Exclusive Interview with Fashion Designer Asta Jakubson

Asta Jakubson is a 3rd generation fashion designer & dressmaker with over 20 years of experience. She opened her business in 2008 at the height of the recession. Celebrating 13 years in business this year, her business is still thriving & she is still winning several awards. She is a huge focus of the media, appearing in several magazines, newspapers & interviewed regularly on radio & TV.

  • Winner Style Awards
  • Winner Best in Retail
  • Accredited Leader in Fashion – Business All Stars
  • Chosen Paris Fashion Week Designer
  • Best Global Fashion Designer – Wow Awards
  • Winner Fashion Influencer/Entrepreneur – Fame International
  • Fashion Judge on the jury – Cannes Film Festival
  • Best International Success Mentor/Coach – Wow Awards
  • Inspirational Speaker for Migrants
  • Founder of Before Dating App

During the height of the pandemic, Jakubson lost her mother to COVID-19. As a result, the Lithuanian-born designer set out to produce electromagnetic field protective clothing made from 99.9% raw silver fabric which protects from harmful radiation found in all electronic gadgets like our phones, computers, 5G, WIFI & even our microwaves. The collection is not only stylish but also keeps us safe!

“I don’t want anyone to feel the pain of losing a loved one so I have created a collection with huge health benefits to protect all of us & our loved ones from this invisible killer that surrounds us everyday”

GrindSuccess Magazine recently caught up with Asta Jakubson to discuss her journey to Fashion Designer and here’s what went down:

So grateful to meet you! Your story is very very impressive, especially being as young as you are. Please tell us a little about your backstory

I come from a long line of dressmakers. I am the 3rd generation in my family following this career path. My journey hasn’t been easy. After a bitter & abusive marriage, I made the difficult decision to leave my home country Lithuania in search of a better life in Ireland. With only €200 borrowed from friends I began my journey.

It wasn’t easy being an immigrant & not being able to fully speak english however I didn’t give up & I would give that advice to everyone. Follow & believe in your dreams! “ You become what you think you deserve” I knew I was destined for greater things & my determination & this belief has made me the success I am today.

I studied business at night while also working 5 day jobs, all the while being a Mum to my young son at the time.It’s not enough to be the best at sewing you also have to know how to run a business! I opened my first designing studio in 2008 & after a couple of months the recession hit!

That was a big surprise & wake up call for all businesses. I had to reinvent myself by offering a tailor made service of restyling clothes. People didn’t have the same money to spend on designer clothes so making them into a different design suited the market at the time.

I think as a fashion designer you have to adapt to what is happening financially in the world for your business to survive. I built a very strong & loyal customer base in a very short period of time. Customers started to get hats restyled for weddings rather than buying new ones as a spectacular hat can transform even the most simple dress.

I fell in love with creating hats & headpieces very quickly. The whole wedding party, the Bride, Mother of the Bride & Groom, Bridesmaids etc all started to become my core customers. My millinery designs started to get noticed in the press & media.

I myself wore some of my own designs to ladies day at the races in Ireland & was chosen as one of the top 10 most stylish ladies! As with any business your repeat customers are a sign that you are doing a great job! My customers started to recommend me to their friends & now 13 years in business my database has grown to over 14K on my social media.

Caring, listening to their needs, adapting to changes in the markets & wanting to serve your customers is in my opinion the forefront of any business. You have to continue to evolve & beat your competition.

“From childhood I was always a huge follower of fashion, watching TV shows like Dynasty & Dallas and how beautiful powerful women dressed inspired me! I was always creating designs from a very young age. I love how fashion never stops & how it’s never the same”

What is your first fashion memory?

In my country you do 4 years in art school before college. Every teacher there was pretty strict & dressed very boring for artistic people which I couldn’t understand. They didn’t have any flair in what they wore where as I was mixing up my Mum’s clothes with a cool belt or striking ear-rings!

I guess for me it’s all about being individual, showing your true inner style & expressing yourself. That is something I am known for as a fashion designer. My customers know that when they wear an Asta Jakubson design they have a 100% guarantee that they won’t meet anyone in the same outfit as it is made specifically for them plus they will get noticed on the red carpet by the press.

I remember my Mum bought me a pair of expensive navy denim jeans & I ripped them apart, added some bling, tore holes in them & bleached some parts! This was before celebrities were even wearing those types of jeans. Another memory is probably one of the first tops I designed as a young girl.

It was backless with a boatneck at the front. The boys at the time thought it was very sexy but a lot also didn’t understand it as they thought it was backwards!! The director in the school used to say “Asta, you are here to draw, you don’t have to look so wow all the time” but it’s fashion, of course we should look wow!! We should stand out, why should we all look the same! “ Wear a piece of art”

How did you end up as a fashion designer?

After finishing art school & college I was so anxious to get into the fashion industry but everyone I worked with just wanted me to add buttons or zips none of them really wanted or cared to know my ideas or how much I wanted to create & design. They felt I was too young & I knew nothing.

After working a couple of jobs I realised if I want to become a fashion designer I need to become a business owner. Working for other people I quickly learned that I couldn’t brand myself as a designer, I would only be helping their company to grow, not my own business.

When I came to Ireland I was working with well known brands but I was only allowed to do alterations. I was never allowed to introduce my own designs. It was only when I opened my own business that I could showcase my true talent as an artist as it was dictated by my customers not someone else’s company.

How would you describe your brand aesthetics?

My brand creates a woman who is not afraid to be seen. A powerful woman who shows charisma. She isn’t afraid of strong colours & when my head pieces are added she feels like a goddess, a warrior of self love.

When I am creating a custom design for a customer it depends on the individual & their own personality. My brand is bold, elegant & powerful. My most recent collection comprises a 99.9% raw silver fabric which combines fashion with health. My newest collection which was showcased at the Cannes Film Festival was inspired by the warrior Joan of Arc.

The benefits of wearing this fabric are:

  • Silver has significant health benefits
  • Silver has a proven track record as a powerful antimicrobial agent fighting infections
  • Silver ions aiding in cold, flu & virus prevention
  • Silver protects from harmful electromagnetic waves

You can view my couture collection from Cannes & Paris Fashions Week on my website.

What do women and their bodies represent to you?

For me beauty is on the inside & my designs of course highlight that. All women are special but some are afraid to express it. When I work with my clients as a life coach one of the biggest points is self love as we all deserve the best.

Have you ever seen a woman walk into a room & all eyes turn to look at her because she is confident & powerful. The phrase “ being comfortable in your own skin” is an intoxicating feeling.

It makes someone highly attractive to others. I think a lot of designers in the fashion industry focus on size & a particular look. That doesn’t make someone beautiful in my eyes besides I don’t believe in following trends.

As a designer, is it possible to create anything that you can imagine?

Absolutely any is possible to create. The word “ impossible” is not in my vocabulary.

Are you self-taught or did you study fashion design?

No I am not self taught although I did learn a lot from my Mum watching her from a very young age. My cutting & pattern technology I learned in college.

What advice would you give to young designers?

Listen to your heart & only then act. Don’t ever let others put you down. Follow your dreams & express yourself, don’t allow negativity to creep into your life path.

What would you like to achieve before the end of the year?

I am already on point for what I wanted to achieve so far this year. I launched my new collection at the Cannes Film Festival, I have been invited to New York & Dubai Fashion Week. I have been asked to design gowns for Miss England, Miss Italy & Miss Russia at The Venice Film Festival.

I am constantly evolving & fulfilling all of my dreams because I believe you are the creator of your own future. I am running some work-shops on how to be the best in your chosen field & beat your competition.

My Facebook group is called B.E.A.T team which stands for Beyond, Extraordinary, Authority, Team. Learn how to raise up your profile & sign in for tips.

What’s your motto?

If you want to be the best, invest in yourself first. Only then with knowledge & self love will you achieve your dreams. 

“You only get one chance to make a first impression”

If you would like to book your free consultation & start your journey “ From a good life to Great”  you can do so by clicking the link below:

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