6 Common Problems Your Mobile App Is Riddled With Right Now

You might be in a hurry to launch your mobile app and it makes a lot of sense. You don’t want your customers to choose your competitors over you.

As it is, launching a business app is a great idea to increase your sales and stay on the top of the minds of your consumers.

There is a lot of room for growth both in the Apple ecosystem and the Android user base. But wait a minute!

  • Have you ever wondered what makes a mobile app click with your customers?
  • Have you thought about what they are looking for in your app or more importantly, do not wish to see it in your app?

If you haven’t performed app testing yet, your mobile application could very well be riddled with the same characteristics and features that your customers do NOT wish to see anymore.

What could they be? Let’s find out:

1. An Imitation Application

What could be worse than delivering no mobile application? Delivering an imitation mobile application because nobody is going to find that interesting or worth a download. Your users are looking for a distinct and unique experience.

If you do not do your research, you won’t have any innovative ideas. You will just end up copying the features and components of other applications that are already on the market.

There will be nothing you could do on the Play Store or the App Store that is going to help you differentiate your mobile application from the rest of the crowd.

As a result, your users will end up ignoring your application and choosing authentic, genuine, unique, and engaging experiences that they get with other mobile apps.

2. Features That Are Too Difficult To Understand

Your users are seeking simplicity, functionality, and entertainment at the same time. Your mobile application has to provide all these with finesse.

Their inability to understand your application is one of the biggest reasons that they will uninstall your app right after they install it.

It is never a good idea to focus too much on animations, superficial designs, intricate buttons, unnecessary effects, and a user interface that takes away from the functionality and usability of the application. Keep your features streamlined.

Keep the effects and animations minimum and easy on the eyes. Remember, your application is there to reduce the burden of the user and not to add on to it by giving them a completely new thing to learn and get accustomed to.

3. Did You Develop Your App For Multiple Platforms?

Did you create a mobile app for more than one platform or operating system? If you have done that, your mobile application is already losing out to your competitors.

Everyone wants more downloads but it is not a good idea to deploy your mobile app on multiple platforms and operating systems simultaneously. You first need to conquer one ecosystem and then move on to the next.

The right approach is, to begin with, one ecosystem and then measure its success on the same. Then you can emulate the very same success on another platform and ecosystem minus the shortcomings that you may have displayed in the first one.

4. Forgetting To Test Your App

This is going to make your application redundant, full of errors and glitches and it is going to make it hang again and again. Basically, you will be crippling your application if you do not perform mobile testing beforehand.

It is not a good idea to launch a mobile app without testing it on various devices, operating systems, configurations, screen resolutions, frame rates, and display sizes.

Before you make your app public, it is better to ask your in-house team members, developers, coders, and designers to try it out on their smartphones. Gather their responses and feedback to improve that application further.

The result will be an application that fulfills the requirements of your customers efficiently and does not get uninstalled within the first two weeks of usage.

5. Boring And More Boring Designs

Apart from being minimalistic and aesthetic, your design language has to be interesting and engaging. Remember, it is a very thin line and you have to see it clearly.

By being interesting and engaging to your customers it does not mean that you keep on adding features and components and then more of them to overload the application. The user interface has to be interesting, smooth, and free of any glitches.

The display resolution should be high quality without any blurred or jagged edges. Choose a color scheme that matches the overall app category that you are catering to.

For example, if you have decided to launch a food ordering app, colors such as yellow, orange, red, and pink will be more appealing to your customers rather than cool tones such as blue, gray, or green. Similarly, if you wish to keep the background interactive, colorful, and engaging, choose a color palette that is almost white or pristine pearl.

6. Not Going For A Minimum Available Product

If you had earlier thought about creating a minimum viable product and then discarded that strategy, it is going to impact your development process negatively.

The only way to evaluate the future success or performance of your mobile app is by first testing a minimum viable product. Missing out on that step is going to put your app at risk of getting uninstalled pretty soon.

Your competitors who have already rolled out an MVP are testing the success of their business app right now. You should not make the mistake of missing this step.


These were just a few common problems that most mobile app developers face today. In their effort to create a unique and path-breaking application fast, they end up stuffing it with too many features and animations.

They might just overload the app with unnecessary elements, designs, animations, and components.

In the end, they tend to forget the most important thing which is testing the application for its viability, functionality, usability, and responsiveness. Do not make the same mistake.