How to Start a Content Writing Business | Guide for Beginners

The reason you are here is probably that you have got some really impressive writing skills, and you want to make some money out of your writing endeavor.

But, before we get into further details, it is worth having some solid reasons that push us to choose writing as a business.

So, let’s check why content writing should be your next business endeavor!

Why Choose Content Writing Business

There are several reasons why someone might choose to start a content writing business.

Here are some of the reasons that are worth mentioning:

High demand:

With the rise of digital marketing, there is a growing need for high-quality content to attract and engage audiences online. 

Businesses and companies are creating their online presence, and that’s why they need a good content resource to provide them with quality content on an ongoing basis.

There’s a huge demand for agencies that can create striking text for businesses to attract visitors and potential customers from around the world.


A content writing business can be run from anywhere and can be done as a freelance or full-time venture. 

You don’t have to have a physical office from where you can run routine operations. If you do so, that will be costly.

Instead, you can get things going with just an internet connection and a laptop.

You can build a team of writers from around the world and keep in touch with them remotely. 

Unlike a 9 to 5 job, freelance writing is way more flexible. You can eat, sleep, and enjoy your life while earning a handsome amount of money.


Unique Freelance Writing Business Names
Good Freelance Writing Team Names

Low startup costs: 

Starting a content writing business typically requires minimal investment, making it a relatively low-risk opportunity. 

For a regular business, you have to invest in so many things. That’s the reason start-ups are so risky nowadays.

On the other hand, a content writing business doesn’t involve a good startup cost.

You can recruit a team of writers simply by posting a writing job on good freelance sites such as Upwork, Fiver, and even Craigslist.

Having said that, you need a good internet connection and a laptop. They can help you stay in touch with your team and clients at the same time.

Potential for growth:

As a business owner, you have the potential to scale your content writing services and earn more revenue. 

The content writing business is not bound to a specific physical location. 

The Internet has made this world a global village where you can find plenty of potential clients from different parts of the world.

That means there is great potential for growth. 

If you are based in the United States, you can start writing for people living in Australia or elsewhere.

Ability to work with a variety of clients:

A content writing business can work with a wide range of clients, from small businesses to large corporations, across different industries. 

That means you get the opportunity to talk to people belonging to different life sectors.

As a result, you get plenty of experience by writing for different industries like health, information technology, food, fashion, and more.

When you work with clients from different nationalities and regions, you become acquainted with their culture and working ethics. 

That’s how you grow in the long run in different markets.

Opportunities to learn: 

Writing for different clients on various topics and formats can help a writer to improve their skills and knowledge and get diverse experience. 

Learning is a never-ending process. A man learns from the cradle to the grave.

Content writing businesses open gateways to expand your learning when you work with people from various regions.

10 Steps to Starting a Content Writing Business

Starting a content writing business without a plan seems like getting on board without a destination in mind. 

You have to take some important steps into consideration before you actually start running your content writing business.

Below are the steps that can help you simplify things and make the most of your new endeavor.

1. Develop a Niche

Choosing a specific area of expertise will help you stand out in the crowded field of content writing and attract clients who are looking for a writer with your specific knowledge and skills. 

Some examples of niches include healthcare, technology, travel, finance, and legal.

You can also portray your business as multi-niche, which means you write for everyone regardless of his or her business nature.

There are many content writing agencies that write for different life sectors, and you can be one of them too.

One great thing is to consider industries that have been missed out on by most content writers. 

For instance, try grabbing the attention of people looking to find writers who can create compelling content for crypto, bitcoin, NFT Gaming, artificial intelligence, and similar concepts.

The competition in these areas is low, and you can definitely get an edge if you portray these areas of expertise in your portfolio.

2. Build a Sound Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of your writing samples that showcases your skills and experience. 

It should include a variety of different types of writing, such as blog posts, articles, white papers, and website copy. 

Having a strong portfolio will make it easier for you to attract new clients and secure new projects.

Without having a sound portfolio, you are not supposed to win great projects.

Sound Portfolio

First off, create a business portfolio on your website and put in place everything that you consider worth sharing with your potential clients. 

Just one great sample from every niche should work fine.

Taking your endeavor one step ahead, build a portfolio on all great online places such as Upwork, Fiver, Freelance, Guru, Craigslist, and more. 

Having a good presence in different places will help you find more clients from different parts of the world. 

Don’t just rely solely on your business website; try expanding your portfolio everywhere you can.

To build a good portfolio, you have to organize things in a proper manner. 

An online notepad can help you create a good portfolio because it has formatting options needed to organize portfolio items.

For instance, you can use plain text, rich text, and task list modes to finish building a great portfolio.

3. Network

Building relationships with other writers, editors, and potential clients is an important part of building your business. 

You can network by attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and connecting with other writers on social media and professional networking sites.

Remember, business (no matter what it caters to) is all about networking. 

You have to create a strong network with fellow writers and agencies. 

They will help you find out what’s going on in the writing industry. You have to keep yourself fully updated to be able to keep up with the growing competition.

4. Create a website

Having a website will help you establish credibility and make it easy for potential clients to find you. 

Your website should include your portfolio, information about your services, and a contact form so that clients can reach out to you.

As talked earlier, your website should be the best place to talk about your writing expertise. Make sure to display your writing samples in the best way.

Try opting for a good domain name that is easy to remember so that people can easily get in touch with you whenever a content need arises.

Create a website

Good hosting will also help your website load faster so that visitors don’t have to wait for the content to load properly before they can go through writing samples.

One thing that you should not overlook is making your website easy to navigate and understand. 

Don’t write crazy stuff like hard-to-read proverbs or phrases. Make things simple and straight.

If you have a copy that is not compatible, try converting it into simple language using an authentic online paraphraser.

Not sure how does it work? No fuss; you just have to paste the source material, click paraphrase, and then get the paraphrased text that you can also download straight to your device.

5. Market your services

Once you have a website, it’s important to market your services to attract new clients. 

This can be done through search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, social media marketing, and other online marketing strategies.

It is true that you don’t have to spend a lot of money advertising your business.

However, if you have a budget, then you can consider paid advertisement options such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

Make sure you have social media pages through which you can market your writing services. 

A massive number of people spend a good amount of time on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

That shows most of your potential clients are on social media. 

Having profiles on these social media platforms can help you advertise your writing services like never before and maximize business opportunities.

Related: How To Increase Your Sales With Social Media Pages

6. Set your rates

Setting your rates is an important step in establishing your business. 

You will need to consider factors such as your experience, the complexity of the project, and the number of words required. 

It’s also important to be aware of industry standards and to make sure your rates are competitive.

Many writing websites have on-site calculators that help visitors check rates by entering specific details such as subject, number of pages, etc.

You can decide your rates for different writing categories and clearly mention them on your website. 

This will make things transparent, and your customers will have an exact idea of how much they will be spending while ordering writing projects.

Your rates should be reasonable for clients to pay, or else they will not take an interest in your writing services. don’t go over the board while setting prices.

After you have set rates, make sure you deliver the exact word count that your clients require for a specific write-up. 

People nowadays use word counter tool to make sure they get exactly what they were promised. 

Such a tool tells how many words or characters a specific piece contains.

7. Manage client relationships

Once you start working with clients, it’s important to communicate effectively and manage the relationship to ensure that projects are delivered on time and within budget. 

This includes responding promptly to client requests and feedback and keeping clients informed of progress throughout the project.

It is crucial for your writing business to have long-term relationships with clients.

They are the people who will be giving your business over the coming years. 

If you don’t take care of them by providing quality services, they will move on elsewhere to satisfy their content requirements.

Therefore, if you really wish to keep your clients coming back to you repeatedly, then you will have to build strong and lasting relationships with them.

8. Continuously improve

To be successful in the content writing business, it’s important to continuously improve your skills and knowledge. 

This can be done by reading industry publications, attending webinars and workshops, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in content writing.

When you start your content writing business, keep in mind that you have to keep up with the changing demands. 

You can tell the same story every time you write content for specific people or audiences. 

That’s the reason it is important to know what’s happening in different life sectors.

9. Take advantage of technology

Utilizing technology can help streamline your content-writing business and make it more efficient.

This can include using project management tools to organize and collaborate with your team, utilizing SEO optimization tools to ensure your content is easily discoverable and using analytics to measure the success of your content. 

There are many tools that you can use to make the most of your content marketing business. 

For instance, you can use basecamp, Trello, asana, slack, and many other tools to organize and finish your writing projects timely.

10. Build a team of the best writers

As a content writing business, the quality of your writers is crucial to your success.

Building a team of talented and experienced writers will help ensure that you are able to consistently produce high-quality content for your clients.

This can include recruiting writers through job postings, networking, or utilizing freelancing platforms. 

You are not supposed to flourish in the market without having a team of quality writers. 

That’s why you should always make it a priority to have the best writers on your team.

Consider Four Pillars of Content Writing

If you really wish to excel in the content writing business, then it’s important to consider four important pillars of content writing. 

They will help you write according to the set standards and provide value to your clients.

1. Clarity

Clarity is one of the most important aspects of content writing. It refers to the ability of the writer to communicate their ideas in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. 

This involves using simple language, avoiding jargon and technical terms, and being mindful of sentence structure.

Clarity also means being consistent with the tone and style of the writing so that the reader can easily follow the main ideas and arguments being presented. 

It is important for the content to be easy to read and understand, as it will be more likely to be read and shared.

If you beat about the bush, clients will not be impressed with what you have to say. 

They will prefer working with someone who can deliver clear content rather than a vague one.

2. Brevity

Brevity is another essential aspect of content writing. This refers to the ability of the writer to communicate their ideas in a concise and to-the-point manner. 

This means using short sentences and paragraphs and avoiding unnecessary words.

Brevity helps to keep the reader engaged and focused on the main ideas rather than being bogged down in irrelevant details. 

It also makes the content more easily shareable, as it is more likely to be read and shared if it is brief and easy to read.

According to studies, conciseness keeps readers engaged and pushes them to take action. 

That’s the reason successful copywriters keep brevity in mind while creating copy for different brands.

3. Engagement

Engagement is the ability of the writer to hold the reader’s attention and keep them interested in the content. 

This involves using storytelling, anecdotes, and examples to make the content more relatable and interesting.

Engagement also means using various elements such as images, videos, infographics, and interactive features to make the content more interactive and enjoyable to read. 

It is important to keep the audience engaged as it increases the chances of them returning to your site and sharing the content.

If you write something that cannot engage a reader, then your client will not have any reason to work with you in the future when they need content writing. 

That’s why it is crucial for your content-writing business to focus on engagement.

4. Relevancy

Relevancy is the ability of the writer to create content that is relevant to the target audience. 

This involves understanding the target audience and what they are interested in and creating content that addresses their needs and interests.

Relevancy also means being aware of current events and trends in the industry and creating content that is timely and relevant. 

It is important to create relevant content, as it will be more likely to be read, shared, and generate leads and conversions.

If you talk about irrelevant content, readers will prefer going to sites and places where they can find content relevant to their queries. 

Google also appreciates websites that generate relevant content rather than focusing on impractical things. 

At the end of the day, they all want to benefit the reader. 

So, you should keep this important aspect in mind to make your writing business successful in the long run.

In summary

A good content-writing business must have a balance of all the above-mentioned pillars to create effective, engaging, and relevant content that resonates with the target audience. 

A content writer should have a good understanding of the target audience, use simple and clear language, be concise and to the point, and use storytelling and anecdotes.

Also, be aware of current events and trends in the industry to create relevant and engaging content.