinery Tastes (@VineryTastes)
- Oye Frendy’s (@OyeFrendys)
- Lazy Bear (@LazyBear)
- The Good Spot Café (@TheGoodSpotCaf)
- The New Montana Restaurant
- The Uptown Café (@TheUptownCaf)
- Open Spicy (@OpenSpicy)
- Palm Crown (@PalmCrown)
- Royalist (@Royalist)
- Red Energy (@RedEnergy)
- Blue Plate (@BluePlate)
- Smoke House (@SmokeHouse)
- Bones (@Bones)
- Asian Cuisine (@AsianCuisine)
- The Green City Project (@TheGreenCityProject)
- Level III Restaurant (@LevelIIIRestaurant)
- Lord Stanley (@LordStanley)
- The Ladle and Spoon (@TheLadleandSpoon)
- Tasty Elements (@TastyElements)
- Golden Era (@GoldenEra)
- 5 Spot (@5Spot)
- House of Cuisines (@HouseofCuisines)
- Mad for Chicken (@MadforChicken)
Cute restaurant instagram names ideas
- Peter Pan (@PeterPan)
- Simple (@Simple)
- S. Egg Brunch Restaurant North Scottsdale
- Have a Bread (@HaveaBread)
- Pier 27 (@Pier27)
- Devin Bush (@DevinBush)
- Fearing’s Restaurant (@FearingsRestaurant)
- The Back Room (@TheBackRoom)
- The F-Hole (@TheFHole)
- Canada (@Canada)
- Yann Martel (@YannMartel)
- The Dinning Room (@TheDinningRoom)
- Passive Investor (@PassiveInvestor)
- The Chocolate Log (@TheChocolateLog)
- The Bones (@TheBones)
- Ristorante Bartolotta dal 1993
- Nonstick Cookware (@NonstickCookware)
- South Indian (@SouthIndian)
- Vie Restaurant (@VieRestaurant)
- Galatoires (@Galatoires)
- Island Prime (@IslandPrime)
- Bite-Sized (@BiteSized)
- Blue Mermaid (@BlueMermaid)
- Pizzeria Delfina – Mission
- The Melting Pot (@TheMeltingPot)
- Instagram Café and Bar (@InstagramCafandBar)
- Handle (@Handle)
- Tasty Meals (@TastyMeals)
- The Bacon Diet (@TheBaconDiet)
- Chin Chin Las Vegas (@ChinChinLasVegas)
- Bone China (@BoneChina)
- Urban Café (@UrbanCaf)
- Tasty Time (@TastyTime)
- One Third (@OneThird)
- Chez Panisse (@ChezPanisse)
- Tasty Things (@TastyThings)
- Canadian (@Canadian)
- The Breakfast Bar (@TheBreakfastBar)
- Nutrolicious (@Nutrolicious)
- Tim Burton (@TimBurton)
- BJ’s Restaurant Brewhouse
- Boogie bites (@Boogiebites)
- The Corner House (@TheCornerHouse)
- Pennsylvania (@Pennsylvania)
- The Root Cafe (@TheRootCafe)
- Katz’s Delicatessen (@KatzsDelicatessen)
- Roadside Inn (@RoadsideInn)
- Capital Inn (@CapitalInn)
- Park Bench (@ParkBench)
- S. Egg Breakfast & Lunch
- Big Table (@BigTable)
- Bistro (@Bistro)
- The Cafe Baraco (@TheCafeBaraco)
- Brass Tacks (@BrassTacks)
- Café Coyote (@CafCoyote)
- Earl of Sandwich (@EarlofSandwich)
- Rustic Canyon (@RusticCanyon)
- Blue Cuttlefish (@BlueCuttlefish)
- La Lucha (@LaLucha)
- Zambezi River (@ZambeziRiver)
- Chimney Park Restaurant & Bar
- Rattlesnake Saloon (@RattlesnakeSaloon)
- Eat Restaurant (@EatRestaurant)
- That Restaurant (@ThatRestaurant)
- Banana Leaf (@BananaLeaf)
- Blue Plate (@BluePlate)
- Double Knot (@DoubleKnot)
- Vancouver (@Vancouver)
- Thai Me Up (@ThaiMeUp)
- The Chef (@TheChef)
- The Capital Grille (@TheCapitalGrille)
- Denver (@Denver)
- CIRCA at Foggy Bottom (@CIRCAatFoggyBottom)
- The Clock Tower (@TheClockTower)
- Terza (@Terza)
- S. Egg Breakfast & Lunch Chandler
- Blue Collar (@BlueCollar)
- The Aviary (@TheAviary)
- Opera House (@OperaHouse)
- Pita Pan (@PitaPan)
- The Boat (@TheBoat)
- Mexican Cuisine (@MexicanCuisine)
- Bob Coffee Lab (@BobCoffeeLab)
- Peking Inn (@PekingInn)
- V’s Italiano Ristorante (@VsItalianoRistorante)
- Uptown Café (@UptownCaf)
- Cat Cafe (@CatCafe)
- Spear Smoque (@SpearSmoque)
- Whispering Bamboo (@WhisperingBamboo)
- Café 21 (@Caf21)
- Chipotle Mexican Grill (@ChipotleMexicanGrill)
- The Breakfast Story (@TheBreakfastStory)
- Thai The Knot (@ThaiTheKnot)
- Tom Wolf (@TomWolf)
- Bistro Builders (@BistroBuilders)
- The View Lounge (@TheViewLounge)
- Salvador Dali (@SalvadorDali)
- The French Gourmet (@TheFrenchGourmet)
- Lowell (@Lowell)
- Devil Island Prison (@DevilIslandPrison)
- New York City (@NewYorkCity)
- Fried Chicken (@FriedChicken)
- Next Door American Eatery (@NextDoorAmericanEatery)
- Umami (@Umami)
- Breitbach’s Country Dining
- The Chef in the Hat (@TheChefintheHat)
- Hob Knob (@HobKnob)
- Bite Me Sandwiches (@BiteMeSandwiches)
- Lantern (@Lantern)
- The Brasserie (@TheBrasserie)
- The Deck (@TheDeck)
- The Branch Restaurant & Bar
- Coltivare Pizza & Garden
- The Tavern (@TheTavern)
- Bites (@Bites)
Guide: How To Name Your Restaurant Instagram
Do you know what the characteristics of the best restaurant instagram names are? Do you want to know how to choose a name for your restaurant instagram?
If you are starting to create your own restaurant instagram and you don’t know what to name it, this article will be very useful for you.
Characteristics of the best restaurant names:
This time we will tell you what are the characteristics of the best restaurant instagram names and what is the step by step to define the name of your restaurant instagram and enjoy the process.
The characteristics of the best restaurant names are the following:
1. Attractive
Your restaurant names should be catchy and catch the attention of your target audience to stand out from everyone else.
2. Emotional
Your restaurant names that represent emotions will help you connect with your audience more easily and can give them a clue about the tone of your instagram.
3. Short and easy to remember
Your restaurant names shouldn’t be too long or complex, as being short and simple will make them easier to remember after listening.
4. Themes
Your restaurant names should also suggest what they will be about; that is, the name must be related to the topic you address in your instagram.
What Are The Steps To Choosing A Creative Name For Your Restaurant Instagram?
There are many ways to achieve this: using keywords from your topic, synonyms, prefixes, suffixes, combining words that evoke emotions, and using words in other languages that are easy to pronounce.
1. Start with brainstorming names for your restaurant instagram
One of the most well-known millennial techniques to activate your creative side and start generating the best restaurant instagram name ideas is brainstorming. But how do you brainstorm restaurant names?
- Create a list of words related to your restaurant industry.
- Search on Google, which will help you discover even more words and ideas for a great name.
- Now think of some fun words related to your niche.
- Add your name to the words.
- Create a list of words and start exploring. The list may contain adjectives that describe your target audience.
2. Compare to other restaurant instagram names
Observe and analyze the names of other restaurant instagrames that have similar themes to yours, to know who your competitors will be and take inspiration from their ideas.
3. Shortlist your naming ideas:
After brainstorming and comparing to other restaurant instagrames, you will have a long list of alternatives, which you will have to order and analyze in order to eliminate the less convincing options.
To begin with, you can keep a list of 10 to 20 alternatives, which must meet one of the attributes to choose the name of a restaurant instagram that we reviewed above.
4. Reduce the name list
In this step of our guide on how to name a instagram, you will have to eliminate the alternatives from the previous step until you are left with 3 options. To decide which ones should go or stay,
5. Ask your friends and family for feedback.
Finally, you must choose a winner. Although you can do it yourself, it is advisable to have different points of view so that the final choice is more accurate.
Therefore, you could define the winner by presenting them to a small group of people and among all the members of the instagram. Although you can do it yourself too.
Ask them to vote for the option that seems most appropriate to them. It is advisable to have different points of view so that the final choice is more accurate.
If you want to learn more on how to choose instagram names, We’ve put together a full guide to naming a instagram. It’s a comprehensive and easy to understand guide.
Select an easy-to-write name and read it out loud. That is the litmus test. If you have difficulty reading it, it’s not a good name. If when you tell your friends and family and they tell you, can you repeat it? …. It means you should look for another name.
Sometimes a name looks great on paper, but when you say it out loud, it feels ambiguous. It is preferable that the name is relevant to your content. A fresh, short, easy-to-remember name takes time to find, but it will go a long way to making your restaurant instagram successful. Do not rush to choose it.
So we hope you find Restaurant Names, Restaurant Name Ideas, and Fancy Restaurant Names in this article.