335+ Best Lobster Captions For Instagram – Puns & Quotes
Great photos aren’t the only way to generate social media engagement.
Great Instagram captions can offer even more insight into the post, potentially boosting engagement, bio visits, and click-throughs.
So, are you looking for the best lobster caption to accompany a photo or inspire you? In this article, I’ve collected the ultimate list of captions for your lobster post that would be perfect for Instagram captions!
Additionally, we walk you through the 6 easy-to-follow tips on how to create a great Instagram caption.
Also, Follow us on Instagram (@grindsuccess), tag us in your photo, and we’ll share it on our story!
List of Top Lobster Captions for Instagram Posts
- The world is a giant lobster! Go grab them! #grabthem
- When life gives you lemons, use them to garnish your lobster! #garnishthemsmooth
- Garnish the lobster skin smoothly with butter! #garnishing
- Party hard. Like a lobster. #partylikealobster
- I am hosting a lobster party! #itsalobsterparty
- Be a lobster and go seize the day! #seizetheday
- Be like a lobster and go grab the opportunity! #grabtheopprotunity
- Do not be shellfish. It’s just a lobster. #shellfish
- Come out of your shell, and face the world! #eatalobsterfirst
- But first, I want some lobsters. #butfirst
- Betty bought lobsters and more lobsters! #bettybought
- Betty bought enough butter to butter the lobster skin! #iknownow
- I am not drooling, you are! #youaredrooling
- Stop drooling over my favorite lobster dish! #stopdrooling
- Presenting to you, lobster curry straight from my kitchen! #lobstercurry
- Stop grilling me. Grill the lobsters. #grillthelobsters
- Lobsters are the best thing in the whole world! #bestest
- Thank the Lord for lobsters. #thankyoulord
- Yum yum. Mom made lobsters! #yummy
- Do you wanna join us in our dinner tonight with lobsters? #dinnerwithlobsters
- Can never say no to lobsters. #neversay
- Never say no to lobsters. They can sting. #becareful
- Lobsters don’t sting, you stink. #knowthedifference
- Lobsters don’t stink. They taste delicious! #lobsterssting
- Lobsters are large, delicious creatures. You kill them to make your supper. #deliciouscreatures
- Tell me delicious seafood apart from lobsters! #ibetyoucant
- Be a dear and get me lobsters from the beach! #beadear
- Life sucks but lobsters make it fun again! #lifesucks
- Life is better with lobsters in it. #lifeisbetter
- Me dreaming of lobsters got me like. #liveinthyimaginations
- Life sucks but lobsters make it worthy of living! #worthy
- Do you want to be my lobster? #pleasebeone
- Live for the lobsters! #livelong
- Live long lobsters! #livelonglobsters
- They are each other’s lobsters. #lobstersalways
- Lobsters for life! #engaged
- Engaged to my lobster! #notliterally
- Lobsters mate for life. Can I turn to a lobster? #howcanyouturn
- Why are humans not lobsters? #whyarenot
- Fall in love like a lobster! #lobsterlove
- Be my lobster, tonight. #bemylobster
- Life at the beach is awesome! Filled with bitches, beaches, and lobsters! #lifeatthebeach
- Keep calm and keep eating lobsters! #keepcalm
- Find your own lobster! #foundone
- Lobsters are hard to catch. But they taste awesome! #tastylobsters
- Just a couple of rich friends hanging with beers and lobsters! #beersandlobsters
- I love lobsters! #lovethem
- A specially curated lobster dish on my wedding day! #speciallycurated
Cool Lobster Captions For Instagram
- I am sorry. We only sell lobster dishes. #only
- Do you want the grilled lobsters? And would like a topping over it? #grilledlobsters
- Love lobsters. #morethananything
- Butter that lobster up! And yet, we still can’t grill him. #butterup
- Buckle up and butter them! #buckleup
- Seas the day! Order that lobster! #seastheday
- My dad and I hog on lobsters whenever we go to the beach! #tradition
- Hogging on lobsters the entire day! #hogging
- Hogged on lobsters the entire vacation! #hoggedalldaylong
- Goa beaches can serve you some damn awesome lobster dishes! #goaisawesome
- Lobsters have actually died for you! #already
- Can you find a more sacrificing friend than a lobster? #alwaysabetterfriend
- Lobsters are a better friend than the Hobbit. #changemymind
- Let’s roll. Lobsters only. #letsroll
- Roses are red, violets are blue, lobsters are mine and you better make it right. #damnright
- Lobster goals with my bestie! #goals
- Lobsters are bliss on the plate. #bliss
- Lobsters are a perfect example of how love matters of what’s inside. #seebeneath
- Good food, good mood! #perfect
- Lobsters are perfect food for the beaches. #perfectfoodforthebeaches
- What is the best dish by the beach? Lobsters! #bestdish
- Made with love. #madewithlove
- Lobsters! Made with perfection. #perfection
- Food goals? Lobster goals! #foodgoals
- We are not the same. I love lobsters, you do experiments on them. #wearenothesame
- This is the way to hold on to a lobster! #correctly
- Have you ever held a lobster? #idid
- If you love lobsters, you should know how to tackle them! #tacklethem
Short Lobster Captions For Instagram
- “Feeling claw-some 🦞 #Lobster”
- “Lobster love 💕 #Seafood”
- “Caught in a good mood 🦞 #Lobster”
- “Lobster life 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Cracking good times 🦞 #Lobster”
- “Lobster goals 💕 #Seafood”
- “Feeling shell-fish 🦞 #Lobster”
- “Lobster vibes 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Caught up in lobster love 🦞 #Lobster”
- “Lobster dreams 💕 #Seafood”
- “Feeling crabby? Get a lobster 🦞 #Lobster”
- “Lobster happiness 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster love, always 💕 #Lobster”
- “Lobster cravings 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, my one true love 🦞 #Lobster”
- “Lobster, the ultimate comfort food 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the king of all seafood 🦞 #Lobster”
- “Lobster, the food of my dreams 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the food of my heart 💕 #Lobster”
- “Lobster, the food of my soul 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the food of my childhood 🦞 #Lobster”
- “Lobster, the food of my memories 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the food of my cravings 🦞 #Lobster”
- “Lobster, the food of my happiness 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the food of my life 💕 #Lobster”
- “Lobster, the food of my youth 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the food of my dreams 🦞 #Lobster”
- “Lobster, the food of my soul 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the food of my heart 💕 #Lobster”
- “Lobster, the food of my memories 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the food of my love 🦞 #Lobster”.
Catchy Puns for Lobster Photos
- “Lobster-ly loving this 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Feeling claw-ver with this lobster 🦞 #Pun”
- “Caught in a lobster trap 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster-rific 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster, the pun-isher 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly good 🦞 #Pun”
- “Feeling shell-fish? Try a lobster 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly delicious 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly cute 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly perfect 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster-ific vibes 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly amazing 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly tasty 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly great 🦞 #Pun”
- “Feeling pun-ishingly happy with this lobster 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly delicious food 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly beautiful food 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly scrumptious food 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly stunning food 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly satisfying food 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly perfect food 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly divine food 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly gorgeous food 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly wonderful food 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly delightful food 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly irresistible food 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly addicting food 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly mouth-watering food 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly irresistible treat 🦞 #Seafood”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly delicious treat 🦞 #Pun”
- “Lobster, the pun-ishingly irresistible flavor 🦞 #Seafood”.
One-Liner Lobster Instagram Captions
- “Feeling lobster-licious 🦞”
- “Lobster love 💕”
- “Lobster vibes 🦞”
- “Lobster life 🦞”
- “Lobster cravings 🦞”
- “Lobster, always 🦞”
- “Lobster happiness 🦞”
- “Lobster dreams 💕”
- “Lobster, my one true love 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate comfort food 🦞”
- “Lobster, the king of all seafood 🦞”
- “Lobster, the food of my dreams 🦞”
- “Lobster, the food of my heart 💕”
- “Lobster, the food of my soul 🦞”
- “Lobster, the food of my childhood 🦞”
- “Lobster, the food of my memories 🦞”
- “Lobster, the food of my cravings 🦞”
- “Lobster, the food of my happiness 🦞”
- “Lobster, the food of my life 💕”
- “Lobster, the food of my youth 🦞”
- “Lobster, the food of my dreams 🦞”
- “Lobster, the food of my soul 🦞”
- “Lobster, the food of my heart 💕”
- “Lobster, the food of my memories 🦞”
- “Lobster, the food of my love 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate delicacy 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate indulgence 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate treat 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate comfort 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate flavor 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate experience 🦞”.
Clever Lobster Quotes For Instagram
- “Life is short, eat lobster 🦞”
- “Lobster: the ocean’s gift to us 💕”
- “Lobster, because you’re worth it 🦞”
- “Lobster, because sometimes you just need to treat yourself 🦞”
- “Lobster, because a little indulgence goes a long way 🦞”
- “Lobster, because there’s nothing like a little luxury 💕”
- “Lobster, because every once in a while you deserve the best 🦞”
- “Lobster, because sometimes you just need to live a little 🦞”
- “Lobster, because life is too short to eat anything but the best 💕”
- “Lobster, because the best things in life are worth a little extra 🦞”
- “Lobster, because it’s not just food, it’s an experience 🦞”
- “Lobster, because sometimes the simple things in life are the best 💕”
- “Lobster, because it’s always a good time for a little indulgence 🦞”
- “Lobster, because it’s the perfect balance of luxury and comfort 🦞”
- “Lobster, because you’re never too old for a little treat 💕”
- “Lobster, because it’s always a good day for a little indulgence 🦞”
- “Lobster, because sometimes you just need to treat yourself to the best 🦞”
- “Lobster, because life is too short to not enjoy the good things 💕”
- “Lobster, because a little luxury goes a long way 🦞”
- “Lobster, because sometimes you just need to live life to the fullest 🦞”
- “Lobster, because it’s not just food, it’s a work of art 💕”
- “Lobster, because it’s the perfect combination of taste and luxury 🦞”
- “Lobster, because it’s always a good day for a little luxury 🦞”
- “Lobster, because it’s the perfect balance of indulgence and elegance 💕”
- “Lobster, because sometimes you just need a little luxury in your life 🦞”
- “Lobster, because it’s not just a food, it’s a lifestyle 🦞”
- “Lobster, because life is too short to not enjoy the finer things 💕”
- “Lobster, because it’s always a good time for a little luxury 🦞”
- “Lobster, because sometimes you just need to indulge in the best 🦞”
- “Lobster, because it’s the perfect way to add a little luxury to your life 💕”
- “Lobster, because life is too short to not enjoy the best 🦞”.
Cute Lobster Instagram Quotes
- “Lobster love 🦞❤️”
- “Lobster hugs 🦞🤗”
- “Lobster sweetness 🦞💕”
- “Lobster cuteness 🦞😍”
- “Lobster happiness 🦞😊”
- “Lobster dreams 🦞💭”
- “Lobster bliss 🦞😌”
- “Lobster magic 🦞🧙♀️”
- “Lobster cuteness overload 🦞😍”
- “Lobster love, always 🦞❤️”
- “Lobster, the food of my heart 🦞❤️”
- “Lobster, the food of my soul 🦞😌”
- “Lobster, the food of my dreams 🦞💭”
- “Lobster, the food of my childhood 🦞🧒”
- “Lobster, the food of my memories 🦞💭”
- “Lobster, the food of my cravings 🦞😋”
- “Lobster, the food of my happiness 🦞😊”
- “Lobster, the food of my life 🦞❤️”
- “Lobster, the food of my youth 🦞🧒”
- “Lobster, the ultimate comfort food 🦞😌”
- “Lobster, the king of all seafood 🦞👑”
- “Lobster, the perfect balance of taste and cuteness 🦞💕”
- “Lobster, the ultimate indulgence with a touch of cuteness 🦞😍”
- “Lobster, the ultimate treat with a pinch of sweetness 🦞💕”
- “Lobster, the ultimate comfort with a dash of cuteness 🦞😌”
- “Lobster, the ultimate flavor with a hint of cuteness 🦞😋”
- “Lobster, the ultimate experience with a touch of sweetness 🦞😍”
- “Lobster, the perfect way to add a little cuteness to your life 🦞😍”
- “Lobster, because sometimes you just need a little cuteness in your life 🦞😊”
- “Lobster, because it’s not just food, it’s a cute work of art 🦞😍”
- “Lobster, because life is too short to not enjoy the cutest things 🦞😊”.
Funny Lobster Puns For Instagram
- Lobsters are not fish! They are shellfish. #shellfish
- Don’t be shellfish, share your massive plate of lobsters! #share
- Lobsters and beers are a deadly combination. #deadlycombo
- Alcohol makes the lobsters tastier. #theymake
- Don’t make a blunder after having five plates of lobster! #iofcoursewill
- Try a lobster, sometime soon, if you already haven’t. #tryalobster
- Count the memories, not the calories. #countthem
- Lobsters are my true love! #truelove
- Lobsters never betray until the restaurant manager sucks. #lobstersaredangerous
- Lobsters can be dangerous and poisonous. #shellfish
- Drooling on these lobsters, we caught today morning! #caughtthem
- Lobsters – enjoy a taste from heaven! #tastefromheaven
- Satisfy your taste buds with special lobster dishes! #satisfythem
- My wedding shall have a special side menu for lobster dishes! #specialsidemenu
- Savor the flavor. #savor
- Grateful for lobsters. #grateful
- Prawn, shrimp, lobsters are different. A layman would say it is all the same. #forthelasttime
- Know the difference between lobsters, prawns, and shrimps! #knowthedifference
- I am sorry. Did you say, you hate lobsters? #what
- Come to our place, if you want to savor delicious lobster dishes! #comeon
- I am shellfish. And I do not share my lobsters. #iamshellfish
- I am on a lobster diet! #lobsterdiet
- Going gaga over lobsters! #gagaing
- I am an addict. #addict
- Seafood steal my heart! #stealmyheart
- The world is an oyster? No, it’s a massive lobster! #massivelobsters
- Seafood diet is a diet where you see the food and eat it! #seafooddiet
- I am on a strict diet with lobsters in the routine. #onlylobsters
- Don’t be a loser. Be a lobster! #bealobster
- Shrimply the best dish I have had in a while! #shrimply
- Feel sophisticated much with sophisticated lobster dishes! #sophisticated
- Sneak-peek on my crabsolutely delicious food! #crabsolutely
- Lobster obsessed. #obsession
- There is hardship in everything but not while eating lobsters. #changemymind
- Know how to eat a lobster. Check out my blog! #learnfirst
Unique Lobster Captions & Bio For Instagram
- “Lobster, the ultimate indulgence 🦞”
- “Lobster, a little piece of luxury 🦞”
- “Lobster, a taste of the ocean 🦞”
- “Lobster, a flavor like no other 🦞”
- “Lobster, the perfect combination of taste and texture 🦞”
- “Lobster, a little piece of heaven 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate foodie experience 🦞”
- “Lobster, the perfect way to add some luxury to your life 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate comfort food 🦞”
- “Lobster, the king of the sea 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate taste sensation 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate indulgence for seafood lovers 🦞”
- “Lobster, a taste of the ocean’s finest 🦞”
- “Lobster, the perfect balance of taste and luxury 🦞”
- “Lobster, the perfect way to treat yourself 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate seafood experience 🦞”
- “Lobster, the perfect way to add a little luxury to your life 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate flavor explosion 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate seafood indulgence 🦞”
- “Lobster, the perfect way to upgrade your dining experience 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate seafood treat 🦞”
- “Lobster, a little piece of the ocean’s finest 🦞”
- “Lobster, the perfect way to add a touch of luxury to your meal 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate dining experience 🦞”
- “Lobster, the perfect way to add some extravagance to your life 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate taste of the ocean 🦞”
- “Lobster, the perfect way to add a little luxury to your day 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate seafood delight 🦞”
- “Lobster, the perfect way to elevate your dining experience 🦞”
- “Lobster, the ultimate seafood sensation 🦞”
- “Lobster, the perfect way to add a touch of extravagance to your meal 🦞”.
6 Tips For Creating A Great lobster Instagram Caption
Use Our Caption Generator
Use our free AI-powered Instagram caption generator to generate thousands of lobster caption ideas for free. Enter keywords that relate to your photo or video to get relevant suggestions.
Keep it relevant and engaging:
A great Instagram caption should be related to the content of the photo or video you are posting. It should spark interest and engage your audience by providing context, telling a story, or adding a personal touch. Use emojis, humor, or questions to make your captions more engaging and relatable.
Use proper grammar and punctuation:
Although Instagram is an informal platform, using proper grammar and punctuation will make your captions easier to read and understand. Make sure to proofread your captions before posting to avoid any errors that may confuse or annoy your followers.
Keep it concise:
A lengthy caption can be overwhelming and may cause your followers to lose interest. Keep your captions short, sweet, and to the point, while still conveying your message effectively. You can use line breaks to separate longer thoughts or ideas, making your caption more visually appealing and easier to read.
Include a call-to-action (CTA):
Encourage your followers to engage with your content by including a CTA in your caption. This can be anything from asking a question, inviting them to share their thoughts, or directing them to a link in your bio. CTAs help increase engagement on your post and create a sense of community among your followers.
Use relevant hashtags:
Hashtags are a great way to increase the visibility of your post and reach a wider audience. Research popular and relevant hashtags for your niche and include them in your caption or as a separate comment. Be careful not to overuse hashtags, as too many can appear spammy and detract from your message. Stick to 5-10 relevant hashtags to strike the right balance.
Still not quite sure how to pick a caption? Here are the most common questions we get asked about caption.
So we hope you found your catchy Instagram caption with the help of our guide and Instagram lobster caption generator.