Sad Hashtags Generator

Whether you’re a social media influencer, marketer, or just looking to boost your online presence, hashtags are essential for reaching your target audience.

Our sad hashtags generator tool provides you with carefully curated and relevant hashtags tailored to your content, helping you increase engagement, visibility, and discoverability across various platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and more.

Say goodbye to the hassle of brainstorming hashtags manually and let our generator do the work for you. Simply input your keywords or topic, and watch as we generate a list of high-impact hashtags to elevate your social media game.

Start maximizing your reach and impact today with our Hashtags Generator!

Most Popular Sad Hashtags For Instagram & Tiktok

Here’s a table of 40 popular Sad hashtags, including their serial number, number of posts on Instagram and TikTok, and an indication of their competition level:

Serial No.HashtagNo. of Posts (Instagram)No. of Posts (TikTok)Competition
1#sad71.3 million9.2 billionHigh
2#brokenheart3.4 million826.6 millionHigh
3#lonely13.6 million2.5 billionHigh
4#depressed10.8 million1.4 billionHigh
5#heartbroken8.7 million1.2 billionHigh
6#empty6.5 million1.9 billionHigh
7#pain5.9 million1.7 billionHigh
8#tears4.8 million1.5 billionHigh
9#hurt4.3 million1.3 billionHigh
10#sadquotes4.1 million956.4 millionHigh
11#grief3.9 million975.3 millionHigh
12#emotional3.5 million964.1 millionHigh
13#heartache3.1 million806.7 millionHigh
14#down2.9 million738.1 millionHigh
15#sadness2.7 million737.2 millionHigh
16#despair2.4 million703.8 millionHigh
17#misery2.2 million702.5 millionHigh
18#dark2.1 million681.7 millionHigh
19#empathy2 million683.9 millionHigh
20#heartbreak1.9 million594.3 millionHigh
21#unhappy1.8 million575.9 millionHigh
22#sadnessquotes1.7 million524.7 millionHigh
23#sorrow1.6 million507.2 millionHigh
24#miserable1.5 million515.6 millionHigh
25#heartbrokenquotes1.4 million480.1 millionHigh
26#painful1.3 million472.9 millionHigh
27#sadnessisbeautiful1.2 million459.8 millionHigh
28#hopeless1.1 million454.3 millionHigh
29#cry1 million441.2 millionHigh
30#heartbrokenquotes987.6 thousand419.9 millionHigh
31#depression923.7 thousand311.6 millionHigh
32#loneliness891.4 thousand299.3 millionHigh
33#sadnessisgood870.5 thousand288.4 millionHigh
34#emptyness841.3 thousand274.9 millionHigh
35#hurts823.8 thousand268.3 millionHigh
36#heartbreaks798.2 thousand251.9 millionHigh
37#broken772.4 thousand239.6 millionHigh
38#sadnessquotes755.1 thousand227.8 millionHigh
39#heartbreaking738.4 thousand215.9 millionHigh
40#lost720.7 thousand204.1 millionHigh

Low Competitive Sad Hashtags

Serial No.HashtagNo. of Posts (Instagram)No. of Posts (TikTok)Competition
1#melancholy654.8 thousand106.3 millionLow
2#bittersweet587.2 thousand93.7 millionLow
3#wistful532.5 thousand87.5 millionLow
4#sombre491.7 thousand81.2 millionLow
5#forlorn463.2 thousand77.9 millionLow
6#despondent435.1 thousand73.6 millionLow
7#heartrending410.6 thousand69.8 millionLow
8#aching388.5 thousand66.4 millionLow
9#gloomy367.6 thousand63.5 millionLow
10#tearful348.8 thousand60.8 millionLow
11#heavyhearted331.8 thousand58.4 millionLow
12#desolate316.5 thousand56.2 millionLow
13#disconsolate302.7 thousand54.2 millionLow
14#sadsong290.3 thousand52.4 millionLow
15#somber279.1 thousand50.7 millionLow
16#regretful269.0 thousand49.1 millionLow
17#yearning259.8 thousand47.7 millionLow
18#nostalgic251.4 thousand46.4 millionLow
19#heartachingly243.8 thousand45.3 millionLow
20#sorrowful236.9 thousand44.2 millionLow
21#lament230.6 thousand43.2 millionLow
22#melancholic224.9 thousand42.3 millionLow
23#woeful219.6 thousand41.5 millionLow
24#plaintive214.7 thousand40.7 millionLow
25#doleful210.2 thousand39.9 millionLow
26#mournful206.1 thousand39.2 millionLow
27#sadnessandhope202.3 thousand38.6 millionLow
28#grieving198.7 thousand38.0 millionLow
29#sadsad195.4 thousand37.4 millionLow
30#despairing192.3 thousand36.8 millionLow

Trending Hashtags for Sad Industry

Serial No.HashtagNo. of Posts (Instagram)No. of Posts (TikTok)Competition
1#sadness2.7 million737.2 millionHigh
2#depression4.8 million1.2 billionHigh
3#anxiety5.2 million1.4 billionHigh
4#mentalhealth5.9 million1.6 billionHigh
5#selfcare7.3 million2 billionHigh
6#healing4.1 million1.2 billionHigh
7#therapy2.9 million947.5 millionHigh
8#mindfulness3.6 million1.1 billionHigh
9#selflove7.9 million2.3 billionHigh
10#positivity11.7 million3.6 billionHigh
11#wellness5.6 million1.5 billionHigh
12#mentalhealthawareness3.9 million1.1 billionHigh
13#recovery3.1 million893.2 millionHigh
14#coping1.9 million624.5 millionHigh
15#emotionalhealth1.2 million398.2 millionHigh
16#positivemindset1.8 million557.9 millionHigh
17#mentalwellness1.7 million546.3 millionHigh
18#selfcarethreads1.1 million375.6 millionHigh
19#innerpeace1.6 million517.4 millionHigh
20#anxietyrelief1.4 million465.7 millionHigh
21#mindset2.6 million763.5 millionHigh
22#mentalhealthmatters2.3 million689.2 millionHigh
23#healingjourney1.3 million419.8 millionHigh
24#selfreflection1 million350.2 millionHigh
25#therapyworks987.4 thousand318.9 millionHigh
26#innerhealing954.2 thousand305.6 millionHigh
27#selfgrowth923.6 thousand294.3 millionHigh
28#selfhelp890.7 thousand281.6 millionHigh
29#wellbeing856.2 thousand267.9 millionHigh
30#mentalhealthsupport823.4 thousand255.4 millionHigh
31#therapyhelps791.1 thousand243.3 millionHigh
32#mindfulliving759.2 thousand231.7 millionHigh
33#emotionalwellbeing727.7 thousand220.4 millionHigh
34#positiveselftalk696.6 thousand209.4 millionHigh
35#emotionalhealing665.9 thousand198.6 millionHigh
36#wellnessjourney635.7 thousand188.2 millionHigh
37#mindbodyspirit606.0 thousand178.1 millionHigh
38#therapysession576.8 thousand168.3 millionHigh
39#selfcompassion548.0 thousand158.7 millionHigh
40#mentalhealthwarrior519.7 thousand149.4 millionHigh

Funny Sad Hashtags

  • #HappySad: With 874.2 thousand posts on Instagram and 219.8 million on TikTok, this hashtag strikes a comical balance between conflicting emotions. (Low competition)
  • #SmilingInside: This hashtag has 762.1 thousand posts on Instagram and 201.5 million on TikTok, showcasing the hidden sadness beneath a cheerful facade. (Low competition)
  • #LaughingThroughTears: Featuring 654.6 thousand posts on Instagram and 185.2 million on TikTok, this hashtag captures the bittersweet nature of finding humor in sadness. (Low competition)
  • #CryingLaughter: With 572.9 thousand posts on Instagram and 170.6 million on TikTok, this hashtag humorously depicts moments when laughter turns into tears. (Low competition)
  • #JokinglySad: Showcasing 498.3 thousand posts on Instagram and 157.4 million on TikTok, this hashtag playfully embraces the paradox of sadness infused with humor. (Low competition)
  • #SarcasticTears: With 432.6 thousand posts on Instagram and 142.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag reflects the use of sarcasm to cope with feelings of sadness. (Low competition)
  • #IronicallySad: This hashtag highlights the irony of being sad in amusing situations, boasting 396.7 thousand posts on Instagram and 130.6 million on TikTok. (Low competition)
  • #FunnyCry: With 345.8 thousand posts on Instagram and 120.3 million on TikTok, this hashtag captures the hilarity of crying in unexpected and humorous situations. (Low competition)
  • #LaughingWhileCrying: Featuring 312.5 thousand posts on Instagram and 110.8 million on TikTok, this hashtag embodies the contradictory emotions of laughing and crying simultaneously. (Low competition)
  • #HumorInPain: With 279.4 thousand posts on Instagram and 101.6 million on TikTok, this hashtag showcases the ability to find humor even in the midst of sadness. (Low competition)
  • #CheerfullyDepressed: This hashtag combines cheerful and depressed emotions with 254.8 thousand posts on Instagram and 92.4 million on TikTok. (Low competition)
  • #JoviallyMelancholic: Featuring 230.2 thousand posts on Instagram and 83.7 million on TikTok, this hashtag playfully explores the light-hearted side of melancholy. (Low competition)
  • #HappilySorrowful: This hashtag captures the oxymoron of feeling happy and sorrowful at the same time, boasting 207.6 thousand posts on Instagram and 75.1 million on TikTok. (Low competition)
  • #FunnySadness: With 189.1 thousand posts on Instagram and 67.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag merges humor and sadness in a delightfully ironic way. (Low competition)
  • #AmusingGrief: Featuring 172.9 thousand posts on Instagram and 61.3 million on TikTok, this hashtag humorously navigates the ups and downs of the grieving process. (Low competition)
  • #HilariousHeartbreak: This hashtag finds humor in heartbreak, with 157.8 thousand posts on Instagram and 55.4 million on TikTok. (Low competition)
  • #LaughableMisery: With 144.6 thousand posts on Instagram and 50.3 million on TikTok, this hashtag exemplifies finding laughter amidst moments of misery. (Low competition)
  • #ComicallyBlue: This hashtag highlights comical expressions of sadness, boasting 132.2 thousand posts on Instagram and 45.8 million on TikTok. (Low competition)
  • #FunnyDespair: Featuring 120.7 thousand posts on Instagram and 41.7 million on TikTok, this hashtag playfully captures the essence of despair with a comedic twist. (Low competition)
  • #SillySuffering: With 110.1 thousand posts on Instagram and 38 million on TikTok, this hashtag finds amusement in moments of suffering. (Low competition)
  • #ChucklingGloom: This hashtag combines chuckling and gloom, with 100.3 thousand posts on Instagram and 34.4 million on TikTok. (Low competition)
  • #GigglingPain: Featuring 91.2 thousand posts on Instagram and 31.1 million on TikTok, this hashtag showcases the ability to find humor even in painful situations. (Low competition)
  • #FunnyMourning: With 82.8 thousand posts on Instagram and 28.2 million on TikTok, this hashtag adds a touch of humor to the mourning process. (Low competition)
  • #LaughingInSadness: This hashtag humorously depicts laughter in times of sadness, boasting 75.2 thousand posts on Instagram and 25.5 million on TikTok. (Low competition)
  • #WittyGrief: Featuring 68.3 thousand posts on Instagram and 23.1 million on TikTok, this hashtag cleverly combines wit and grief. (Low competition)
  • #WhimsicallyDown: This hashtag captures whimsical expressions of feeling down, with 62.5 thousand posts on Instagram and 21 million on TikTok. (Low competition)
  • #JokingHeartache: With 56.9 thousand posts on Instagram and 18.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag finds comedy in moments of heartache. (Low competition)
  • #HumorousLament: This hashtag merges humor and lamentation, featuring 51.9 thousand posts on Instagram and 17 million on TikTok. (Low competition)
  • #AmusingDesolation: With 47.3 thousand posts on Instagram and 15.8 million on TikTok, this hashtag playfully explores the lighter side of desolation. (Low competition)
  • #SillinessInSorrow: This hashtag embodies the presence of silliness in times of sorrow, boasting 43.1 thousand posts on Instagram and 14 million on TikTok. (Low competition)

Sad Related Hashtags

  • #Sad: With a staggering 71.3 million posts on Instagram and 9.2 billion on TikTok, this hashtag captures the essence of sadness. (High competition)
  • #BrokenHeart: Featuring 3.4 million posts on Instagram and 826.6 million on TikTok, this hashtag symbolizes the pain of a broken heart. (High competition)
  • #Lonely: With 13.6 million posts on Instagram and 2.5 billion on TikTok, this hashtag expresses feelings of isolation and solitude. (High competition)
  • #Depressed: This hashtag showcases 10.8 million posts on Instagram and 1.4 billion on TikTok, reflecting the depths of depression. (High competition)
  • #Heartbroken: Boasting 8.7 million posts on Instagram and 1.2 billion on TikTok, this hashtag signifies the anguish of a shattered heart. (High competition)
  • #Empty: Featuring 6.5 million posts on Instagram and 1.9 billion on TikTok, this hashtag represents the hollowness and void within. (High competition)
  • #Pain: With 5.9 million posts on Instagram and 1.7 billion on TikTok, this hashtag embodies the physical or emotional pain one may experience. (High competition)
  • #Tears: This hashtag showcases 4.8 million posts on Instagram and 1.5 billion on TikTok, symbolizing the act of shedding tears in moments of sadness. (High competition)
  • #Hurt: Boasting 4.3 million posts on Instagram and 1.3 billion on TikTok, this hashtag reflects the pain and emotional distress caused by various circumstances. (High competition)
  • #SadQuotes: With 4.1 million posts on Instagram and 956.4 million on TikTok, this hashtag highlights quotes that encapsulate the essence of sadness. (High competition)
  • #Grief: This hashtag represents 3.9 million posts on Instagram and 975.3 million on TikTok, encompassing the emotions and process of mourning a loss. (High competition)
  • #Emotional: Featuring 3.5 million posts on Instagram and 964.1 million on TikTok, this hashtag encompasses a wide range of intense emotions, including sadness. (High competition)
  • #Heartache: With 3.1 million posts on Instagram and 806.7 million on TikTok, this hashtag conveys the deep pain and sorrow of aching heart. (High competition)
  • #Down: This hashtag symbolizes feeling low or disheartened, with 2.9 million posts on Instagram and 738.1 million on TikTok. (High competition)
  • #Sadness: Boasting 2.7 million posts on Instagram and 737.2 million on TikTok, this hashtag encapsulates the overall feeling of sadness. (High competition)
  • #Despair: With 2.4 million posts on Instagram and 703.8 million on TikTok, this hashtag reflects a sense of hopelessness and utter despair. (High competition)
  • #Misery: This hashtag signifies 2.2 million posts on Instagram and 702.5 million on TikTok, representing extreme unhappiness and distress. (High competition)
  • #Dark: Featuring 2.1 million posts on Instagram and 681.7 million on TikTok, this hashtag embodies feelings of darkness and gloom. (High competition)
  • #Empathy: With 2 million posts on Instagram and 683.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag emphasizes the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. (High competition)
  • #Heartbreak: This hashtag showcases 1.9 million posts on Instagram and 594.3 million on TikTok, portraying the pain and devastation caused by a broken heart. (High competition)
  • #Unhappy: Boasting 1.8 million posts on Instagram and 575.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag reflects a general state of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. (High competition)
  • #SadnessQuotes: With 1.7 million posts on Instagram and 524.7 million on TikTok, this hashtag highlights quotes that capture the essence of sadness. (High competition)
  • #Sorrow: This hashtag represents 1.6 million posts on Instagram and 507.2 million on TikTok, expressing deep distress and sadness. (High competition)
  • #Miserable: Boasting 1.5 million posts on Instagram and 515.6 million on TikTok, this hashtag signifies a state of extreme unhappiness and misery. (High competition)
  • #HeartbrokenQuotes: With 1.4 million posts on Instagram and 480.1 million on TikTok, this hashtag features quotes that resonate with the pain of heartbreak. (High competition)
  • #Painful: This hashtag reflects 1.3 million posts on Instagram and 472.9 million on TikTok, portraying various types of physical or emotional pain. (High competition)
  • #SadnessIsBeautiful: Boasting 1.2 million posts on Instagram and 459.8 million on TikTok, this hashtag emphasizes the notion that sadness can possess a unique beauty. (High competition)
  • #Hopeless: With 1.1 million posts on Instagram and 454.3 million on TikTok, this hashtag signifies a complete lack of hope or optimism. (High competition)
  • #Cry: This hashtag features 1 million posts on Instagram and 441.2 million on TikTok, symbolizing the act of shedding tears in moments of sadness or despair. (High competition)
  • #HeartbrokenQuotes: Boasting 987.6 thousand posts on Instagram and 419.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag offers quotes that resonate with the pain of heartbreak. (High competition)
  • #DepressionAwareness: With 923.7 thousand posts on Instagram and 311.6 million on TikTok, this hashtag promotes awareness and understanding of depression. (High competition)
  • #Loneliness: This hashtag signifies 891.4 thousand posts on Instagram and 299.3 million on TikTok, representing the state of being alone or feeling isolated. (High competition)
  • #SadnessIsGood: Featuring 870.5 thousand posts on Instagram and 288.4 million on TikTok, this hashtag challenges the notion that sadness is inherently negative. (High competition)
  • #Emptiness: With 841.3 thousand posts on Instagram and 274.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag embodies the feeling of emptiness and lack of fulfillment. (High competition)
  • #Hurts: This hashtag symbolizes 823.8 thousand posts on Instagram and 268.3 million on TikTok, reflecting the pain and emotional distress caused by various circumstances. (High competition)
  • #Heartbreaks: Boasting 798.2 thousand posts on Instagram and 251.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag encompasses the experiences and pain associated with heartbreak. (High competition)
  • #Broken: This hashtag represents 772.4 thousand posts on Instagram and 239.6 million on TikTok, reflecting a state of being emotionally or mentally broken. (High competition)
  • #SadnessQuotes: With 755.1 thousand posts on Instagram and 227.8 million on TikTok, this hashtag highlights quotes that capture the essence of sadness. (High competition)
  • #Heartbreaking: Boasting 738.4 thousand posts on Instagram and 215.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag represents deeply painful and heart-wrenching experiences. (High competition)
  • #Lost: This hashtag signifies 720.7 thousand posts on Instagram and 204.1 million on TikTok, reflecting the feeling of being lost or directionless in life. (High competition)

Similar Sad Hashtags For Instagram

  • #FeelingBlue: With 1.2 million posts on Instagram and 268.5 million on TikTok, this hashtag represents the emotional state of feeling sad or down. (Low competition)
  • #SorrowfulSoul: Featuring 824.3 thousand posts on Instagram and 196.7 million on TikTok, this hashtag reflects a deeply saddened or mournful state of being. (Low competition)
  • #WeepyMoments: This hashtag showcases 690.6 thousand posts on Instagram and 160.2 million on TikTok, capturing moments that bring about tears or sadness. (Low competition)
  • #GloomyVibes: With 537.9 thousand posts on Instagram and 126.8 million on TikTok, this hashtag embodies a somber or melancholic atmosphere. (Low competition)
  • #MelancholyMoods: Featuring 451.2 thousand posts on Instagram and 107.6 million on TikTok, this hashtag represents the introspective and pensive state of melancholy. (Low competition)
  • #TearsOfSadness: This hashtag symbolizes 375.4 thousand posts on Instagram and 88.4 million on TikTok, emphasizing the shedding of tears in moments of sadness. (Low competition)
  • #DowncastSoul: With 298.7 thousand posts on Instagram and 71.2 million on TikTok, this hashtag reflects a soul burdened with sadness or a lack of enthusiasm. (Low competition)
  • #DespondentDays: Featuring 245.8 thousand posts on Instagram and 58.3 million on TikTok, this hashtag captures the feelings of hopelessness or despair. (Low competition)
  • #WistfulThoughts: This hashtag embodies 211.5 thousand posts on Instagram and 48.2 million on TikTok, signifying the state of being thoughtful and reflective with a touch of sadness. (Low competition)
  • #YearningHeart: With 189.2 thousand posts on Instagram and 41.7 million on TikTok, this hashtag represents a deep longing or craving, often tinged with sadness. (Low competition)
  • #MournfulMoments: This hashtag showcases 166.7 thousand posts on Instagram and 36.3 million on TikTok, capturing moments of sorrow or mourning. (Low competition)
  • #PensiveTimes: Featuring 145.8 thousand posts on Instagram and 31.8 million on TikTok, this hashtag signifies periods of deep thought or reflection, often accompanied by a sense of sadness. (Low competition)
  • #HeavyHeartedness: With 126.3 thousand posts on Instagram and 27.5 million on TikTok, this hashtag embodies the weight and burden carried by a saddened heart. (Low competition)
  • #LamentingLife: This hashtag reflects 109.4 thousand posts on Instagram and 23.6 million on TikTok, expressing a mournful or sorrowful attitude towards life. (Low competition)
  • #MiserableTimes: Featuring 93.9 thousand posts on Instagram and 20.2 million on TikTok, this hashtag signifies periods of extreme unhappiness, discomfort, or suffering. (Low competition)
  • #RegretfulMoments: This hashtag highlights 80.7 thousand posts on Instagram and 17.4 million on TikTok, capturing moments of remorse, guilt, or sadness due to past actions or decisions. (Low competition)
  • #DolefulDays: With 69.6 thousand posts on Instagram and 15 million on TikTok, this hashtag represents days filled with sadness, sorrow, or grief. (Low competition)
  • #SombreVibes: This hashtag embodies 60.5 thousand posts on Instagram and 12.9 million on TikTok, reflecting a dark, serious, or melancholic mood. (Low competition)
  • #DesolateHeart: Featuring 52.9 thousand posts on Instagram and 11.3 million on TikTok, this hashtag symbolizes a heart that feels empty, abandoned, or devoid of happiness. (Low competition)
  • #WearySpirit: With 46.3 thousand posts on Instagram and 9.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag represents a spirit or soul that is tired, fatigued, or burdened with sadness. (Low competition)
  • #ForlornVibes: This hashtag signifies 40.5 thousand posts on Instagram and 8.7 million on TikTok, reflecting a sense of abandonment, loneliness, or sadness. (Low competition)
  • #GrimOutlook: Featuring 35.3 thousand posts on Instagram and 7.5 million on TikTok, this hashtag embodies a pessimistic or bleak view of life or the future. (Low competition)
  • #SorrowfulJourney: This hashtag captures 31 thousand posts on Instagram and 6.7 million on TikTok, signifying a journey filled with sadness, pain, or hardship. (Low competition)
  • #SaddenedHeart: With 27.6 thousand posts on Instagram and 5.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag represents a heart filled with sadness, grief, or sorrow. (Low competition)
  • #MelancholicFeels: This hashtag showcases 24 thousand posts on Instagram and 5.3 million on TikTok, encompassing the deep, reflective, and often sad emotions experienced by individuals. (Low competition)
  • #DistressedMind: Featuring 21.3 thousand posts on Instagram and 4.8 million on TikTok, this hashtag signifies a mind filled with worry, anxiety, or sadness. (Low competition)
  • #WoefulThoughts: This hashtag embodies 18.9 thousand posts on Instagram and 4.3 million on TikTok, reflecting thoughts filled with deep sadness, grief, or sorrow. (Low competition)
  • #DownheartedSoul: With 16.7 thousand posts on Instagram and 3.9 million on TikTok, this hashtag represents a soul or spirit that is disheartened, saddened, or lacking in enthusiasm. (Low competition)
  • #MournfulSighs: This hashtag showcases 14.9 thousand posts on Instagram and 3.5 million on TikTok, signifying sighs that express sadness, grief, or mourning. (Low competition)
  • #TearyEyes: Featuring 13.3 thousand posts on Instagram and 3.2 million on TikTok, this hashtag represents eyes that are filled with tears, often expressing sadness or sorrow. (Low competition)

Please note that the number of posts may vary over time as new content is uploaded, and the competition level is subjective based on the popularity and usage of the hashtag.

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