Meet Coogan Kornya, The Founder of Market Aspects, $37K/Month Trading Forex

Coogan Kornya is a young entrepreneur in the field of Day Trading and Real Estate. He is still in college, studying computer science in the AI Technology and Advances branch, but he says he plans on dropping out very soon.

Coogan used to be a verified TikTok star with over 460k followers on the app. He retired from TikTok in January 2021 to focus on his businesses and side hustles.

On March 1st of 2021, Coogan teamed up with his business partner, Brandon Winslow to start a company called Market Aspects. This company is strictly to teach beginners about the foreign exchange market and how to trade it the correct way.

Right now they say that everything they offer is free, as they are trying to gain trust and results from the students that are interested from the start, and once they start making it a small fee to join, they said they will be more focused on it.

Coogan says that the forex community is really going downhill from all the scammers and MLM communities. He wants to change that with Market Aspects.

How did you get started in your industry?

My friend introduced me to forex about two years ago, ever since then I loved the concept and decided to look more into it and I found a couple of experienced traders that had courses, and I decided to buy them. These courses have helped me over the last two years to bring me where I’m at today. I always kept my progress to myself, but I decided to start posting all my trades and results on my Instagram @coogancoogan.

A lot of people have been asking me if I could teach them, so I am now working on a course that is going to be a lot cheaper than the ones that I bought.

When we launched, we set a goal to have 100 members in our free telegram by April 1st, 2021. We surpassed this goal by 6x with now over 600 members in our free telegram channel.

As an entrepreneur, what is it that actually motivates and drives you?

I’ve always thought there was something in me that just screams success, I believe I do not think like a normal person. I am a freedom fanatic, I can’t live with people telling me what to do 24/7. I’ve told myself I’d rather die than work a 9-5 the rest of my life.

The thought of the future scares me too much to not work myself to death in my young teen years. My mom works a 9-5 five days a week and I really want to be able to move them to their dream state and buy them a nice car that they want, until then though I am going to work myself to success.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your career?

At the start of my career, I wish that I could’ve been taught to not give a crap about anyone or anything that stands in my way. This advice can shift your whole mindset completely and make you unbeatable, no matter what gets in your way.

I preach to everyone, that if they wanna be successful, they have to stop caring about small things that do not matter at the end of the day.

What is one piece of advice you still remember that has practically changed your life?

I still remember sitting in my bed at night, watching Elon Musk Motivational videos. Watching these videos made me realize that is it okay to fail as long as you get back up and keep going. I accept failure, you’ll never see me get mad because something didn’t go my way.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

In the next five years, I see myself having several different streams of income. I see Market Aspects becoming a huge deal within the forex community and possibly one of the biggest groups in the whole community.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

100% if you’re screaming for success, read “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki. This book has opened my mind to many different scenarios when it comes to the difference between being rich and being wealthy.

The main concept I’ve gotten from reading this book was that The rich have money to work for them and the poor and middle-class work for money.

What advice would you give to a newbie Entrepreneur setting up their first business?

To anyone wanting to become an Entrepreneur, never give up on your dreams. Everyone on this planet has potential with the right mindset, never let anyone tell you that you can’t be something that you wanna be.

I also want to say that any entrepreneur should get into real estate, it is a good investment to be able to have a lot of tax write-offs.

How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

I currently am doing excellent today, my mindset has gained a whole new reality and I’ve learned to balance my social life and business life with ease. Since the market is only open five days a week, I save the partying for the weekend and am strictly focused on the weekdays.

Where can our readers keep up-to-date with you?

I am very active on all my social media, keeping everyone updated with my lifestyle and business. You can follow my Instagram @Coogancoogan and subscribe to my Snapchat, my username is coogan.kornya. You can also follow @MarketAspectsfx on all socials to keep updated with the community.