What is UX Research? The Ultimate Guide to UX Research

UX Research

A web design company would tell you that UX Research (User Experience Research) is about diving deep into understanding how the customers interact with your brand. It is observing how they engage in analyzing what works best and what is preferred the most by your target audience.

A website as sometimes explained by branding agencies is something that represents the brand but it is the end user that eventually interacts with the website. That is who you are designing for.

Let us start by understanding what UX research is all about.

What is UX Research?

It is the collection of the data points of users understanding their interactions with your products and building and designing the experiences that will not only make them stay and keep coming back for more but will also turn them into brand loyalists.

User research ought to be a centerpiece of each and every designer’s action.

The main objective is to assist web designers in building better products – websites, and mobile apps.

Why is UX Research Important?

As per creative agencies or branding agencies, UX research is an extremely integral part of building a design for humans.

Research has shown that websites with a better client experience can have visit-than-lead transformation rates more than 400% higher.

Here are some of the major perks or advantages of UX research:

  • Improve the user’s experience
  • Data-driven approach
  • A better website that is relevant
  • Assistance to everyone involved
  • Increases confidence

1. Improve the user’s experience

Whenever branding agencies are building websites, they thoroughly know their target audience. This is done so that they can build a better product or service that is needed by their users. But, through UX research, they can go to the source directly for learning the user behaviors, thoughts and insights.

This helps them design user experiences that will work.

2. Data-driven approach

Any approach or decision that is driven by data is always impactful. Through UX research, you will be able to identify the data and the statistics of users. This will help you identify exactly what the users like and dislike.

Data is the key to the hearts of your target users and that is why when you have the power of data and facts and figures, you will be able to make data-driven decisions that are more likely to be effective than the decisions taken on a whim.

3. A better website that is relevant

Through research, you can understand the latest trends, the current market scenario, and what is the new “it” thing in the market. This way you can recognize what will sell and what will not. Your website will stay relevant and fresh with which the users will be able to relate.

The website will be made with today’s standards and advanced in technology as well as design. The components of your website will be engaging and interactive and make your users like it even more.

4. Assistance to everyone involved

Apart from the UI and UX teams, through this UX research, many other individuals working at a web design company will benefit too. It includes marketers, sales representatives, writers, customer service representatives, product designers as well as service providers.

UX research has far-fetched effects and results and perks when it comes to the development and marketing teams.

5. Increases confidence

When you research, you get increased confidence about not only building your website but also your business and your brand. With data-driven decisions and researched insights, you will feel confident about the results.

Benefits Business

UX research is one of the main pieces of making an application or site, straightforwardly affecting client’s conversion, maintenance, lifetime worth, and references.

On the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea who your clients are, or what they need, it’s probably you will bring about an item that comes up short here and there – a way, because of the absence of examination, that will be difficult to comprehend.

UX research, then again, can illuminate what to assemble and the return on initial capital investment accomplished by building it. Informed choices can likewise save money on costs by lessening advancement time and disposing of excessive website updates.

What are the types of UX Research?

There is:

  • Quantitative and qualitative
  • Behavioral and attitudinal
  • Generative and Evaluative

Quantitative vs. qualitative

Quantitative help you in gathering data about what is going on currently in the market. You get numbers and percentages.

As a general rule, quantitative methods are to a great extent: organized, will generally be evenhanded, are at the harder — more quantifiable — end of science, and are tied in with testing hypotheses.

They will quite often be bigger example estimates and can be run in an additional hands-off way. With quantitative examination, client’s ways of behaving and mentalities are assembled by implication.

On the other hand, through qualitative data, you get to understand the “why” of the insights and the numbers gathered.

Qualitative strategies are generally unstructured, will quite often be abstract, are at the milder finish of science, and are tied in with laying out experiences and hypotheses (which we then test, frequently utilizing quantitative methodologies).

They will generally be more modest example measures and require a level of involved help. With subjective exploration client ways of behaving and mentalities are accumulated straightforwardly.

While picking your research techniques it’s essential to utilize qualitative and quantitative strategies inseparably, both have their place. Qualitative techniques lead to experiences; quantitative strategies permit you to test those bits of knowledge.

Behavioral and Attitudinal

Through behavior, you can observe the interactions and the engagements of the users. You get to see the users in the various scenarios that you put them in. Through attitudinal, you can determine exactly what the users are feeling or experiencing about your website.

Generative and Evaluative

Generative is when you get a deeper understanding of identifying the exact pain points and common problems experienced by the users. Evaluative is used in later phases such as redesigning the website for auditing and evaluating certain features or the entire website.


At last, it means quite a bit to effectively utilize this research!

With various research techniques utilized, locating your findings, and searching for connections and patterns is significant. Your point is to check whether any findings emerge that are affirmed by your different exploration techniques so you can execute these findings.

Triangulation is the most common way of utilizing various exploration focuses from numerous strategies to build your trust in your examination and suppositions. The more information we use, the more sure we can be in our suppositions.

Different examination techniques have various qualities, loaning themselves to various situations. Various clients answer in various ways, expressing various feelings. In a perfect world, you want a solid blend of various exploration strategies and different guinea pigs to consider every contingency.

So, your research is only the start of the story.


Research is an extremely integral part of and every web design company indulges in UX research thoroughly before going into the development side of a website.

Any UX design work is no joke and when it comes to websites, it represents your brand, your business, and your organization. It requires a research-backed approach to building the best user experiences.

Author Bio:
Brijesh Jakharia co-founded SPINX Digital in 2005 and takes great pride in crafting web and mobile marketing solutions for mid-market businesses to enterprises. Marketing is his passion, and the thrill to build a brand from the ground up has helped him craft successful brand stories for world-class clients. While not at work, he loves to spend his time on research and reading digital content stories.