Most Popular Seo Keywords For Social Media

Looking for the top Google search social media keywords? We’ve got you covered! below you can see the most popular social media keywords. Whether you’re looking for PPC keywords or SEO keywords, we’ve gathered the best topic for you.

If you can’t find what you need, use this Free Keyword Generator Tool to find the keywords you’re looking for!

We’ll also tell you how competitive each social media keyword is and its average cost for ads to help you pick the best ones for your campaigns.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords typically represent the core concepts or ideas related to your business, products, or services. For example, if you run an online store selling running shoes, your seed keywords might include “running shoes,” “athletic shoes,” “sports shoes,” and so on. 

By using these seed keywords, you can generate more specific long-tail keywords or variations that are relevant to your target audience and help improve your website’s search visibility.

Here is a list of seed keywords for social media business

#KeywordAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Social media1100000$1.20High
11Social media marketing49500$3.21High
12Social media management33100$3.12High
13Social media advertising27100$2.10High
14Social media optimization22200$2.87High
15Social media analytics14800$4.21High
16Social media strategy14800$3.54High
17Social media for business12100$3.21High
18Social media trends9900$1.98High
19Social media engagement8100$2.87High
20Social media tools6600$2.10High
21Social media influencers5400$1.54High
22Social media platforms5400$1.09High
23Social media content4400$1.54High
24Social media for marketing4400$3.21High
25Social media monitoring4400$4.25High
26Social media for small businesses3600$3.21High
27Social media for nonprofits3600$2.87High
28Social media icons3600$0.74High
29Social media design2900$1.54High
30Social media calendar2900$1.98High
31Social media advertising cost2900$2.10High
32Social media campaigns2400$2.32High
33Social media marketing strategy2400$3.54High
34Social media calendar template2400$0.87High
35Social media best practices1900$3.21High
36Social media engagement strategy1900$3.54High
37Social media for restaurants1600$2.87High
38Social media statistics1600$2.21High
39Social media customer service1600$3.87High
40Social media for photographers1300$1.98High
41Social media contests1300$1.98High
42Social media templates1300$0.87High
43Social media marketing agency1000$7.32High
44Social media for real estate1000$2.54High
45Social media for education1000$2.87High
46Social media for churches880$2.10High
47Social media for artists720$1.54High
48Social media for authors590$2.54High
49Social media for music590$1.87High
50Social media for small nonprofits390$2.54High

Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail Keywords are longer, more specific search phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. Example: “vegan gluten-free chocolate chip cookies” instead of “chocolate chip cookies.”

Here is a list of long tail keywords for social media company

#KeywordAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1How to use social media for business2900$3.54High
2How to grow social media following2400$1.87High
3How to create social media content1900$1.54High
4How to measure social media engagement1600$4.21High
5How to use social media for marketing1600$3.21High
6How to schedule social media posts1300$0.87High
7How to use social media for small business1000$3.21High
8How to use Instagram for business880$2.21High
9How to use Facebook for business720$1.54High
10How to use LinkedIn for business590$2.54High
11How to use Twitter for business590$1.98High
12How to use Pinterest for business480$1.09High
13How to use TikTok for business480$0.74High
14How to create a social media strategy480$3.54High
15How to use social media for real estate390$2.54High
16How to use social media for nonprofits320$2.87High
17How to use social media for marketing campaigns320$3.21High
18How to use social media for customer service260$3.87High
19How to use social media for education210$2.87High
20How to use social media for churches170$2.10High
21How to use social media for artists140$1.54High
22How to use social media for authors110$2.54High
23How to use social media for music90$1.87High
24How to use social media for small nonprofits70$2.54High
25How to use social media for virtual events50$1.54High
26How to use social media for lawyers40$6.54High
27How to use social media for political campaigns40$3.65High
28How to use social media for authors and writers30$2.54High
29How to use social media for small business owners30$3.21High
30How to use social media for job search20$2.87High
31How to use social media for healthcare20$3.54High
32How to use social media for event planning20$1.54High
33How to use social media for nonprofits effectively20$2.87High
34How to use social media for food trucks20$1.54High
35How to use social media for dental practices20$6.32High
36How to use social media for hair salons20$1.98High
37How to use social media for realtors20$2.54High
38How to use social media for e-commerce20$3.21High
39How to use social media for gyms and fitness centers10$2.10High
40How to use social media for hotels and resorts10$2.87High
41How to use social media for car dealerships10$2.54High
42How to use social media for spas and salons10$1.98High
43How to use social media for construction companies10$2.54High
44How to use social media for financial advisors10$5.87High
45How to use social media for veterinarians10$2.87High
46How to use social media for fashion brands10$3.54High
47How to use social media for political candidates10$3.54High
48How to use social media for artists and musicians10$1.54High
49How to use social media for coaches10$2.87High
50How to use social media for mental health10$2.87High

Commercial Intent Keywords

Commercial Intent Keywords are search terms used by users with an intent to make a purchase or engage in a transaction. 

These keywords often indicate a strong interest in buying a product or service. Example: “buy iPhone 13 online”.

Here is a list of commercial intent keywords for social media business

#KeywordAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Social media management software2400$5.87High
2Social media advertising costs1600$4.21High
3Social media advertising agency1300$7.32High
4Social media advertising platforms1000$4.87High
5Social media advertising tips880$3.21High
6Social media advertising strategies720$4.54High
7Social media marketing services590$5.87High
8Social media management agency480$7.21High
9Social media advertising examples390$2.87High
10Social media advertising budget320$4.54High
11Social media advertising ideas260$2.54High
12Social media advertising proposal210$5.21High
13Social media advertising targeting170$4.21High
14Social media advertising metrics140$4.87High
15Social media advertising objectives110$3.54High
16Social media advertising return on investment90$6.32High
17Social media advertising campaign ideas70$4.21High
18Social media advertising campaign examples50$2.87High
19Social media advertising campaign strategy40$3.54High
20Social media advertising campaign budget30$4.21High
21Social media advertising campaign metrics30$4.87High
22Social media advertising campaign management20$5.21High
23Social media advertising campaign reporting20$3.54High
24Social media advertising campaign optimization20$5.21High
25Social media advertising campaign targeting options10$4.54High
26Social media advertising campaign cost per click10$6.87High
27Social media advertising campaign cost per impression10$5.21High
28Social media advertising campaign cost per lead10$7.54High
29Social media advertising campaign cost per conversion10$8.21High
30Social media advertising campaign10$8.21High
31Social media advertising campaign success10$5.87High
32Social media advertising campaign best practices10$6.54High
33Social media advertising campaign audience targeting10$4.21High
34Social media advertising campaign creative10$3.87High
35Social media advertising campaign landing pages10$4.54High
36Social media advertising campaign funnel10$5.87High
37Social media advertising campaign optimization tips10$5.21High
38Social media advertising campaign tracking10$6.32High
39Social media advertising campaign analytics10$6.87High
40Social media advertising campaign ROI10$7.21High
41Social media advertising campaign management tools10$5.87High
42Social media advertising campaign automation10$7.54High
43Social media advertising campaign scheduling10$4.54High
44Social media advertising campaign reporting tools10$5.21High
45Social media advertising campaign A/B testing10$4.87High
46Social media advertising campaign conversion rate10$6.32High
47Social media advertising campaign click-through rate10$5.87High
48Social media advertising campaign impressions10$5.21High
49Social media advertising campaign engagement10$4.54High
50Social media advertising campaign leads10$6.87High

Informational Intent Keywords

Informational intent keywords are search terms used by users seeking information or answers on a specific topic. 

They generally start with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” or “where.” For example, “how to bake a cake” is an informational intent keyword, as the user is looking for information on cake baking.

Here is a list of informational intent keywords for social media business

#KeywordAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1What is social media marketing?4400$4.87High
2How to create a social media strategy2400$4.54High
3What are the benefits of social media marketing?1900$4.21High
4What are the best social media platforms?1300$4.87High
5What are social media metrics?880$4.54High
6What are social media algorithms?720$3.87High
7How to create social media content590$3.54High
8How to increase social media engagement480$4.21High
9How to measure social media success390$5.87High
10What is the future of social media?320$3.54High
11How to build a social media following260$2.87High
12How to use social media for customer service210$4.87High
13How to use social media for lead generation170$5.21High
14How to use social media for brand awareness140$4.21High
15How to use social media for business110$4.54High
16What are social media trends?90$3.87High
17How to use social media for recruitment70$3.21High
18How to use social media for education50$2.54High
19How to use social media for customer retention40$4.54High
20How to use social media for crisis management30$5.21High
21How to use social media for personal branding30$3.87High
22How to use social media for content marketing20$4.87High
23How to use social media for fundraising20$4.21High
24How to use social media for networking20$3.54High
25How to use social media for event promotion10$4.54High
26How to use social media for market research10$3.87High
27How to use social media for SEO10$3.87High
28How to use social media for influencer marketing10$5.21High
29How to use social media for affiliate marketing10$4.54High
30How to use social media for e-commerce10$4.87High
31How to use social media for sales10$4.21High
32How to use social media for product launches10$5.87High
33How to use social media for customer feedback10$4.54High
34How to use social media for market segmentation10$5.21High
35How to use social media for user-generated content10$3.87High
36How to use social media for employee advocacy10$4.21High
37How to use social media for customer testimonials10$5.87High
38How to use social media for employee engagement10$4.54High
39How to use social media for crisis communication10$3.87High
40How to use social media for non-profit organizations10$4.54High
41How to use social media for political campaigns10$5.21High
42How to use social media for event planning10$3.54High
43How to use social media for digital marketing10$5.87High
44How to use social media for mobile marketing10$4.54High
45How to use social media for local business10$4.87High
46What are social media influencers?2400$4.21High
47What are social media ads?1300$4.54High
48What is social media optimization?880$3.87High
49What are social media analytics?720$3.54High
50What is social media listening?590$4.21High
51What is social media monitoring?480$4.87High
52What is social media engagement?390$5.21High
53What are social media KPIs?320$3.54High
54What is social media ROI?260$2.87High
55What are social media influencers and how to work with them?210$4.87High
56What is social media listening and how to do it?170$5.21High
57What is social media monitoring and how to do it?140$4.21High
58How to use social media for customer service and support?110$4.54High
59How to use social media for crisis management and reputation?90$3.87High
60What is social media marketing and how to get started?70$3.21High
61How to use social media for lead generation and conversion?50$2.54High
62What are social media analytics and how to use them?40$4.54High
63How to use social media for employee advocacy and engagement?30$5.21High
64How to use social media for personal and professional growth?20$3.87High
65What are the best social media tools for businesses?20$4.21High
66What are the most effective social media strategies?20$3.54High
67What are the latest social media trends and updates?10$4.54High
68How to use social media for recruitment and employer branding?10$3.87High
69How to use social media for thought leadership and influence?10$5.21High
70How to use social media for networking and building community?10$4.54High

Use Ai Keyword Generator

Whether you’re seeking to enhance your SEO strategy or refine your content marketing approach, our AI Keyword Generator empowers you with actionable insights at your fingertips. Best of all, it’s completely free to use, ensuring accessibility for businesses of all sizes.

So, if you’re craving a deeper dive into the world of SEO keywords for your business, look no further than our AI Keyword Generator. Unlock the door to endless possibilities and propel your online presence to new heights with this game-changing tool.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, mastering the art of SEO keywords is pivotal for you business striving to thrive in the digital landscape. By leveraging a combination of seed keywords, long-tail phrases, commercial intent terms, and informational queries, you can effectively enhance your online visibility and attract potential customers.

Additionally, embracing innovative tools such as our AI Keyword Generator can revolutionize your keyword research process, offering unparalleled insights and opportunities for optimization.

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