5 tips to avoid wasting time if you working from home

Working from home allows you to save time, spend less on transportation and, if you organize yourself well, have more freedom and leisure time. However, you run the risk of your productivity falling, due to the distractions of your home.
To avoid this and other complications, Rank Fame, a digital marketing agency, shares some tips to work more productively at home and thus maintain an adequate balance between your personal and work life.
Following these tips will help you maintain a work pace and high productivity when you have to work from home.
1. Choose a suitable space.
To have the best possible performance, you must define a place that has adequate characteristics to be able to work for a full day, without this implying excessive wear.
You must make sure that the space has good lighting, ventilation, is far from noise and free of distractions, so that you can concentrate on the tasks of the day.
2. Set a routine.
Even if you are far from the strict control of a supervisor or a fixed schedule, it is necessary to establish a routine that allows you to organize properly and make the most of your time.
You must define a place that has adequate characteristics to be able to work for a full day
Set a time to start your work, a fixed lunch and activity closing time, which have some flexibility for special occasions or demanding projects. It will make your time run efficiently.
3. Set deadlines.
Keep a punctual agenda with defined dates and deadlines for progress or projects, it will help you stay focused on meeting your goals.
When doing home office, it is common to feel that the hours and limits are more flexible, but this situation can lead you to not perform adequately and go outside the established limits.
Complete the tasks in time and form to achieve that control of the free time that is associated with working from home.
4. You must maintain contact with the team.
When you do not meet physically with the rest of the work team, there must be a form of contact between the different members of the company.
What is suggested is to agree on a specific means, before starting remote work; either to receive updates on activities, the progress of a project or for last-minute meetings.
Communication can be through a call, video conference, text messages, emails, or specialized applications to chat online, depending on the team’s work dynamics.
5. Eat properly.
When working at home, it often happens that work responsibilities completely absorb people, and in many cases, they can forget to eat or even drink water.
Not staying well fed and hydrated affects your performance and your general health.
It is recommended that in addition to establishing a well-established meal schedule and respecting it, always have a glass of water and some fruit nearby, as a snack between meals.
Whether you’re going to work at home for a few days or for a longer season, following these tips will help you keep up with your work and productivity.