Meet Andrew Anastasiou – The Entrepreneur of the Future

In 2020, one particular name circulated continuously throughout the Fintech industry and made huge waves when it came to providing real and stable access to payment and banking services to high-risk businesses. That name was Andrew Anastasiou.

The now 32-year-old entrepreneur, famous for bringing digital payment solutions to thousands of companies across the industry won 3 awards in 2020 for his role in changing the landscape of the Fintech industry, as well as completely re-facing how high-risk businesses are treated when it comes to getting banking facilities and payment solutions.

So, who is Andrew Anastasiou? And how has he achieved so much at such a young age?

Andrew Anastasiou is from London, United Kingdom. Born on the 11th of December 1988 he moved to Cyprus from London to pursue his goal of becoming someone in the Fintech industry, and it seems he has achieved this.

After founding StasiCapital which provides corporate services and legal provisions to companies from all over the world, he went on to found SagaPay – a payment service facilitator or PSF. From these two companies, the entrepreneur gained enough traction to start more businesses.

Andrew Anastasiou then went on to set up The Fintech Post, an online news portal that puts together all of the latest news from the Fintech industry and has over 200,000 readers monthly.

To compliment The Fintech Post, the 32-year-old setup WealthKingdom which promotes ideas, start-ups, and entrepreneurs and as of today, has over 100,000 monthly readers and over 30 contributors from all over Europe and Asia.

One main focus of Andrew Anastasiou now, however, is LegionPay. Alongside a close partner, Andrew Anastasiou co-founded LegionPay to provide one place for merchants to get access to hundreds of payment solutions and process payments from over 100 countries.

Completing this goal would see the company rank amongst some of the top providers in the industry, as well as increasing its already significant customer base.

The entrepreneur seems to be living up to his awards, name, and assumed ambition in the industry as he also currently has licenses for banking and other payment services in the process – and it looks like there is no stopping him.

Andrew Anastasiou is quoted as saying “if you have the right people around you, who support you and understand your goals then there is no way of failing. You just have to do it and do it for those who believe in you”

With such drive and ambition, we can only imagine that a 32-year-old London born entrepreneur will continue to hit headlines across the industry, and our interest in him will not stop here.

We requested to follow up with Andrew Anastasiou in the New Year to see where he is, as it appears he moves ultra-fast and wherever he goes, success follows.

We also asked Andrew Anastasiou if he could give any advice to other grinders or those who want to succeed but are afraid to risk it, and he told us “risk is something you have to understand and love because to make it big you have to risk big and there is no way around it.

If you are afraid and cannot control that fear, it is best that you do not try to pursue your path of entrepreneurship because there is no shame in accepting that you cannot do something”.

Good luck to you, Andrew. You are an inspiration and motivation for a lot of young people to succeed.