Men’s Blogger Jéshan Jones Tells Why Most Young People Fail To Succeed On Social Media

In today’s digital age, having social media presence is inevitable. We had an interview with Men’s fashion/ lifestyle blogger and self-proclaimed “Drip Don” Jéshan Jones and he had something important to say to a lot of people.

He talked about why a lot of young men fail to improve their social media and create their own brands. Here is what he had to say

Hi, Jéshan please tell me about how you started your Instagram?

I remember back in 2017, I became infatuated with photography and then decided to create an account. I was into high fashion/lifestyle and within 7 months I gained over 30,000 followers on Instagram before it was hacked and deleted. After that, I lost my drive to create another account and stopped using Instagram for a little while.

I remember back in 2017, I became infatuated with photography and then decided to create an account. I was into high fashion/lifestyle and within 7 months I gained over 30,000 followers on Instagram before it was hacked and deleted. After that, I lost my drive to create another account and stopped using Instagram for a little while.

What made you decide to reopen another Instagram?

Growth on Instagram on any social media is something that takes patience and time. After taking a break for 3 years I restarted Instagram because I knew I have to have the patience to rebuild Instagram again and keep pushing because in today’s modern age, Having a good Instagram account can open a lot of doors for you.

I regretted my decision back then because I knew the opportunities that I was missing due to a lack of patience back then.

A lot of young people fail to succeed on social media and which leads them to be stressed. Why do you think so many people fail to reach their potential on social media?

Most young people don’t understand that social media is about quality over quantity and it depends on the effort you put in. You have to find a niche. Something that you’re damm good at and then monetize your talent.

Whether you’re a drawing artist or dancer/guitarist/comedian/ vlogger etc. When Instagram was started it was about photography. Yet now most people upload mediocre photos. You have grown men who upload selfies after selfies like high school kids.

Even if you’re a most good-looking guy, posting selfies makes you look very feminine and tacky. If you want to have success on Instagram, you have to upload Professional High-Quality photos / Videos.

A lot of people say Most people don’t have the talent or look to have success on social media. Do you agree with this perception?

Let’s talk about looks first, most people don’t even wanna go to the gym. A large number of young men when they see a ripped guy on Instagram, they think he is on Gear (steroids). But that’s not true at all. When they say that it comes from jealousy and insecurity. The time people waste on hating on others if they used that time to work on themselves, they would be successful too.

Being fit is the best fashion statement. If you’re an average-looking person, you can be a good-looking person if you get ripped and gain muscle. Losing weight not only gives you a lean and attractive face but also gives you a great body. If you’re fit, any clothes will loom good on you. Unfortunately, most people refuse to take care of their looks, fitness, dress, and lifestyle.

When it comes to talent, you have to find something that you like and be damm good at it. You could turn it into your passion. A few years ago, one of my friends started playing piano, he took classes and practiced during the weekend, and now he is excellent at it. He could use his talent and gain popularity on social media and make a lot of money off it. The problem is people don’t wanna challenge themselves to learn different skills. Skills can pay your bills.

So when people give excuses about looks and talent because they’re lazy or unmotivated. They just don’t wanna do the work.

What are the opportunities can Instagram or Social Media open for people and can they make a living just from it?

Well, in order for you to get better opportunities you must have at least 100k followers so it will give you exposure to different brands and will get you noticed. Once you have 500k followers, you’re categorized as somewhat of a celebrity and can charge $2000-$5000 for each post.

An influencer with 1 million followers, can charge from $5000 – 20,000 for one post(depending on engagement rate). Social media has made dozens of people millionaires. An influencer with 500k followers can make six figures yearly through online business and brand deals and make a good living.

Does having a solid Instagram play a role in dating and relationships?

Having a good Instagram with a good following can boost your dating profiles on apps like Tinder / POF. As a man not only it will give you more matches but will it will you access to hotter women’s 8s, 9s, and 10s? Women want men who are desired by other women.

So when women see a guy getting women they gravitate toward him and he ends up being with more women. Having a great Instagram account does the magic for you.

What’s your fitness regimen?

I work out 4 times a week. I am cutting now so I keep my carbs low. I get my fair share of micros and get enough vitamins. I stay hydrated and take 7-8 hours of sleep. When you sleep that’s when your muscle grows. Lack of sleep has a negative effect on fitness.

What is the life advice you have for the Gen Z generation?

Challenge yourself. Don’t just do the things that are easy for you. Do the things that you’re not used to it which will make you tougher and you will learn how to live life better. Don’t pay attention to naysayers.

There is a famous saying “Misery Loves Company “ people who are lazy, unmotivated, and unsuccessful; when they see someone thriving will try their best to bring you down. They will tell you the harshest things to break you. This is the hard shit test. Don’t pay attention to that. Don’t reveal too much about yourself. Stay mysterious and grind in silence.