How Should You be Presenting Social Media Content to Clients

Presenting Social Media Content to Clients

Everyone agrees that social media is a crucial part of marketing these days. Regardless of what type of product or service you are selling, you will be much more effective if you triangulate your marketing efforts and reach out to potential customers via as many means as possible.

Mass mailing efforts using email marketing services are also important, but they shouldn’t be relied upon by themselves. You’ll want to explore all the possibilities and see what people are using so that you can reach the same number of people.

You would rather not do this blindly, however. There are specific methods that successful companies follow and special techniques that will help you be really effective in reaching your target audience. Let’s take a closer look at what some of these are.

Which media do you want to use?

The first question you should be asking yourself is, what SM do I want to use in trying to reach my target group? Not all media are appropriate for every audience.

One way that you can start is by looking at your competitors and monitoring what social media marketing they use. Are they posting sales every day on Instagram? Do they have their own YouTube channels? A TikTok Business account?

Of course, simply having an online presence is not a guarantee of success either. A company needs to really be effective to succeed with its marketing.

When you’re looking around, take note of the number of people who follow each of the media your competitors use. What are the comments like? Do they get good reviews on third-party sites? What are their most viewed videos on YouTube?

If you see something that you think is off, or potentially inappropriate for your own business, then obviously you want to avoid repeating your competitors’ efforts. And you don’t want to simply copy and paste what other people are doing, either.

People can smell inauthenticity from far away, and if you’re simply making yourself into a copycat people will probably be inclined to go for the original. Nonetheless, seeing what your competitors are doing is an essential part of the process.

You can also simply look around online and see what the best advice is being offered by experts. There is a reason they managed to make it to the top, of course.

Video is an important component

The use of video is the best way to illustrate your strengths as it gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your products and services to potential customers in detail and focus on the aspects that you want to focus on.

Creating a YouTube channel is a good way to get started, and of course, there are also multiple other media that you can share your videos on as well.

Before you launch into your video creation, you’ll want to sit down and map out what kind of videos you aim to make, how many, in what order, etc.

You don’t just want to start randomly shooting because it won’t look good to your viewers, and you’ll probably emit plenty of important elements as well. A good way to start would be to categorize your future videos into types.

What types of videos do you want to make?

This will depend on your individual business, of course. But there are several types of videos that successful companies are producing that have become standards in the business world.

If you want to be a successful video content creator, consider the following:

  • Content marketing videos – Of course, the most essential feature of any marketing campaign is introducing the content of a given business. In your content marketing videos, you’ll be showcasing your products and services to your audience.
  • Success stories – Perhaps your potential customers don’t know that you got voted Best Small Business of the Year last year. Putting together success story videos will help you get the message out about what a great business you are.
  • Company milestones – Are you about to hit your 10-year anniversary? Let the public know it! Use it as an opportunity to have a sale, or put an event together. People value longevity; you should use this to your advantage.
  • Tutorials – If your company advertises things that require following step-by-step procedures, you should consider putting together tutorials online. Customers can go back to them when they need them, particularly if they have a Mac screen recorder or one for Windows, and review the steps on their time.

Be sure to use the proper tools

Making high-quality videos is about more than just recording and posting. You want your videos to be as good or better quality than those of your competitors.

Even if the products you’re selling are simple in appearance, the fact is that people just don’t pay attention to low-quality content because it looks sloppy and gives the appearance that you aren’t really concerned about.

When you make your videos, you should pay careful attention to your lighting and backdrop, and make sure you’re filming in clean and aesthetically pleasing rooms.

To make your videos really professional looking, you’ll want to add graphics and use a professional design tool to help you bring your videos to life. You’ll also want to get a video converter so that you can change the formats of your videos without difficulty.

When you’ve got drafts of your initial videos, be sure to run them by as many people as you can to get their feedback. They will probably notice many details that you yourself failed to see because you were focused on the process itself.

If you’re strapped for cash, perhaps you should look into the prospect of getting a small business grant. There are quite a few of these available for businesses getting started or wanting to move in new directions, and one of them could be just the boost you need to begin your marketing campaign.

Keep track of your video output, and that of your competitors

As you progress in your video-making efforts, be sure to look back at your early productions to see how much and in what ways you’ve progressed. It will be a good way of assessing your overall business metrics.

You should also keep a close eye on your competitors and what they are doing. You can learn from their successes as well as their failures.

Last but not least, be sure to stay up-to-date with the technology. Video tools are being updated regularly and you’ll want to keep pace with their development.