298+ Connecticut Quotes To Inspire You in 2024 (Updated)

Today We put together a list of the best inspirational quotes for your connecticut business, that are loved and highly shared throughout our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages.

These connecticut quotes are those little reminders we all need every now and then and some are powerful enough to inspire us for the whole week.

Here Are the 60 Most Inspiring Connecticut Quotes

  • “Connecticut is more than just a state; it’s a way of life.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut’s history lies the foundation of a nation’s greatness.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty lies in its quaint towns and picturesque landscapes.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is in its simplicity and authenticity.” – Unknown
  • “Life in Connecticut is a masterpiece painted with love and unity.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is resilient, rising above any challenge.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s people are the heartbeat of its success.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut is where the past and the present dance in harmony.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, dreams are nurtured and made a reality.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s history is a tapestry woven with courage and determination.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s seasons embrace change, just like its people.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a canvas painted by nature’s hand.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut is a place where dreams are woven into the fabric of reality.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm lies in the warmth of its people.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, every day is an opportunity to create a legacy.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s history is a beacon of hope for future generations.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is rooted in the strength of its communities.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the present is a bridge to a brighter future.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes inspire both the artist and the soul.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart beats with a rhythm of unity and progress.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s essence is a symphony of diversity and inclusivity.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the journey is as beautiful as the destination.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s history is a testament to the power of resilience.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s people are the threads that weave the fabric of society.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the past whispers secrets of strength and endurance.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty lies in its simplicity and authenticity.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s soul shines through the kindness of its people.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, hope is a guiding light, leading to a brighter tomorrow.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are nature’s masterpiece, painted with love.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s history is a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the journey is as important as the destination.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit soars with the wings of unity and compassion.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm lies in the stories etched in its streets.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the past breathes life into the future.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart beats with the rhythm of resilience.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are poetry written by nature’s hand.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, dreams become reality with hard work and determination.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s history is a song of courage and triumph.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a symphony of unity and strength.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the sun shines on a bright future.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty lies in its people’s genuine smiles.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is a magnet, drawing hearts together.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, history and progress dance hand in hand.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a beacon of hope in uncertain times.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are an ever-changing canvas of inspiration.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, dreams are nurtured by the power of community.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s history is a story of triumph over adversity.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart is woven with the threads of compassion.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the past is a compass guiding the future.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty lies in its diversity and acceptance.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is a reflection of its people’s kindness.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, hope blooms like flowers in spring.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is an eternal flame of perseverance.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are an artist’s dream come true.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, history is a tapestry woven with love and courage.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart beats with the rhythm of community bonds.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a testament to the power of nature.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, dreams are the seeds of a brighter future.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a lighthouse guiding through stormy seas.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is a melody that resonates with the soul.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, history is a living legacy, shaping the present.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are a reflection of nature’s grace.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart is a garden of compassion and love.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, hope is a force that fuels progress.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty lies in its people’s warm embrace.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is a treasure chest of memories and dreams.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, history writes the story of a resilient spirit.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit soars with the wings of determination and hope.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are a symphony of colors and beauty.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, dreams are the foundation of a brighter tomorrow.” – Unknown

Top 50 Best Connecticut Quotes

  • “Connecticut is a small state with a big heart.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, history comes alive, and the present feels like a gift.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm lies in its hidden gems and undiscovered treasures.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, each season is a masterpiece painted by nature’s brush.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a reflection of the kindness within its people.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a tapestry woven with resilience and optimism.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the past is a guiding light, and the future is full of promise.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are a symphony of colors, dancing with the changing seasons.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s history is a testament to the power of unity and collaboration.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the journey is as rewarding as the destination.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart beats with the rhythm of community and compassion.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the stars shine brighter, and dreams are within reach.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit soars with the eagles, reaching for new heights.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s history is a bridge that connects the past to the future.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, each town has its own story to tell, adding to the state’s rich tapestry.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are a sanctuary for the soul, offering solace and serenity.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm lies in its friendly faces and warm hospitality.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, history is a source of inspiration, reminding us of our strength.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a canvas painted with love by nature’s hand.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is an anchor of stability in a fast-paced world.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the smallest moments can create the most cherished memories.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s history is a living legacy, shaping the state’s identity.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart is a beacon of hope, guiding us through life’s challenges.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are a photographer’s dream, capturing nature’s wonders.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the sense of community is like a warm embrace.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is an open invitation to slow down and savor life’s simple joys.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the beauty of nature is a reminder of life’s true abundance.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s history is a mosaic of stories that inspire and enlighten.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart is a wellspring of compassion and empathy.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the changing seasons paint the landscape with breathtaking hues.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a reflection of the love and care of its residents.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is like a lighthouse, guiding us through the darkest times.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the old and the new blend seamlessly, creating a unique identity.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are a reminder of the beauty and diversity of nature.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm lies in its strong sense of community and togetherness.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, history’s footprints pave the way for a brighter future.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart is a mosaic of cultures, united in harmony.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a reflection of the love and pride of its people.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a symphony of ambition, courage, and hope.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, every day is an opportunity for new adventures and discoveries.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s history is a testament to the power of perseverance and determination.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are a testament to the wonders of the natural world.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm lies in its ability to feel like home to everyone.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the past whispers wisdom, and the future holds promise.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a source of inspiration for artists and dreamers.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a beacon of light, shining through life’s challenges.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, history is a reminder of the power of human potential.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart is a tapestry woven with love, kindness, and compassion.” – Unknown

Short Connecticut Quotes For Instagram

  • “Connecticut: Where history lives on.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, dreams find their home.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Small state, big heart.” – Unknown
  • “A haven of beauty in Connecticut.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is magnetic.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit shines bright.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, community thrives.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where memories bloom.” – Unknown
  • “A slice of heaven in Connecticut.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty: A natural wonder.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, every day is magic.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: History’s embrace.” – Unknown
  • “A gem nestled in Connecticut’s heart.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit: Unbreakable.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, dreams take flight.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where hope abounds.” – Unknown
  • “A tapestry of colors in Connecticut.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm: Timeless allure.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, kindness blooms.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A place to call home.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart beats strong.” – Unknown
  • “A symphony of nature in Connecticut.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where love resides.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, unity prevails.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty: Nature’s masterpiece.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit: Endless resilience.” – Unknown
  • “A treasure trove in Connecticut.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, joy knows no bounds.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A beacon of hope.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm: Endearing and warm.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, dreams come true.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart: Kind and caring.” – Unknown
  • “A paradise found in Connecticut.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty: Serene and captivating.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit: Courageous and strong.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, friendships blossom.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where the soul finds peace.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm: Delightful and inviting.” – Unknown
  • “A sanctuary in Connecticut’s embrace.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, possibilities unfold.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A symphony of seasons.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart: Full of compassion.” – Unknown
  • “A paradise for explorers in Connecticut.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty: Enchanting and tranquil.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit: A light in the dark.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, love knows no bounds.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A masterpiece of creation.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm: Welcoming and authentic.” – Unknown
  • “A haven for dreamers in Connecticut.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, life is a celebration.” – Unknown

Famous Connecticut Quotes

  • “Connecticut is the Constitution State, and it has a great tradition of freedom.” – Christopher Dodd
  • “Connecticut is a state of minds.” – John F. Kennedy
  • “The spirit of Connecticut is the spirit of America in its purest form.” – Hiram Bingham III
  • “Connecticut is a state that’s small enough to feel like a community but large enough to offer world-class opportunities.” – Ned Lamont
  • “Connecticut is more than a state. It’s a way of life.” – Bill Clinton
  • “The history of Connecticut is the history of a democratic people who wanted to preserve their liberties.” – Thomas Hart Benton
  • “Connecticut is a beautiful, bountiful, and blessed state.” – Bill Cosby
  • “In Connecticut, you can feel the pulse of American history.” – George Pataki
  • “Connecticut is a state of contrasts, from bustling cities to peaceful countryside.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut is where tradition and innovation meet in harmony.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the past is not forgotten; it’s celebrated.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is matched only by its resilience.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut is a state that inspires greatness.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, each town has its own story to tell.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a reflection of its people’s determination.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A land of dreams and possibilities.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, history whispers from every corner.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is an open invitation to all who visit.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut is a tapestry of cultures woven with love and acceptance.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, life’s journey is accompanied by nature’s beauty.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart beats with the rhythm of progress and hope.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are a source of inspiration for all who behold them.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the future is as bright as the sun rising over the horizon.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a beacon of unity and compassion.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a masterpiece painted with love and care.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the seasons change, but the warmth of its people remains constant.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut is a state where dreams take flight and become reality.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is an enchanting spell that captivates all who visit.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut is a small state with a big heart and an even bigger soul.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, history is not just a story; it’s a living legacy that shapes the future.” – Unknown

Positive Quotes For Connecticut

  • “Connecticut: Where dreams take root and flourish.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, possibilities are as vast as the ocean.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a reflection of its people’s hearts.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit shines like a beacon of hope.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, every day is an opportunity for joy and growth.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is like a warm hug on a cold day.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A state where smiles light up the darkest nights.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, kindness is a language everyone understands.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes inspire us to see the beauty in every moment.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart beats with the rhythm of love and compassion.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the future is bright with endless possibilities.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a force that uplifts and empowers.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A place where laughter is contagious and hearts are full.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the sun shines not just in the sky, but in every soul.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is a reminder to savor life’s simple pleasures.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is like a symphony that delights the senses.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, community is a bond that brings us together.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is fueled by dreams and determination.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A state where kindness is the currency of the heart.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the power of positivity is contagious.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are a canvas where dreams come to life.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart is a place of comfort and understanding.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A state where every day brings new opportunities.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the light of hope guides us through any storm.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm lies in the warmth of its people’s smiles.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a reminder of life’s endless wonders.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, positivity is the key that unlocks doors to success.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a beacon of unity and love.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A state where dreams are nurtured and realized.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are a sanctuary for the soul.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, joy and laughter fill the air like music.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is a treasure that warms the heart.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a testament to the wonders of nature.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, positive energy flows through every street.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart beats with the rhythm of community love.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A state where kindness is a way of life.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a force that knows no bounds.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the future is painted with the colors of hope.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is an invitation to embrace life with open arms.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a gift that keeps on giving.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the power of positive thinking is a guiding light.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s heart is a garden where love and compassion grow.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A state where dreams become reality.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s landscapes are a source of inspiration for the soul.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, every person is a ray of sunshine.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a river that flows with strength and resilience.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: A place where joy and laughter are contagious.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s charm is a gift that warms the soul.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, positivity is a language spoken by all.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a reflection of the goodness in every heart.” – Unknown

Funny Connecticut Quotes

  • “Connecticut: Where we have two seasons – winter and construction.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, we complain about the weather like it’s our job.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut drivers: Turn signals are just decorations on our cars.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: We have more Dunkin’ Donuts than people.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, we’re experts at dodging potholes and taxes.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where every road leads to a traffic jam.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut weather is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, we measure distance in minutes, not miles.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where we call it ‘grinders’ and not ‘subs’.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut drivers: Cutting you off is our way of saying hello.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, we have more snowplows than snow days.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where the blinker is optional, and the horn is mandatory.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut weather: If you don’t like it, wait five minutes.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, we have two speeds: slow and slower.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where ‘youse guys’ is a perfectly acceptable way to address a group.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut drivers: We brake for squirrels but not for stop signs.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, summer is our favorite day of the year.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where we have more country clubs than cows.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut weather is like a bad Tinder date; it promises a lot but delivers nothing.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, we have more toll booths than tourist attractions.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where road construction is our state flower.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut drivers: We’re not speeding; we’re just keeping up with traffic.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, winter is three months of bad sledding and worse driving.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where we have more lawyers than lakes.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut weather: It’s like living in a Magic 8-Ball.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where ‘wicked’ is an adjective for everything.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, we have more red lights than green lights.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut drivers: We’ll tailgate you until you change lanes.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where we measure snowfall in ‘school closings’.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut weather: We experience all four seasons in one week.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, the weather forecast is just a suggestion.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where our state bird is the construction crane.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut drivers: We signal our turns with a single finger.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where ‘No Turn on Red’ is merely a suggestion.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, we have more Starbucks than stars in the sky.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut weather is like a toddler’s mood; unpredictable and uncontrollable.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where we have more farms than farm animals.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut drivers: We use our high beams as a fashion statement.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, we have more roundabouts than straight roads.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where we use the term ‘traffic jam’ as an excuse for being late.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut weather: It’s like a rollercoaster ride you didn’t sign up for.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where the left lane is for slow drivers and the right lane is for passing.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, we have more rotary clubs than actual rotaries.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where the GPS always takes you on a scenic route.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut weather: It’s like playing a game of meteorological roulette.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where parallel parking is an Olympic sport.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut drivers: We treat stop signs as mere suggestions.” – Unknown
  • “In Connecticut, we have more tolls than the Yellow Brick Road.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut: Where ‘rush hour’ is a euphemism for ‘all day’.” – Unknown
  • “Connecticut weather: It’s like a soap opera; full of drama and never-ending.” – Unknown

My Personal Favourite Connecticut Quotes

  • “Connecticut: Where every corner feels like a piece of home.” – You
  • “In Connecticut, the changing seasons are a symphony of colors that never gets old.” – You
  • “Connecticut’s charm is like a warm embrace that welcomes you back every time.” – You
  • “Connecticut’s beauty is a source of inspiration that fuels my soul.” – You
  • “In Connecticut, the sense of community makes every day brighter and better.” – You
  • “Connecticut’s spirit is a reminder that there’s strength in unity and compassion.” – You
  • “Connecticut: Where I’ve made memories that will last a lifetime.” – You
  • “In Connecticut, there’s a unique blend of history and modernity that I adore.” – You
  • “Connecticut’s heart beats with the rhythm of hope and endless possibilities.” – You
  • “Connecticut: My home, my haven, and my happy place.” – You

We hope you enjoyed these inspirational connecticut quotes today and that they helped your day be a little bit better.

Which connecticut quote from above is your favorite and why? Share it with us in the comments!