Top Resume Skills Employers Care About in [2024]

Are you confused about what to include and what not to include in the skill section of your resume? Here is a comprehensive guide with samples of resume skills employers look for in a resume. 

When it comes to applying for a job, your resume is your opportunity to make a good first impression on potential employers. Here is a comprehensive guide to resume skills that employers look for in a resume. 

With so many different skills to choose from, it can be hard to know which ones to include. To help you out, we have compiled a list of the top 20 resume skills that employers look for.

These skills are not only in high demand by employers, but they can also set you apart from other candidates and help you land the job you want. 

Whether you’re a recent graduate just starting your career or an experienced professional looking to make a change, you can increase your chances of getting hired.

Facts About Resumes You Should know

  • On average, hiring managers delay 5-7 seconds reading your resume and deciding whether or not you’re a good candidate (According to The Ladders)
  • 60% of applicants abandon their applications (Writrox)
  • Most recruiters focus on your skills rather than your education
  • Even in the digital age, resumes have not lost their relevance in recruitment processes (NY Times)

Knowing this, let’s take a look at the skills section and why it is vital on the resume.

The Importance of The Skill Section

The skills section of your resume is an important part of your job application because it highlights your abilities and qualifications that are relevant to the position you are applying for. 

This section allows you to showcase the technical skills that you have developed through your education and work experience, as well as any specific software or equipment that you are proficient in using.

Including a skills section on your resume can help you to stand out from other candidates and demonstrate to potential employers that you have the knowledge and abilities necessary to succeed in the role. 

It can also help to show that you are capable of adapting to new technologies and processes, which is highly valued in today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving job market.

It is important to tailor the skills section of your resume to the specific requirements of the job you are applying for. 

This means highlighting the skills that are most relevant to the position and using specific examples to demonstrate your proficiency. By doing this, you can effectively show potential employers that you are the best candidate for the job.

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Guidelines To Display Skills on Resume

Follow these guidelines to highlight your skills on your resume:

  • Tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for: Soft skills are important, but you should still focus on highlighting the skills that are most relevant to the job at hand.
  • Use specific examples: Don’t just list your soft skills, provide concrete examples of how you have demonstrated those skills in the past.
  • Use action verbs: Use verbs like “collaborated,” “communicated,” and “problem-solved” to describe your soft skills in action.
  • Don’t overdo it: While it’s important to highlight your soft skills, be sure not to oversell yourself. Be honest and authentic in your self-assessment.
  • Keep it brief: Your resume should be concise and to the point, so be sure to focus on the most important and relevant soft skills.
  • Use industry-specific language: If you are applying for a job in a specific industry, be sure to use language and terminology that is familiar to people in that field.
  • Don’t neglect hard skills: In addition to highlighting your soft skills, be sure to also emphasize your technical and hard skills that are relevant to the job.

Soft Skills

Soft skills essential for success in the modern workplace include abilities such as communication, problem-solving, time management, and teamwork. 

Including soft skills on your resume is important because they can differentiate you from other candidates and showcase your ability to work well with others. Employers value soft skills because they help to create a positive and productive work environment

For example, strong communication skills can help you to effectively convey your ideas and collaborate with colleagues. Problem-solving skills can help you to identify and resolve issues in a timely and efficient manner.

Including examples of your soft skills on your resume can also demonstrate your ability to adapt to different situations and work with a diverse group of people. 

This is particularly important in today’s global economy, where the ability to work effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds is becoming increasingly important.

Overall, highlighting your soft skills on your resume can show potential employers that you are well-rounded and capable of thriving in a variety of work environments.

Important Soft Skills For Your Resume

Now, let’s discuss each of the soft skills in brief:

1. Communication Skills

Communicating skills refer to the ability to effectively exchange information with others through speaking, writing, and listening. 

These skills are important in all aspects of life but are particularly essential in the workplace. Strong communication skills can help you build relationships, solve problems, and succeed in your career. 

When listing your communication skills, provide specific examples of how you have demonstrated those skills in the past. 

For example, “led team meetings to discuss project progress and delegate tasks” or “presented company findings at industry conferences.”

Communication skills are often transferable, so if you have experience in a field that required strong communication skills, be sure to include it on your resume.

Always use strong action verbs to describe your communication skills. Some examples include “communicated,” “collaborated,” “negotiated,” and “presented.”

2. Teamwork

Teamworking refers to the ability to work effectively as a member of a team to achieve a common goal. It involves collaborating with others, being able to communicate effectively, and being able to contribute to the team’s efforts.

Teamwork requires a sense of interdependence or the understanding that the success of the team is dependent on the contributions of each member.

It also requires a willingness to cooperate with others and be open to their ideas and perspectives. In the workplace, teamwork is an essential skill that can help organizations achieve success and improve efficiency.

3. Time management

Including time management skills on your resume can be valuable because it shows potential employers that you can effectively plan and prioritize tasks to meet deadlines. This is an important skill in any workplace, as it can help increase productivity and efficiency.

Here are some reasons why time management skills are important to include on your resume:

  • Time management skills demonstrate that you can complete tasks efficiently and effectively, which is valuable to any employer.
  • Being able to manage your own time effectively shows that you are responsible and reliable.
  • Time management skills are important in fast-paced environments where tasks and priorities may change frequently. Showing that you can adapt and manage your time effectively can make you a strong candidate.
  • Including time management skills on your resume can set you apart from other candidates who may not have emphasized this skill.

Overall, including time management skills on your resume can demonstrate to potential employers that you are an efficient, responsible, and adaptable candidate who can effectively manage your time and meet deadlines.

4. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to recognize and understand one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It involves being self-aware, self-regulated, empathetic, and able to build and maintain positive relationships.

Including emotional intelligence on your resume can be valuable because it shows potential employers that you can effectively navigate social situations and interact with others positively and productively.

High emotional intelligence can lead to better communication with coworkers and clients, as it allows you to better understand and respond to their emotions.

EI can help you build positive relationships with team members and work effectively towards a common goal. Being able to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as those of others, can help you effectively resolve conflicts in the workplace.

High emotional intelligence can make you a strong leader, as it allows you to build trust and communicate effectively with team members.

Important Hard Skills For Your Resume

Let’s discuss each of the hard skills in brief:

1. Software Proficiency

Software proficiency can be important on a resume, particularly if it is relevant to the industry and the job for which you are applying. 

For example, if you are applying for a job as a web developer, proficiency in languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript would be highly relevant and valuable to include on your resume. 

Similarly, if you are applying for a job in graphic design, proficiency in software like Adobe Creative Suite would be important to include.

That being said, it’s also important to consider the specific requirements of the job you are applying for.

If a particular software is not required for the job but you have a strong foundation in it, it may still be worth including on your resume as a way to demonstrate your versatility and general technical proficiency.

2. Research Skills

Research skills can be important for a wide range of roles, as they involve the ability to find and gather information effectively and efficiently.

These skills can be particularly valuable in roles that require problem-solving, decision-making, or critical thinking, as they allow you to gather the information you need to inform your decisions and approach tasks.

Research skills can also be important in roles that require a high level of attention to detail, as they allow you to thoroughly gather and analyze information to ensure accuracy and thoroughness.

In general, research skills can be valuable in any role that requires the ability to find and use information effectively, regardless of the specific industry or sector.

3. Process automation

Automation skills can be an important asset to have on a resume, depending on the job you are applying for and the industry you are working in.

Many companies are looking for employees who have experience with process automation, as it can help to streamline workflows, reduce errors, and increase efficiency.

If you have experience with process automation and can demonstrate the value it has added to your previous work, it can be a useful skill to highlight on your resume.

4. Data analysis

Analysis skills can be an important asset to have on a resume, as they are highly sought after in a variety of industries.

Being able to analyze and interpret data is crucial in today’s data-driven world, and many companies are looking for employees who have strong data analysis skills. 

If you have experience with data analysis and can demonstrate the value it has added to your previous work, it can be a useful skill to highlight on your resume.

It can also be helpful to have proficiency in a programming language such as Python or R. These skills can help you to effectively analyze and interpret data.

Thus, it is important for job seekers to carefully consider the skills that are most relevant to the positions they are applying for, and to highlight these skills prominently on their resumes. 

By demonstrating a strong skill set, job seekers can increase their chances of being considered for positions and ultimately, landing a job.