Five Questions With Atlanta Entrepreneur William Brown

William Brown is an Atlanta, Georgia-based entrepreneur who is not only involved in the nightlife and entertainment industry but the financial industry as well.

With over 10 years of experience in these industries, he has built an international network and reputation of success with WJB Management, Trilogy Promotions, and Innovative Wealth Solutions.

As an entrepreneur, what is it that actually motivates and drives you?

I am very self-motivated as an entrepreneur, I know exactly what I want and know the work that needs to be done to get there. I do not like people telling me what I need to do, which has allowed me to live by my own set of rules.

I like living my life how I want when I want and where I want. Being a better version of myself than I was the day before also continues to inspire me.

Artist management and nightlife are interconnected within the industry and your business. For you what do you see as the largest benefit?

There are great benefits to putting these two together. Each connection and opportunity can spill over into the next one, which allows each client of mine to have a unique opportunity.

For nightlife purposes in Atlanta, I run Trilogy Promotions. You can find us at some of the best venues the city has to offer, which allows my artist management clients to thrive.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your career?

Make sure everyone you are doing business with has great integrity. Make sure that your vision aligns with those you’re working with, to prevent conflict or confusion.

Last but certainly not least, proper funding is key and without it you’ll often never get off the ground.

Can you name a podcast and book that you would recommend to our community? Why should they take a listen or read?

“Earn Your Leisure” is a great podcast that tackles all aspects of entrepreneurship and teaches you a lot while offering a fresh perspective. Also, there is a community of like-minded people you can join also, which makes it a much more hands-on experience.

As for a book, I highly suggest Tony Robbin’s “Money: Master The Game”. I believe Financial literacy is very important and this book is key to that!

What excites you most about your industry? Where do you see it heading in the near future?

What excites me most about the industry is the technology and how it continues to improve. Music, news, or any form of entertainment can now spread across the world at a pace never seen before.

As industry leaders, it is our responsibility to influence technology for a positive change and use it as a vehicle to continuously improve our businesses. I am really excited just about the growth of WJB Management and Trilogy Promotions and the trajectory ahead!