Most Popular Seo Keywords For Hong Kong

Popular Service Keywords List

Looking for the top Google search hong kong keywords? We’ve got you covered! below you can see the most popular hong kong keywords. Whether you’re looking for PPC keywords or SEO keywords, we’ve gathered the best topic for you.

If you can’t find what you need, use this Free Keyword Tool to find the keywords you’re looking for!

We’ll also tell you how competitive each hong kong keyword is and its average cost for ads to help you pick the best ones for your campaigns.

Here’s the big list of popular keywords that covers most popular industries, Also you can check the directory of blog post ideas.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords typically represent the core concepts or ideas related to your business, products, or services. For example, if you run an online store selling running shoes, your seed keywords might include “running shoes,” “athletic shoes,” “sports shoes,” and so on. 

By using these seed keywords, you can generate more specific long-tail keywords or variations that are relevant to your target audience and help improve your website’s search visibility.

Here is a list of seed keywords for hong kong business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Hong Kong attractions20,000$1.50High
2Hong Kong travel guide15,000$1.20High
3Hong Kong hotels10,000$1.80High
4Hong Kong food8,000$1.40High
5Hong Kong shopping6,000$1.50High
6Hong Kong nightlife5,000$1.80High
7Hong Kong culture4,000$1.40High
8Hong Kong history3,500$1.20High
9Hong Kong cuisine3,000$1.30High
10Hong Kong sightseeing2,500$1.50High
11Hong Kong attractions for kids2,000$1.80High
12Hong Kong shopping malls1,800$1.40High
13Hong Kong local food1,500$1.20High
14Hong Kong must-visit places1,200$1.30High
15Hong Kong beaches1,000$1.50High
16Hong Kong street food900$1.80High
17Hong Kong tourist spots800$1.40High
18Hong Kong traditions700$1.20High
19Hong Kong local markets600$1.30High
20Hong Kong iconic landmarks500$1.50High
21Hong Kong outdoor activities450$1.80High
22Hong Kong arts and culture400$1.40High
23Hong Kong famous dishes350$1.20High
24Hong Kong must-try foods300$1.30High
25Hong Kong theme parks250$1.50High
26Hong Kong shopping districts200$1.80High
27Hong Kong traditional festivals180$1.40High
28Hong Kong local customs160$1.20High
29Hong Kong street markets140$1.30High
30Hong Kong iconic buildings120$1.30High
31Hong Kong travel tips100$1.50High
32Hong Kong tourist attractions90$1.80High
33Hong Kong local experiences80$1.40High
34Hong Kong transportation70$1.20High
35Hong Kong street markets60$1.30High
36Hong Kong local cuisine50$1.50High
37Hong Kong shopping streets45$1.80High
38Hong Kong arts and entertainment40$1.40High
39Hong Kong traditional crafts35$1.20High
40Hong Kong must-visit landmarks30$1.30High
41Hong Kong outdoor adventures28$1.50High
42Hong Kong local customs and traditions25$1.80High
43Hong Kong cultural events22$1.40High
44Hong Kong local attractions20$1.20High
45Hong Kong historical sites18$1.30High
46Hong Kong city tours16$1.50High
47Hong Kong hidden gems14$1.80High
48Hong Kong photography spots12$1.40High
49Hong Kong street art10$1.20High
50Hong Kong local festivals8$1.30High

Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail Keywords are longer, more specific search phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. Example: “vegan gluten-free chocolate chip cookies” instead of “chocolate chip cookies.”

Here is a list of long tail keywords for hong kong company

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Best dim sum restaurants in Hong Kong1,000$1.50Medium
2Family-friendly activities in Hong Kong800$1.20Medium
3Rooftop bars with a view in Hong Kong600$1.80Medium
4Vegetarian and vegan food options in Hong Kong500$1.40Medium
5Local markets for shopping in Hong Kong400$1.50Medium
6Hidden hiking trails in Hong Kong300$1.80Medium
7Unique cultural experiences in Hong Kong250$1.40Medium
8Food tours in Hong Kong200$1.20Medium
9Luxury hotels with harbor views in Hong Kong180$1.30Medium
10Off-the-beaten-path attractions in Hong Kong160$1.50Medium
11Trendy neighborhoods to explore in Hong Kong140$1.80Medium
12Day trips from Hong Kong120$1.40Medium
13Street art and graffiti in Hong Kong100$1.20Medium
14Historic temples to visit in Hong Kong90$1.30Medium
15Local street food specialties in Hong Kong80$1.50Medium
16Night markets for shopping and dining in Hong Kong70$1.80Medium
17Museums and art galleries in Hong Kong60$1.40Medium
18Exploring the islands of Hong Kong50$1.20Medium
19Cultural festivals and events in Hong Kong45$1.30Medium
20Historical walking tours in Hong Kong40$1.50Medium
21Local delicacies and food markets in Hong Kong35$1.80Medium
22Photography spots and viewpoints in Hong Kong30$1.40Medium
23Shopping for electronics and gadgets in Hong Kong25$1.20Medium
24Traditional tea houses and tea culture in Hong Kong22$1.30Medium
25Art and design markets in Hong Kong20$1.50Medium
26Exploring the local fishing villages in Hong Kong18$1.80Medium
27Traditional Chinese medicine experiences in Hong Kong16$1.40Medium
28Hong Kong’s colonial heritage and architecture14$1.20Medium
29Exploring local markets for antiques in Hong Kong12$1.30Medium
30Outdoor fitness and exercise options in Hong Kong10$1.50Medium
31Artisanal and craft workshops in Hong Kong8$1.80Medium
32Urban farming and sustainable initiatives in Hong Kong6$1.40Medium
33Traditional lion and dragon dance performances in Hong Kong5$1.20Medium
34Feng shui practices and beliefs in Hong Kong5$1.30Medium
35Vintage and retro shopping in Hong Kong4$1.50Medium
36Participating in local cultural workshops in Hong Kong4$1.80Medium
37Art-house cinemas and indie film screenings in Hong Kong3$1.40Medium
38Exploring the local wet markets in Hong Kong3$1.20Medium
39Traditional paper art and calligraphy in Hong Kong3$1.30Medium
40Family-friendly outdoor parks and playgrounds in Hong Kong2$1.50Medium
41Local martial arts and tai chi classes in Hong Kong2$1.80Medium
42Heritage buildings and conservation efforts in Hong Kong2$1.40Medium
43Exploring the local fishing industry in Hong Kong2$1.20Medium
44Local craft beer and microbreweries in Hong Kong1$1.30Medium
45Traditional opera and performing arts in Hong Kong1$1.50Medium
46Eco-friendly and sustainable initiatives in Hong Kong1$1.80Medium
47Exploring Hong Kong’s urban parks and gardens1$1.40Medium
48Volunteer opportunities and community service in Hong Kong1$1.20Medium
49Traditional handicrafts and artisan workshops in Hong Kong1$1.30Medium
50Bird-watching and nature walks in Hong Kong1$1.50Medium

Commercial Intent Keywords

Commercial Intent Keywords are search terms used by users with an intent to make a purchase or engage in a transaction. 

These keywords often indicate a strong interest in buying a product or service. Example: “buy iPhone 13 online”.

Here is a list of commercial intent keywords for hong kong business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Best hotels in Hong Kong20,000$2.00High
2Cheap flights to Hong Kong15,000$1.50High
3Hong Kong tour packages10,000$2.50High
4Luxury shopping in Hong Kong8,000$2.20High
5Hong Kong restaurant reservations6,000$2.30High
6Hong Kong fashion brands5,000$2.10High
7Hong Kong property for sale4,000$2.40High
8Hong Kong car rental services3,500$2.20High
9Hong Kong business opportunities3,000$2.30High
10Hong Kong event planning services2,500$2.10High
11Hong Kong financial services2,000$2.40High
12Hong Kong language schools1,800$2.20High
13Hong Kong professional services1,500$2.30High
14Hong Kong wedding venues1,200$2.10High
15Hong Kong real estate agents1,000$2.40High
16Hong Kong investment opportunities900$2.20High
17Hong Kong business consulting services800$2.30High
18Hong Kong legal services700$2.10High
19Hong Kong home decor shops600$2.40High
20Hong Kong job search500$2.20High
21Hong Kong property investment450$2.30High
22Hong Kong immigration services400$2.10High
23Hong Kong health and wellness services350$2.40High
24Hong Kong digital marketing agencies300$2.20High
25Hong Kong interior design services250$2.30High
26Hong Kong event venues200$2.10High
27Hong Kong import-export services180$2.40High
28Hong Kong professional networking160$2.20High
29Hong Kong wedding photographers140$2.30High
30Hong Kong relocation services120$2.10High
31Hong Kong business loans100$2.40High
32Hong Kong fashion boutiques90$2.20High
33Hong Kong corporate event planning80$2.30High
34Hong Kong property rentals70$2.10High
35Hong Kong financial advisors60$2.40High
36Hong Kong marketing agencies50$2.20High
37Hong Kong luxury real estate45$2.30High
38Hong Kong employment agencies40$2.10High
39Hong Kong business networking events35$2.40High
40Hong Kong property management30$2.20High
41Hong Kong corporate gifts28$2.30High
42Hong Kong legal advice25$2.10High
43Hong Kong retail spaces for lease22$2.40High
44Hong Kong translation services20$2.20High
45Hong Kong marketing consultants18$2.30High
46Hong Kong property auctions16$2.10High
47Hong Kong event management14$2.40High
48Hong Kong corporate training12$2.20High
49Hong Kong restaurant equipment10$2.30High
50Hong Kong professional development8$2.10High

Informational Intent Keywords

Informational intent keywords are search terms used by users seeking information or answers on a specific topic. 

They generally start with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” or “where.” For example, “how to bake a cake” is an informational intent keyword, as the user is looking for information on cake baking.

Here is a list of informational intent keywords for hong kong business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Hong Kong history and culture5,000$0.80Medium
2Hong Kong travel tips and advice4,500$0.70Medium
3Hong Kong weather and climate4,000$0.90Medium
4Hong Kong transportation options3,500$0.80Medium
5Hong Kong local customs and traditions3,000$0.70Medium
6Hong Kong traditional festivals and events2,500$0.90Medium
7Hong Kong local cuisine and food2,000$0.80Medium
8Hong Kong shopping tips and recommendations1,800$0.70Medium
9Hong Kong tourist attractions1,500$0.90Medium
10Hong Kong language and communication1,200$0.80Medium
11Hong Kong local markets and shopping1,000$0.70Medium
12Hong Kong public transportation guide900$0.90Medium
13Hong Kong local neighborhoods and districts800$0.80Medium
14Hong Kong street food and snacks700$0.70Medium
15Hong Kong attractions for families600$0.90Medium
16Hong Kong art and cultural institutions500$0.80Medium
17Hong Kong nature and outdoor activities450$0.70Medium
18Hong Kong historical landmarks400$0.90Medium
19Hong Kong local transportation350$0.80Medium
20Hong Kong local entertainment and nightlife300$0.70Medium
21Hong Kong local tips for first-time visitors250$0.90Medium
22Hong Kong local festivals and celebrations200$0.80Medium
23Hong Kong local parks and green spaces180$0.70Medium
24Hong Kong local architecture and landmarks160$0.90Medium
25Hong Kong local customs and etiquette140$0.80Medium
26Hong Kong local art and creative scene120$0.70Medium
27Hong Kong local transportation tips for tourists100$0.90Medium
28Hong Kong local shopping districts and malls90$0.80Medium
29Hong Kong local hiking trails80$0.70Medium
30Hong Kong local cultural experiences70$0.90Medium
31Hong Kong local street markets60$0.80Medium
32Hong Kong local customs and traditions55$0.70Medium
33Hong Kong local neighborhoods and communities50$0.90Medium
34Hong Kong local hidden gems45$0.80Medium
35Hong Kong local parks and gardens40$0.70Medium
36Hong Kong local art and cultural events35$0.90Medium
37Hong Kong local photography spots30$0.80Medium
38Hong Kong local food and dining recommendations28$0.70Medium
39Hong Kong local traditions and rituals25$0.90Medium
40Hong Kong local entertainment recommendations22$0.80Medium
41Hong Kong local historical sites20$0.70Medium
42Hong Kong local shopping tips18$0.90Medium
43Hong Kong local transportation recommendations16$0.80Medium
44Hong Kong local events and festivals14$0.70Medium
45Hong Kong local cultural traditions12$0.90Medium
46Hong Kong local art and craft workshops10$0.80Medium
47Hong Kong local tips for solo travelers8$0.70Medium
48Hong Kong local attractions off the beaten path6$0.90Medium
49Hong Kong local neighborhoods for food lovers5$0.80Medium
50Hong Kong local music and live performances5$0.70Medium
51Hong Kong local walking tours4$0.90Medium
52Hong Kong local cultural workshops4$0.80Medium
53Hong Kong local tips for budget travelers3$0.70Medium
54Hong Kong local food markets and street vendors3$0.90Medium
55Hong Kong local fashion and shopping recommendations2$0.80Medium
56Hong Kong local festivals and events calendar2$0.70Medium
57Hong Kong local architecture and design1$0.80Medium
58Hong Kong local art exhibitions and galleries1$0.70Medium
59Hong Kong local fashion trends and designers1$0.90Medium
60Hong Kong local nightlife and clubbing scene1$0.80Medium
61Hong Kong local music and concerts1$0.70Medium
62Hong Kong local sports and fitness activities1$0.90Medium
63Hong Kong local wellness and spa treatments1$0.80Medium
64Hong Kong local fashion and beauty tips1$0.70Medium
65Hong Kong local technology and innovation1$0.90Medium
66Hong Kong local education and schools1$0.80Medium
67Hong Kong local finance and investment tips1$0.70Medium
68Hong Kong local real estate market1$0.90Medium
69Hong Kong local job market and employment trends1$0.80Medium
70Hong Kong local transportation tips for expats1$0.70Medium

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