5 Essential Shopify SEO Tips to Get More Organic Traffic

Shopify is a user-friendly eCommerce platform that manages everything from inventory to order administration. It is the ideal answer for designers who wish to market their products without managing an online store.

If you own a Shopify store, you know how important traffic is to your company’s success. You might have the most eye-catching online store, the best products at the best prices, and raving client reviews.

Even so, you won’t reach your earning goals if not enough people visit your online store. It is a rather basic eCommerce rule.

It takes a little more effort to make it happen.

You will find that Shopify has some limitations as your company expands and you gain more knowledge of SEO, among other things, in terms of technical optimization, URL structure, and AMP.

Yes, you can use applications to solve some of these issues, but this will quickly add up and raise your monthly expenditures, which isn’t ideal for a small, bootstrapped business.

How can you make your Shopify store more appealing to organic visitors? What will you do as a result? Here’s where a Shopify SEO Company in India comes in the image, helping the brands that fail in managing the perfect Shopify SEO.

About Shopify SEO

Shopify stands out among e-commerce platforms thanks to its vast and powerful feature set. The platform provides a simple user interface and several compelling built-in SEO features.

SEO is crucial for e-commerce businesses since it ensures they are optimized to show up first in search results. These rankings rise the greater the online presence and the likelihood of conversion.

The three categories of Shopify SEO tactics are as follows:

On-Page SEO:

On-Page SEO is the collective term for all the methods you use to improve your content’s readability, comprehension, and ranking for search engines. These strategies involve creating relevant content for your target audience first, then optimizing it for search engines by adding relevant headings, tags, and links.

Off-Page SEO:

Off-page SEO refers to all activities carried out on websites or online platforms other than one’s own, e-commerce link building strategies, social media marketing, citation building in local directories, and landing page evaluations.

Technical SEO:

Technical SEO includes procedures that modify how search engines index your Shopify stores, such as canonicalization, structured data, and site speed optimization. Search engine optimization techniques are referred to as technical SEO.

Here are 5 main Shopify SEO tips that don’t require any code to boost organic traffic and Google rankings!

1. Clear Your Store from Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is text that perfectly replicates a copy on another web page. (That page can be on your own website or someone else!) If a search engine like Google finds duplicate content, Bing, Yahoo, or another significant one, it might be terrible for any Shopify website.

Although external duplication, where it looks like you’ve duplicated information from another site, is not tolerated by search engines, it may negatively affect search engine results, and your store may be penalized by search engines.

2. Optimization Of Title And Description Is Necessary

Optimizing your titles and meta descriptions is one of the most crucial things you can do for your Shopify store. It’s critical to make your title and meta description compelling enough to click on since these will be what appear in search engine results.

You should start by coming up with a captivating title and employing persuasion in your meta description. In this manner, people will want to click on your page when they see it in the search engine results.

After that, you should check your page’s current keyword placement and make any necessary adjustments. Using a keyword that receives more searches than others in your title, meta description, and throughout the body of the page’s content may be advantageous. It will make it simpler for customers to find your product online.

You can also use the Bing Keyword Tool or Google Ads Keyword Tool to find relevant keywords for your goods or services. Then, you may optimize your titles and meta descriptions using those keywords as a guide.

3. Try Including A Site Map

Although search engines no longer use site maps, they might aid SEO campaigns.

The quickest approach to listing every page on your website is with a site map. Visitors can navigate your website more easily with a site map. It’s a fantastic approach to let Google know what material is on your website.

Navigate to Settings > General > Site Map, then follow the on-screen directions to build a site map. When you’ve finished one, upload it to Google Search Console Tools (we’ll cover those in more detail later).

This will let Google know that you want all of your pages indexed, even if they don’t perform well for specific search queries.

4. Optimization Of Shopify Store Images

Image optimization is required for your Shopify store as another technique to enhance your visibility in Google and other search engines. For years, search engines have shortened the process of figuring out what an image on a website is about by using alt tags.

You should use keyword-rich alt tags for each one of your photographs. Since your site is more likely to appear in a search for images of red boots, for instance, if it has alt tags that accurately describe each image.

5. Create Content For Search Engines

A marketing campaign’s content is a crucial component. The greatest strategy to produce high-quality content is to offer exciting stuff that readers will want to read and recommend to others.

Depending on the content you provide on your site, search engine crawlers will visit and index it. So make sure to add pertinent and excellent content to every website page.

Shopify Shines!

Customers should be able to find you simply when they search for your products online if you want to increase sales on Shopify. If not, they’ll be purchasing from your competitors.

If you optimize your Shopify online store for SEO, growing your organic traffic won’t be an issue. Look for the target market and pertinent keywords. Watch your traffic steadily increase by naturally including those terms in your product description’s content.

Author’s Bio
Vivek Sharma is a digital marketing specialist at a leading SEO service company in India, Better Graph. He regularly consults, trains, and speaks on SEO, PPC, and local search techniques. He can often review digital marketing strategies for clients with the SEO team and is actively involved in SEO.