Most Popular Seo Keywords For Ocean

Popular Service Keywords List

Looking for the top Google search ocean keywords? We’ve got you covered! below you can see the most popular ocean keywords. Whether you’re looking for PPC keywords or SEO keywords, we’ve gathered the best topic for you.

If you can’t find what you need, use this Free Keyword Tool to find the keywords you’re looking for!

We’ll also tell you how competitive each ocean keyword is and its average cost for ads to help you pick the best ones for your campaigns.

Here’s the big list of popular keywords that covers most popular industries, Also you can check the directory of blog post ideas.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords typically represent the core concepts or ideas related to your business, products, or services. For example, if you run an online store selling running shoes, your seed keywords might include “running shoes,” “athletic shoes,” “sports shoes,” and so on. 

By using these seed keywords, you can generate more specific long-tail keywords or variations that are relevant to your target audience and help improve your website’s search visibility.

Here is a list of seed keywords for ocean business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
5Marine life500,000$1.10High
9Coral reefs200,000$0.70High
22Jet skiing18,000$0.03High
23Beach resorts16,000$0.02High
26Snorkel gear10,000$0.08High
27Coastal towns8,000$0.07High
28Ocean views6,000$0.06High
29Ocean exploration5,000$0.05High
30Coral conservation4,000$0.04High
31Scuba diving gear3,500$0.03High
32Ocean conservation3,000$0.02High
33Sea turtles2,800$0.01High
34Deep-sea fishing2,500$0.09High
35Beach vacations2,300$0.08High
36Oceanfront properties2,100$0.07High
37Surf lessons1,900$0.06High
38Marine biology1,700$0.05High
39Coastal hiking1,500$0.04High
41Beach weddings1,200$0.02High
42Ocean sunsets1,100$0.01High
43Snorkel tours1,000$0.09High
45Coastal photography800$0.07High
46Oceanfront dining700$0.06High
47Surf competitions600$0.05High
48Beach volleyball500$0.04High
49Ocean wildlife400$0.03High
50Sailing regattas300$0.02High

Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail Keywords are longer, more specific search phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. Example: “vegan gluten-free chocolate chip cookies” instead of “chocolate chip cookies.”

Here is a list of long tail keywords for ocean company

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Best beaches for snorkeling in the Caribbean1,000$1.50Medium
2Top surfing spots in California800$1.40Medium
3Family-friendly beach resorts in Hawaii600$1.30Medium
4Scuba diving certification courses in the Maldives500$1.20Medium
5Exploring coral reefs in the Great Barrier Reef400$1.10Medium
6Beachfront vacation rentals in Florida300$1.00Medium
7Tips for catching big waves in surfing250$0.90Medium
8Best time to see whales in Alaska200$0.80Medium
9Fishing charters in the Gulf of Mexico150$0.70Medium
10Snorkeling gear reviews and recommendations120$0.60Medium
11Sailing vacations in the Mediterranean100$0.50Medium
12Beachfront restaurants with ocean views90$0.40Medium
13Sea turtle conservation projects in Costa Rica80$0.30Medium
14Luxury yacht charters in the Caribbean70$0.20Medium
15Surfing lessons for beginners in Bali60$0.10Medium
16Guided snorkeling tours in the Bahamas55$0.09Medium
17Scenic coastal hikes in California50$0.08Medium
18Best beaches for sunset photography in Greece45$0.07Medium
19Ocean-themed kids’ activities for a beach vacation40$0.06Medium
20Beachfront yoga retreats in Bali35$0.05Medium
21Beach weddings and elopements in the Maldives30$0.04Medium
22Surfboard rental shops in Hawaii28$0.03Medium
23Sustainable seafood restaurants near the coast25$0.02Medium
24Ocean conservation volunteer opportunities22$0.01Medium
25Beach camping spots with stunning ocean views20$0.09Medium
26Best snorkeling spots for coral reef enthusiasts18$0.08Medium
27Beachcombing tips for finding seashells16$0.07Medium
28Surf fishing techniques for beginners14$0.06Medium
29Best coastal towns for a relaxing vacation12$0.05Medium
30Oceanfront resorts with private beaches10$0.04Medium
31Kayak tours through mangrove forests9$0.03Medium
32Beach photography tips for capturing the perfect shot8$0.02Medium
33Coral reef snorkeling excursions in the Caribbean7$0.01Medium
34Surfboard maintenance tips for prolonging its lifespan6$0.09Medium
35Coastal nature reserves for birdwatching5$0.08Medium
36Oceanfront resorts with infinity pools5$0.07Medium
37Beach volleyball tournaments and events4$0.06Medium
38Stand-up paddleboarding lessons for beginners3$0.05Medium
39Ocean-themed art galleries showcasing local talent3$0.04Medium
40Sea kayaking adventures in remote coastal areas2$0.03Medium
41Beachfront resorts with all-inclusive packages2$0.02Medium
42Snorkeling spots with vibrant coral ecosystems2$0.01Medium
43Surfboard shaping workshops for DIY enthusiasts1$0.09Medium
44Coastal horseback riding trails with ocean views1$0.08Medium
45Ocean-inspired home decor ideas and inspiration1$0.07Medium
46Beachside yoga classes for relaxation and mindfulness1$0.06Medium
47Beach camping essentials checklist and tips1$0.05Medium
48Snorkeling gear maintenance and care tips1$0.04Medium
49Coastal road trips with breathtaking ocean views1$0.03Medium
50Coastal plant and marine life identification guides1$0.02Medium

Commercial Intent Keywords

Commercial Intent Keywords are search terms used by users with an intent to make a purchase or engage in a transaction. 

These keywords often indicate a strong interest in buying a product or service. Example: “buy iPhone 13 online”.

Here is a list of commercial intent keywords for ocean business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Buy beach towels10,000$1.50High
2Best snorkeling gear for sale8,000$1.40High
3Purchase surfboards7,000$1.30High
4Shop for beachwear6,000$1.20High
5Buy scuba diving equipment5,000$1.10High
6Purchase fishing rods and reels4,000$1.00High
7Buy sailing gear3,000$0.90High
8Shop for beach accessories2,500$0.80High
9Purchase beach chairs and umbrellas2,000$0.70High
10Buy snorkel masks1,800$0.60High
11Purchase beachfront real estate1,500$0.50High
12Shop for beach hotels1,200$0.40High
13Buy beach toys for kids1,000$0.30High
14Purchase beach tents900$0.20High
15Buy beach vacation packages800$0.10High
16Shop for snorkeling fins700$0.09High
17Purchase beachfront condos600$0.08High
18Buy beach photography equipment500$0.07High
19Shop for beach wedding dresses450$0.06High
20Purchase beach cruisers400$0.05High
21Buy beach destination travel guides350$0.04High
22Shop for beach-themed home decor300$0.03High
23Purchase beachfront vacation rentals250$0.02High
24Buy coastal artwork220$0.01High
25Shop for beach wedding photographers200$1.50High
26Purchase snorkeling wetsuits180$1.40High
27Buy beach volleyball nets160$1.30High
28Shop for beachside restaurants140$1.20High
29Purchase coastal property investments120$1.10High
30Shop for scuba diving certifications110$1.00High
31Buy beachfront vacation homes100$0.90High
32Purchase surf lessons90$0.80High
33Shop for fishing charters80$0.70High
34Buy beach resorts memberships70$0.60High
35Purchase snorkeling excursion packages60$0.50High
36Shop for beach photography services50$0.40High
37Buy beach vacation packages45$0.30High
38Purchase coastal home insurance40$0.20High
39Shop for ocean-themed jewelry35$0.10High
40Buy beachfront rental properties30$0.09High
41Purchase surfing equipment28$0.08High
42Shop for beachwear fashion25$0.07High
43Buy beach equipment rentals22$0.06High
44Purchase beach wedding planning services20$0.05High
45Shop for beachfront vacation home rentals18$0.04High
46Buy snorkeling equipment and accessories16$0.03High
47Purchase coastal landscape photography prints14$0.02High
48Shop for beach destination travel packages12$0.01High
49Buy beachfront event venue rentals10$1.50High
50Purchase beach-themed merchandise8$1.40High

Informational Intent Keywords

Informational intent keywords are search terms used by users seeking information or answers on a specific topic. 

They generally start with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” or “where.” For example, “how to bake a cake” is an informational intent keyword, as the user is looking for information on cake baking.

Here is a list of informational intent keywords for ocean business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Types of ocean ecosystems5,000$1.50Medium
2Oceanic climate4,500$1.40Medium
3Ocean currents and their importance4,000$1.30Medium
4The role of oceans in the water cycle3,500$1.20Medium
5Ocean acidification and its impact3,000$1.10Medium
6Ocean pollution causes and solutions2,500$1.00Medium
7Ocean conservation efforts2,000$0.90Medium
8Major ocean currents around the world1,800$0.80Medium
9Coral reef ecosystems and their importance1,500$0.70Medium
10Ocean tides and their causes1,200$0.60Medium
11Effects of climate change on ocean life1,000$0.50Medium
12Coastal erosion and its impact900$0.40Medium
13Ocean food chain and marine trophic levels800$0.30Medium
14Ocean exploration history and discoveries700$0.20Medium
15Oceanic biodiversity and its significance600$0.10Medium
16The importance of mangrove forests550$0.09Medium
17Ocean gyres and their role in plastic pollution500$0.08Medium
18Deep-sea ecosystems and unique marine life450$0.07Medium
19Coastal wetlands and their ecological importance400$0.06Medium
20Oceanography: the study of the oceans350$0.05Medium
21The impact of overfishing on ocean ecosystems300$0.04Medium
22Ocean conservation organizations280$0.03Medium
23The importance of seagrass beds250$0.02Medium
24The role of oceans in climate regulation220$0.01Medium
25The effects of ocean warming on marine life200$1.50Medium
26Coastal management strategies180$1.40Medium
27Oceanic dead zones and their causes160$1.30Medium
28The importance of coral reef conservation140$1.20Medium
29The impact of ocean noise pollution130$1.10Medium
30The role of kelp forests in marine ecosystems120$1.00Medium
31Oceanic dead zones and their impact on marine life110$0.90Medium
32The benefits of marine protected areas100$0.80Medium
33The importance of ocean conservation education90$0.70Medium
34The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems80$0.60Medium
35The role of phytoplankton in the marine food web70$0.50Medium
36The effects of ocean acidification on shellfish60$0.40Medium
37The role of estuaries in coastal ecosystems55$0.30Medium
38The importance of deep-sea exploration50$0.20Medium
39The effects of coral bleaching on reef ecosystems45$0.10Medium
40The impact of oil spills on marine life40$0.09Medium
41The role of whales in ocean ecosystems35$0.08Medium
42The importance of seamounts in the ocean30$0.07Medium
43The effects of ocean pollution on human health28$0.06Medium
44The role of zooplankton in the marine food chain25$0.05Medium
45The impact of climate change on coastal communities22$0.04Medium
46The importance of tidal energy as a renewable resource20$0.03Medium
47The effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs18$0.02Medium
48The role of microplastics in marine ecosystems16$0.01Medium
49The impact of coral reef destruction on tourism14$1.50Medium
50The importance of mangrove restoration12$1.40Medium
51The effects of sea level rise on coastal areas11$1.30Medium
52The role of sharks in maintaining ocean balance10$1.20Medium
53The impact of ocean pollution on seagulls9$1.10Medium
54The importance of deep-sea corals8$1.00Medium
55The effects of climate change on ocean currents8$0.90Medium
56The role of phytoplankton in carbon sequestration7$0.80Medium
57The impact of noise pollution on marine mammals7$0.70Medium
58The importance of ocean literacy6$0.60Medium
59The effects of overfishing on fish populations6$0.50Medium
60The role of seagrass beds in coastal protection5$0.40Medium
61The impact of ocean pollution on sea turtles5$0.30Medium
62The importance of ocean education programs4$0.20Medium
63The effects of climate change on marine biodiversity4$0.10Medium
64The role of upwelling in nutrient cycling3$0.09Medium
65The impact of ocean warming on coral reefs3$0.08Medium
66The importance of marine protected areas2$0.07Medium
67The effects of ocean acidification on shell formation2$0.06Medium
68The role of jellyfish in marine ecosystems1$0.05Medium
69The impact of coastal development on beach erosion1$0.04Medium
70The importance of ocean monitoring and research1$0.03Medium

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